Gender Bias Flashcards
Discuss the nature and extent of gender bias in psychology with reference to psychological knowledge and research findings.
What year was Horney’s study?
What year was Kohlberg’s study?
What year was Baron-Cohen’s study?
What year was Boverman’s study?
What year was Ford and Widiger’s study?
What year was Gilligan’s study?
Outline Horney’s (1926) study.
Believed theory of penis envy represented male bias
Women wouldn’t have wanted penis at time women envied male social status not physical attributes
Coined term womb envy- males resent they cannot bare children
Overcompensate in other areas
Outline Gilligan’s (1982) theory.
Men and women reason differently about moral issues
Males concerned with justice females concerned with caring and relationships
Developed her own theory of moral development involving caring and considering feelings
Responding to Kohlberg’s rsch (had his support)
Gilligan stated Kohlberg’s findings arose bc of his method of measurement based on make perspective of morality
Show women to be inferior
Gilligan’s rsch highlights the differences that arise between gender from early development
Girls- morality of care- early bonding with mother- emotional warmth
Boys- relate to justice- early separation from mother- to become masculine
Outline Baron-Cohen’s (2003) study.
Female brain hard wired to empathise
Male brain hard wired to understand & build systems
Every make and female has a specific brain type
Female brain-empathising stronger than systemising (E)
Male brain-systemising stronger than empathising (S)
Balanced brain- both qualities equally as strong (B)
What did Maccoby and Jacklin discover?
There are differences between the genders but only four genuine ones: Males more physically aggressive Males have better visuo-spatial ability Males are better at problem solving Females have better verbal skills
Outline Freud’s theory.
Femininity failed masculinity
Genders never were nor would they ever be equal
Women’s morality inferior to men- lacked penis- caused jealousy (penis envy)
Could not experience Oedipus complex- superego underdeveloped
Outline Kohlberg’s (1976) study.
Developed set of moral dilemmas
To explain why people make moral decisions
Dilemmas based on principles of justice
Reasonable way to judge morality
Ppts all American males
Used answers to set up theory of moral development
Claimed theory could be applied to all humans
Assuming females would respond in the same was males did
Females less morally developed than males
Androcentric and ethnocentric
Outline Weissma’s findings.
Some evidence for hormone contribution Cannot explain huge differences between genders
Outline Boverman’s (1970) study.
Found healthcare professionals used different adj to describe normal males and females
Outline Ford and Widiger’s (1989) study.
Gave HCP scenarios to diagnose
Same case- male 15% misdiagnosed with anti-social personality disorder
Females 42% misdiagnosed