Liver Channel Flashcards
Liver Channel
Foot Jueyin LV channel
Primary channel
starts from dorsal hairy region of great toe
upward along dorsum of foot
passing thru LV 4 - 1 cun in front of menial malleolus
ascends and at 8 cun above medial malleolus it runs across and behind SP channel
runs further up to medial side of knee and along medial aspect of the thigh to the pubic hair region
turns upward and curves around ST to enter LV and connects w/ GB
passes thru diaphragm- branching out on costal and hypochondriac region
ascends posterior aspect of throat to nasopharynx and connects to eye system
upward and emerging from forehead and meets Du channel at vertex
Branch of primary channel arising from eye sytem
runs down to cheek
curves around the inner surface of the lips
Primary channel branch arising from LV
runs into the LU
links with LU channel
crosses SP channel
@ SP 6- crosses with all 3 ying channels of foot
Divergent channel
derives from foot- converges w/ GB regular channel @ pubic area
derives from thigh-converges w/ LV divergent channel @ pelvic region
up and into lower abdomen
between lower ribs
connects w/ GB
spreads thru LV
up across HT
up across esophagus
disperses in face
to eye- rejoins GB regular ch at outer canthus
LV Luo-connecting channel
separates from LV 5
one branch connects w/ GB channel
another proceeds up to genitals
Excess: colic, swelling of testicles
Deficiency: itching in the public region
Luo -connecting point
LV 5
excess: colic, swelling of testicles
deficiency: itching in pubic region
LV muscle channel
originates on dorsum of big toe
knots anterior to internal malleolus
runs up medial side of tibia
knots at lower, medial aspect of knee
runs along medial aspect of thigh to the genital region, where converges w/ muscle regions
Patho Sxs of LV muscle ch
strain of big toe
pain anterior to medial malleolus
pain medial aspect of knee
sprain and pain of medial aspect of thigh
dysfunction of genitals: impotence d/t internal injury
retraction of genitals d/t injury by cold
persistent erection d/t injury by heat
Front Mu
Qi Men (cyclic gate)
LV 14
crossing of LV/SP/Yin Wei
Back shu
UB 18
Source PT
LV 3
Luo connecting PT
Li Gou (gourd ditch)
LV 5
XI cleft PT
LV 6
Jing well
LV 1
Ying spring
LV 2
Shu stream
Tai Chong (bigger rushing)
LV 3
Jing river
LV 4
He sea
Qu Quan (spring and bend)
LV 8
Shu PTs
LV 1 jing well
LV 2 ying spring
LV3 Shu-stream
LV 4 Jing river
LV 8 He-sea
Front mu of SP
LV 13
influential Pt of zang organs
crossing Pt of LV/GB
LV 1
Jing well/wood (used to be in hairy region of big toe)
lateral aspect of Big toe
.1 cun from corner of nail
Perp or oblique proximally .1-.2 or prick to bleed
- restores consciousness
- depression, crying, fear of ghosts, nocturea (moxa)
- acute sudden pain- stronger than Xi -cleft
- marked action on lower jiao: dysmenorrhea, ectopic pregnancy (go to ER), UTI, cystitis, erectile dysfunction, itchy groin, vaginal d/c, painful urination
- shan ( hernia, pain in lower abd, swelling) disorder, - treat opposite side from pain:
- Qi stag
- cold in LV channel
- damp-heat
- traumatic injury
LV 2
Ying-spring/fire/sedation- cooling if PT has fire
dorsum of foot between 1st and 2nd toe
proximal to the margin of the web
.5- 1 cun obliq towards heel or perp .5- .8
- descends (rebellious) LV qi: LV qi stag in LU
- descends LV fire: head, emotion, lower jiao
- cools blood/stops bleeding
- benefits lower jiao
LV 3
Tai Chong (great rushing)
source point, shu-stream/earth, Ma Da Yang heavenly star
Famous w/ LI4= 4 gates
dorsum of foot
in depression distal to junction of of 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones
needle in direction of KI 1 .5- 1.5 cun
- subdues LV yang, expells wind and calms spasms
- smooths flow of LV qi and calms mind- headache
- clears eyes
LV 4
jing-river/metal (LU problems)
Famous for lumbar pain
1 cun anterior to medial malleolus mid betw SP 5 and ST 41
in depression on medial side of tendon of m. tibialis anterior
perp .3-.5 or obliqu medially to SP 5 or Lat to ST 41
- promotes smooth flow of LV qi in lower burner: reproduction (ejaculation for men, menstruation for women), genitals, urination
- LV channel stag heat: green compaexion, low grade fever, malaria, jaundice
- lumbar pain, sinews, no pleasure eating
LV 5
Li Gou (woodworm canal- comes from sensation of itching)
Luo connecting point (goes to genitals)
major point to treat genital region/problems from LV QI stag: pain before urination, UTI, cystitis, hypochondriac distention,itching, swelling
5 cun above tip of medial malleolus
medial aspect and near medial border of tibia
perp .5- 1 cun
- promotes smooth flow of LV qi
- Plum pit qi
- damp- heat lower jiao
- low back inflexibility
LV 6
Xi-cleft- acute: stop pain esp back, d-h, LV Qi stag
7 cun above tip of medial malleolus
medial aspect and near medial border of tibia
perp .5- 1 cun , obliq proximally 1-2 cun
- promote smooth flow qi: stops pain
- treats bleeding: uterine
- drains damp
Local point for knee disorder (along w/ KI 10. SP 9)
posterior and inferior to medial condyle of tibia
in upper portion of the medial head of m. gastrocnemius
1 cun posterior to SP 9
perp 1-2 cun
- sdispels w-d, benefits knee to relax sinew
LV 8
Qu Quan (spring and bend)
He-sea pt/ water point/ tonification (LV bld/yin/uterus)
flex knee
in depression above medial end of transverse popliteal crease
posterior to medial epicondyle of femur
anterior part of insertion of m. semitendinosus and m. semimembranosus
perp or sl posterior insert1-1.5 cun
- resolves dampness from lower jiao/ bladder/genitals
- diarrhea w/ food particles
- reproduction- damp heat uterine prolapse
LV 9
4 cun above medial epicondyle of femur
betw m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius
perp or obliq 1-2 cun
- adjusts menstruation and regulates lower jiao
- knee pain- always check when pt has knee pain
LV 10, 11, 12
Not frequently used
LV 10
Foot five miles-leg pain
3 cun directly below ST 30
lateral border of m. adductor longus
perp or obliq .5-1.5 cun
LV 11
local point for uterus, inner thigh pain
2 cun directly below ST 30
lateral border of m. adductor longus
perp or obliq .5- 1.5
LV 12
genital problems/hip pain (w/ 10, 11) related to genitals/groin
inferior and lateral to pubic spine
2.5 cin lateral to Ren ch
at inguinal groove, medial to femoral vein
lateral and inferior to ST 30
tranverse or obliq insertion medially or laterally .5-1 cun
LV 13
Front-mu of SP, influential Pt of Zang organs, crossing pt of LV/GB
lateral side of abdomen
below free end of 11th floating rib
transverse or obliq medially or laterally .5-1 cun
avoid deep perp insertion (LV/SP)
- LV Qi stag attacking SP/ST
- Sxs on abdomen or hypochondriac or gastric
- SP dampness- emotional issues from LV Qi Stag
LV 14
Qi Men (cyclic gate)
Front-mu of LV, Pt of Yin Wei channel. crossing Pt pf LV/SP
local Pt for LV organ, LV Qi stag causing N/V, cools blood, disperses masses
Directly below nipple
6th intercostal space
obliq medial or lateral insert .3-.5
avoid deep insertion (LU/LV)
Fx of LV organ
A. Stores blood
B. maintains free flow of Qi
- emotional activity
- digestion
- Qi and Blood flow
C. Controlling tendons and manifesting in the nails
- nourishes tendons
- affects conditions of nails
D. opening into the eyes
Animal is OX
Pathology of LV organ
A. LV Qi Stag
B. LV Blood stag
C. LV fire
D. LV yang rising
E. LV wind
- LV yang turning into wind
- extreme heat stirring wind
- def of blood producing wind
F. Retention of cold in LV channel
G. LB blood deficiency
H. LV yin Deficiency
I. Damp-heat in the LV and GB
Fx of LV channel
resolving distention and pain d/t LV Qi Stag
assisting descent of ST and LU Qi and ascent of SP qi
pacifying interior wind and uprising of yang
cooling LV fire
benefiting the eyes
treating dysfunction of genitals
regulating menstruation and cycle
treating Shan disorder
treating disorders of urination
treating lumbar pain
treating psycho-emotional disorders from LV blood def, LV qi Stag, LV fire (all of wc may disturb ethereal soul and spirit)
Named points
LV 3 Tai Chong (bigger rushing)
LV 5 Li Gou (gourd ditch)
LV 8 Qu Quan (spring and bend)
LV 14 Qi Men (cyclic gate)
Femoral artery
femoral nerve
femoral vein