Sample questions Midterm 1 Flashcards
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis disease
Good pasture syndrome
type II hypersensitivity
Dilated tortuous medium sized vein
Varicose vein
Chronic bronchitis pathology
Mucous gland hyperplasia and goblet cell metaplasia
lobar pneumonia with neutrophils and gram+ cocci
Streptococcus pneumonia
Cardiac layer affected by acute rheumatic fever
MCC congestive cardiomyopathy in middle age men
Empyema is
pus in pleural cavity
main manifestation of acute rheumatic fever on the endocardium layer of heart
Mitral stenosis
Landau von hippel Disease is
cavernous hemangioma of large cavernous blood spaces of cerebellum
Main complication of bronchiectasis
lung abscess
male with myocarditis for long time, other complications include
congestive cardiomyopathy
most common form of berry aneurysm
subarachnoid hemorrhage
Most common complication of MI in first 6 hours of attack
no change 0-4hrs. 4-6hrs CK and CKMB elevated
Microscopic pathological change in lung due to pulmonary embolism
coagulative necrosis
Risk factor for atherosclerosis
Endarteritis obliterans is associated with
syphillitic aneurysm
pericarditis due to rheumatic fever is usually manifested by
fibrinous adhesion of visceral and parietal pericardium
One of the minor jones criteria
increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate
variant angina characterized by
chest pain at rest
Kaposi’s sarcoma is
vascular tumor and usually is very aggressive in AIDs patient
Asbestos can cause
mesothelioma of pleura
atypical walking pneumonia caused by
mycoplasma pneumonia
lobar pneumonia is manifested by
non patchy consolidation of lung
main pahtoogical change of secondary pulmonary TB infection
milliary ceseating spread to lung
3 month cough, hx of cough for several years, smoker since age 16, rhonci and wheezes present
chronic bronchitis
most common type of bronchial asthma in children
Clinical manifestation of pulmonary infarction
shallow, rapid, breathing
Lesion in active primary TB
Ghon Focus in upper part of lower lobes with active disease
histoplasmosis of lung is manifested by
non cosseting granuloma on acute attack
Premature infant dies after birth after developing ARDS. Autopsy reveals collapsed lung. which condition
deficiency of pulmonary surfactant
Most severe complication of thromboplebitis
pulmonary infarction
most common manifestation of myxoma of heart is
valve obstruction
male with MI hx has pan systolic murmur indication anterior mitral valve damage. which artery supplies this portion of heart
left descending inter ventricular coronary artery
most common predisposing factor leading to ARDS
most common cause of CAD
most common type of lung cancer
rheumatic fever in youth leads to this chronic disease later in life
mitral valve stenosis
most common cause of myocarditis in US
cocksackie B virus
Monckebergs medial calcific sclerosis damages
tunica media
joint pain in acute rheumatic fever is due to
migratory arthritis with no residual effects
atherosclerotic atheroma originates in which arterial layer
endothelium of tunica intima
temporal arteritis is
chronic granulomatous inflammation of medium sized arteries
most common factor for dissecting aneurysm formation
transmural myocardial infarction affects
all 3 layers of heart- Endo, myo, peri
Non bacterial thrombosis caused by tumors
marantic endocarditis
aschoff bodies are found in
myocarditis in rheumatic fever
abnormal arterial dilation
berry aneurysm
Staph aureus in IV drug users=
acute bacterial endocarditis
most common type of congenital heart disease
ventricular septal defect
Vasculitis in children following upper respiratory infection purport in lower extremities and polyarthritis are characteristics of
henoch Schönlein purpura
feature of Buergers Disease
it is inflammatory vasculitis of medium sized arteries of extremities of young smoker males
Most common location for syphyllic aneurysm
ascending portion of aorta and arch of aorta
Cough, fever, foul smelling sputum, bronchial dilation and pus filled lumen
Strep aureus
transposition of great vessels of heart is
cyanotic congenital heart disease
major jones criteria for rheumatic heart fever
erythema marginatum
which disease is best example of cyanotic congenital heart disease
atrial septal defect
type of lung reaction to inhalation of coal dust
primary lung cancer with ectopic hormone
small cell carcinoma
main lab finding of pulmonary embolism in ABG