What is exfoliative cytology?
Cells on tissue surface are collected via a smear test/swab and placed in a tube. The debris and mucus is filtered out using a vacuum membrane
What is a fine needle aspiration?
A needle is inserted into tissues and removed (commonly tumour lesions)
What is a curetagg
Scraping of tissue cells, but to collect tissue fragments not individual cells
What is fixation?
Preserves the tissue in a real life state
Drawbacks of fixation?
Acute toxicity and possible carcinogen
What does haemotoxylin stain?
Stains basophilic cells, and is negatively charged (blue stain)
What does Eosin stain?
Acidophilic cells and positively charged (red)
What does Alcian blue stain?
Stains glycoproteins, used to in colon tissues
What does PAS stain?
Stains glycogen, used in liver tissues
What does DPAS stain?
Stains mucins, using stomach tissue
What does reticulin test?
Connective tissue in the liver
What does perls stain?
Haemochromatosis with liver