KI Channel Flashcards
The KI channel connects with?
- the LU
- the HT
- the LV
- the UB
The source pt of the KI channel is
The luo-connecting point of the KI channel is
The xi-cleft point of the KI channel is
The xi-cleft point of the Yin Wei channel is
The xi-cleft point of the Yin qiao channel is
The yin-spring pt of the KI channel is
KI 2
The front-mu pt of the KI channel is
GB 25
KI 2 is located in the depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the bone.
KI 5 is located 1 cun directly below
KI 3
Ki 9 is located at the lower end of the belly of muscle
KI 10 is located between the tendons of m. and m.
semi tendinosis; semimembranosus
The KI channel crosses with Du
The KI regular channel terminates at the root of the tongue
The KI divergent channel connects with the root of the tongue.
The KI muscle channel connect with the genital region
KI 17 is located 0.5 cun lateral to Ren 9
The distance between the Ren channel and KI channel on the chest is 2 cun
KI 3 treats the problems of bones, marrow, ear and eyes.
KI 23 should be needled perpendicularly 1 inch
KI 1 should be needled with a thick and long needle
F (.3-.5 cun; if exceed the depth “ it scatters the spirit”)
The KI channel starts at the inferior aspect of the
5th toe
The KI divergent channel crosses with the ________ channel at the level of T7
the KI divergent channel belongs to the ______
KI 7 relates to the element______
KI 11 is located 0.5 cun lateral to
Ren 2
___ is located 0.5 cun lateral to Ren 12
KI 19
KI 23 is located in the __intercostals space
KI __is located in the depression on the lower border of the clavicle
KI 11 to 21 are the crossing pts of KI and __ channels
KI 13 may be needled perpendicularly
0.5 cun
The deep needling on right KI 21 may puncture __organ
Write the deficient symptom of the KI luo-connecting channel.
lower back pain
This is a major pt to tonify the KI yin. It is the confluent point of the Yin qiao channel. It treats the
throat, eye, urinary and gynecology problems.
KI 6
This is a major pt to tonify the KI yang. It treats edema and controls sweating
KI 7
This pt descends excess form the head. It helps to extinguish LV wind and restore consciousness
KI 1
This is the source pt of the KI channel. It treats any kind of KI deficiency
KI 3
This point is located on the ankle. It treats acute conditions of the urinary system
KI 5
This point is located medial to UB 40. It treats damp-heat in the lower jiao.
KI 10
KI 1 treats:
yong quan
- unconsciousness due to LV wind
- severe anxiety due to HT/KI miscommunication
- throat problems due to yin def.
- bring qi down–use for excess - subdue yang
- clear head/mind
KI 3 treats:
Tan xi
- deafness, tinnitus due to KI def.
- cough and wheezing due to KI/Lu disharmony
- lower back pain due to KI yang def.
- menstrual problems due to KI essence def.
- benefits essence (male/female)
KI 7 treats
Fiu Liu
frequently used to tonify KD-warming-so mostly used for yang deficiency (Chinese use for yin too)
- edema due to KI yang def.
- night sweating due to KI yin def.
- regulate sweating (promote/stop)
- cystitis due to damp-heat
- strengthens lower back
KI 9 treats:
xi-cleft Yin Wei channel
Treats Heart!! (physical + shen)
mania –depression due to phlegm-heat harassing the mind-madness-mental restlessness
KI 14 treats:
- qi stagnation
- blood stagnation
- water stagnation
- food stagnation
crossing points w/ Chong
KI 11-21
5 shu points
1 (jing well), 2 (spring), 3 (stream) , 7(river) , 10 (sea)
wood, fire, earth, metal, water
Xi-cleft points
xi-cleft KI5
xi-cleft yin Qiao KI8
xi-cleft yin Wei KI9
confluent point of Yin Qiao channel
Back shu point
KI 1 location
bottom of foot, in depression at plantar flexion (junction 1/3 w/ 2/3 of foot)
KI 2 location
anterior, inferior to medial malleolus in depression of lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone
KI 3 location
depression between medial malleolus and tendo calcaneus
KI 4 location
.5 posterior to line between KI 3 and KI 5; medial to attachment of tendo calcaneus
KI 5 location
1 cun below KI 3
KI 6 location
1 cun below medial malleolus
KI 7 Location
2 cun above KI 3
KI 8 location
.5 anterior to KI 7
KI 9 location
5 cun above KI 3, at lower belly of gastrocnemius muscle
KI 10 location
medial side of popliteal fossa between semitendinosus and semimembranosus tendons
K 11 location
superior border of symphysis pubis
K 16 location
.5 lateral to umbilicus, even w/ ren 8
K 17 location
2 cun superior to KI 16, .5 lateral to ren 10
KI 19 location
.5 lateral to ren 12
KI 21 location
.5 lateral to ren 14
KI 2 treats:
cooling PT
good for PT w/ deficient heat*
- clears def heat, cools blood
- combine w/ LU 10 (for def LU heat)
HT6 (for HT def heat) - Plantar fasciitis
- inside/outside leg muscle/eye problems
- one foot hot, one foot cold
KI 4 treats
LUO connecting point w UB
- strengthens back
- good for relationship betw KI and LU (feel depressed, weak, unhappy when relationship bad)
- strong effect on stabilizing emotions
KI 5 treats:
xi-cleft pt
- acute, severe, painful conditions
- UTI, cystitis
- Stop bleeding (KD 5+UB 63)
- promotes blood circulation
KI 6 treats:
Zhao hai
frequently used pt- nourishing, cooling, tonifying yin
moistens KD yin
uses for very dry PT and when needs to clear heat.
1. famous for gyno issues*
2. moistens eyes, diseases of eye
3. regulates lower jiao
4. calms mind/insomnia (w/ HT7)
KI 8 treats:
Xi cleft yin qiao channel (stop bleeding)
k7 tonifying; k8 moving
- resolves obstruction- abdominal pain
- removes masses/resolves pain
- clears heat, drains damp-genitals/testicles/itching
- adjusts menstruation
- stops uterine bleeding
KI 10 treats
Yin Gu
He-sea point (always clear damp heat) like SP9/LV8
- diarrhea
- Urinary issues
- impotence
- infertility
- leucorrhea
- local point for knee pain
- fasciitis
K 11 treats
crossing w/ Chong
reproductive point for men and women
- spermatorrhea
- impotence
- seminal emission
- pain of genitals
- prolapse rectum
- pain of genitals
- redness of eye originating at inner canthus
KI 13 treats
Qi Xue
important point for infertility
powerful for KD = KD essence
- tonifies essence
2.regulates chong and ren=reproductive issues
running piglette qi - incessant diarrhea***
KI 14 treats:
stagnation of abdomen
blood, food, qi, H2o
KI 16 treats
Tonifies KI and benefits HT- best for comunication betw upper and lower Jiao
KI 17 treats
digestive issues
KI 18 treats
lower jiao
pain in uterus
next to Ren 12- on top of stomach-therefore ST problems
KI Luo connecting channel excess and deficiency
Excess: enuresis. irritability, depression
deficiency: low back pain
UB luo connecting point excess and deficiency
Excess: nasal congestion, headache, back pain
deficiency: clear nasal discharge, nose bleeding
named points
KI 1 yong quan jing well, wood
KI 3 Tan xi shu stream, source point
KI 6 zhao hai confluent pt of yang Chiao ch, frequ
used pt, tonify yin/moisturize
KI 7 fiu liu jing-river, metal, tonufy yang, sweating
KI 10 yin que He-sea, water, damp heat
KI 13 Qi xue reproduction, ren+cho regulator