Sampling Methods Flashcards
Opportunity sampling
Simply choosing ppts who are available at the time of rsch. They are not chosen due to specific characteristics e.g. Age, gender etc.
Snowball sampling
Used for ppt observations where the Rschr wishes to become part of the group. The Rschr gains trust of one group member who then gradually introduces them to more and more members of that group
Systematic sampling
A system whereby a list of people is reviewed and every nth person is selected e.g. Every 5th person from a work register
Quota/Stratified sampling
Divide sample into subcategories to represent the amount of people they reflect within the target population e.g. In a population of 100 where there are 60 males and 40 females, a sample of 10 would ci what of 6 males and 4 females
Random sampling
Every member of the target population has an equal chance of being chosen. A list of everyone in target population is needed and then a unbiased/random method of choosing sample is used e.g. Picking names from a hat.
A sampling technique that solely relies on people who choose to respond to requests from the environment e.g. an advertisement in a newspaper
Opportunity strengths
Quick and convenient easy to find ppts as they are readily available therefore it takes Rschrs less time to find a sample and begin their rsch
Opportunity weakness
It doesn’t produce a representative sample be rsch is only being drawn from a small area at a particular time and place
Self-selected/volunteer strength
Ppts are willing to take part in rsch therefore they take the rsch more seriously which may help to avoid extraneous variables such as tiredness or boredom
Self-selected/volunteer weakness
Volunteer bias may occur as only certain types of people may respond to these adverts e.g usually well-educated and confident people therefore the sample is not representative of the target population
Systematic strengths
Potentially unbiased as Rschrs are using an objective system therefore thoughts and feelings of the Rschr will not interfere with the sample chosen
Systemic weakness
It may still be biased because there may be more boys represented tha girls or vice versa when the target population may be the opposite
Random strength
Largely unbiased as all member of target population have an equal chance of being chosen therefore a certain type of person is less likely to be chosen which potentially prevents rsch findings being confounded
Random weakness
It is time consuming gathering the ppts’ names and then randomly selecting them. There is also no guarantee results will be representative of the as the same type of person may be chosen
Quota/stratified strength
More representative than other methods and less biased because the sample is proportionate to the target population
Quota/stratified weakness
Very time consuming and complex and ppts in subgroups may still be unrepresentative as
Snowball strength
Easy for the Rschr to carry out in the sense that they only need to find one person to start their sample off and gaining the rest of the sample is not up to them
Snowball weakness
Extremely time consuming can take a long time to gain trust and infiltrate the group