Pericardium channel Flashcards
Pericardium channel is known as?
Hand Jueyin Channel
runs between HT and LU channels
Is the meridian of the Heart!
begins at chest
same Fx as HT: govern blood, houses mind
PC Channel indications
Treats excess-not much tonification
strong connection w/ mdle Jiao- esp ST (opposites on clock)
Disorders of heart: bld stag, phlegm stag, cyanosis
disorders of spirit: Phlegm misting mind; phlegm fire harassing mind, HT fire
Diseases of the chest (HT/LU)/HT organ-bld/phlegm stag, palpitations, cardiac pain, radiates to shoulder, cyanosis, lips/nails/limbs, spon sweating.
upper/mdle jiao: LV QI stag
midle jiao: especially stomach
lateral costal region (LV pain)
febrile diseases :
Ying stage: fever at night, dry mouth w/ no desire to drink, insomnia, mental restlessness, aphasia, spots on skin, come
Blood stage: high fever, skin eruptions, vomit blood, epistaxis, blood in stool, urine, manic behavior
Carpel tunnel/pain in axilla, musculoskeletal along meridian
animal is dog
pathway of primary channel
Originates in chest
goes down thru three successive burners
a branch goes up across chest to nipple and out at axillary
down arm to tip of middle finger
PC Luo-connecting channel
begins PC 6, ascends along PC regular channel- connects w/ heart.
Excess: chest pain
Deficiency: Irritability, stiffness and pain in head and neck, occipital neck pain
PC Muscle channel
Starts tip of mdle finger (Opposite primary ch)- runs w/ LU muscle channel
knots medial side of elbow
knots axillary
enters chest
knots diaphragm
disperses over anterior/posterior aspect of ribs
Front mu
Ren 17
Back Shu
UB 14
5 Shu points
PC 9 Jing Well
PC 8 Ying Spring
PC 7 Shu stream
PC 5 Jing River
PC 3 He- Sea
Most Used Point
PC 6
XI cleft
PC 4
Named points
PC 8 lao gong
PC 7 da ling
PC 6 nei guan (most used)
PC 5 jian shi
PC 3 qu ze
PC 1
Crossing point of LV/GB
Window of the Sky Point (usually in neck. 1 of 2 not on neck (LU3 is the other))
organ: LU
muscle: pec
4th intercostal space of ribs
lateral thoracic artery
anterior thoracic nerve
Fx: PC 1
meeting if Jueyin channels: PC & LV/GB
window of sky point
Chest (distention/pain, unbinding, nodules, xform phlegm)
breasts (abscesses, insufficient lactation
Rebellious Qi (cough, wheezing, head ache)
Invigorates blood/opens channel (inability to raise arm, pain)
Fx: PC 2
2 cun below axillary=top of HT so treats HT problems
unbinds chest
invigorates blood-relieves pain (HT disorders, Palps, chest pain)
musc/skel shoulder issues (back, shoulder, scapula, arm)
bone: humerus
muscle: biceps brachii
brachial artery/vein
median nerve
Fx: PC 3
Qu Ze
He-Sea point
water point
Caution: brachial artery and vein
Pacifies ST: nausea vomiting
Cooling: cools blood/expels fire poison=maj pt for summer heat (w/ UB40)
stops convulsions, opens orifices for wind invasion (w/ UB14 +bloodletting)
calms mind/stress/anxiety d/t heat-fire
moves blood/dispels stasis due to heat
bone: humerus
muscle: biceps brachii
brachial artery/vein
median nerve
Fx: PC 4
Xi -cleft (acute, severe, painful probs)
Best point for severe chest pain or tachycardium, palpitations/severe HT issues
chest pain d/t blood stasis
calms HT/regulates rhythm
strengthens mind
cools blood/stops bleeding
bones: radius and ulna
between tendons of flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
radial and ulnar artery
median nerve
Fx: PC 5
Jian Shi
jing river point
metal point
meeting of 3 yin channels of the arm: LU/HT/PC crossing
Phlegm: Physical and mental
removes phlegm in upper jiao-esp heart
mental illness
plum pit goiter, scrofula of neck, drooling
opens chest
regulates ST
clears HT fire/poor memory
Regulates menstruation
treats change in voice- loss of voice
bones: radius and ulna
between tendons of flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
radial and ulnar artery
median nerve
Fx: PC 6
Nei Guan
most popular
harmonizes HT
connecting point- opening of yin Wei channel (extraordinary ch; connects to HT)
any chest problems: palpitations, pounding, stuffiness
regulates HT qi and blood
calms mind- powerful for sleep disorders
harmonizes ST esp from LV qi stag: nausea, vomiting, morning/sea/car sickness
regulates Jueyin: indirect action on the LV (w/ LU9, HT7=budda’s triangle)
clears heat
treats luo-connecting ch of PC
clears triple burner: stiffness, pain of head and neck (after hysterectomy)
bones: radius and ulna
between tendons of flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
radial and ulnar artery
median nerve
Fx: PC 7
Da Ling
Source Pt
shu stream Pt
earth Pt
sedation Pt
ghost Pt
cooling/better than 6 for heat
Carpal tunnel (do not use thick needle-tendons close together)
all the other stuff: ST, Clearing heat, unbinding chest
bones: radius and ulna
between tendons of flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
radial and ulnar artery
median nerve
Fx: PC 8
Lao Gong
fire Pt
ghost Pt
Clears Ht Fire: Ulcers on tongue/mouth
bones: metacarpals phalanges
tendons of flexor digitorum
adductor pollicis
common palmar digital artery
median nerve
cooling Pts
PC 3, 7, 8
etiology of mouth ulcers/foul breath
HT fire
SP/ST smoldering heat
KI/HT yin def
SP qi def w/ heat
blood def w/ dry heat
KI yang def
PC 8 good with all patterns
Fx: PC 9
jingwell pt
wood pt
tonification pt (theoretically bec of 5 element theory but d/n tonify too much)
restore consciousness
blood letting -HTN
directly connected to HT
clears HT and benefits tongue: stiffness, night time crying of children
clears summer-heat
bones: metacarpals phalanges
tendons of flexor digitorum
adductor pollicis
common palmar digital artery
median nerve
Etiology of HT and Chest Pain
HT qi and yang def
accumulation of cold
accumulation of phlegm
blood stasis
LV qi stag
traumatic injury
nerve in arm
median nerve
lower arm muscles
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris Longus
Governs the blood
houses mind
same as heart. protects heart- cannot let evils into heart
Ghost Points
7, 8
Heat stroke PTs
PC3, UB40
Divergent channel
6th confluence
- Separates from primary channel at the arm 3 cun below axillary
- enters chest and goes down to all three jiaos
- one branch ascends up throat and emerges behind ear to connect w/ san jiao channel
Window of the Sky Points
PC 1 (not on neck)
LU 3 (not on neck)
ST 9
UB 10
SJ 16
DU 16
SI 17
Ren 22
Best Pts for problems w/ tongue
8, 9
tendons of all Pts of lower arm
Palmaris longus
flexor carpi radialis
needle depths
PC1 .2-.4 oblique
PC2, PC3 .5-.7
PC4, PC5 .5-1
PC6 .5-.8
PC7, PC 8 .3-.5
PC 9 prick to bleed
Blood stasis Pts
PC3 d/t chronic blood heat
PC4 severe chest pain d/t stasis of HT blood
Summer -heat PTs
PC3 (bloodlet w/ UB 14 or PC 9)
Summary special characteristics Each Pt
PC1= chest, breasts, rebellious qi
PC2= sits atop HT: Ht problems, Musculoskeletal issues (arm, chest, shoulder)
PC3= Heat stroke w/ UB40, late stage heat invasion, Blood let w/ UB14
PC4= acute chest pain d/t stasis of HT bld, calms/cools bld to stop bleeding
PC5=Phlegm internal/mental
PC6= most popular; harmonizes HT
PC7= carpal tunnel
PC8= Clears HT fire, mouth/tongue ulcers
PC9= bleed for HTN, tongue issues, summer-heat w/PC3, consciousness
source point
PC 7