Ch 1 dx of blood vessels Flashcards
(5) risk factors for atherosclerosis
- hyperlioidemia LDLs
- Hypertension
- Smoking
- DM
- Obesity
Which layer is atherosclerosis located in
tunica intima (where the plaque builds up)
but there is pressure on the media - causes degeneration
1 atherosclerosis dx killer of americans
coronary art dx
Name the two types of arteriosclerosis
- hyaline
2. hyperplasma
common location of hyaline arteriolosclerosis
renal art.
(2) dx ass with hyaline arteriolosclerosis
_____ arteriolosclerosis is caused by severe hypertension
hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
What layer of the art. does hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis affect
thickening of the tunica intima
_____ arteriolosclerosis has concentric narrowing (from the outside in)
hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
_______: has ring like Ca+ within the tunica media
moncheberg medial calcific sclerosis
pop affected by moncheberg medial calcific sclerosis
(m) 50+
____: abnormal dilation of any vessel
____ is the most common form of aneurysm
atherosclerotic aneyrysm
Common location of a atherosclerotic aneurysm
abd. aorta below the renal art.
-far from vasa vasorum
___ aneurysm is asymptomatic
atherosclerotic aneurysm
_____ aneurysm appears as a weaken arch of the aorta
syphilitic aneurysm
syphilitic aneurysm has ______ of vasa vasorum at arch of aorta
endarteritis obliterans
will have the clinical appearance of aortic regurgitation
___ aneurysm is a dilation at the bifurcation of the cerebral vessels
berry aneurysm
___ aneurysm affects young/ mid age adults bc of a congenital lack of internal elastic membrane
bery aneurysm
(2) common locations of the berry aneurysm
ant. communicating art.
anterior cerebral art.
berry aneurysms are ass with ____ dx
polycystic dx
before the rupture of a berry aneurysm the pt will have a ____
severe occipital HA
–> rupture leads to subarachnoid bleeding
____: formation of fibrofatty plaques in the tunica intima of large art
____ aneurysm is from severe uncontrolled hypertension for a long time –> defect in the aortic wall
dissecting aneurysm
cause of a dissecting aneurysm
“____” is caused by hypertension making a tear of the aortic valve and blood accum. into the media (dissecting aneurysm)
double barrel aorta
a dissecting aneurysm most common location is ____
ascending aorta
***cc: _____: necrotizing immune vasculitis that occurs in the kidney, heart, and GI tract. BUT NOT THE LUNGS
polyartheritis dodosa (PAN)
What triad is seen in wegener’s granulomatosis
necrotizing granuloma vasculitis in the Respiratory tract
focal necrotizing vasculitis
Renal dx
What triad is seen in henoch-schonlein purpura (hypersentivity vasculitis)
- purpura
- ecchymosis
- petichae
What triad is seen in churg-strauss(hypersentivity vasculitis)
peripheral eosinophilia
**Incidence of thromboangitis obliterans
young/ mid age smokers (w/ HLA) –> remission when they quite smoking
What arterial cc do you see raynaud phenomenon in ?
thromboangitis obliterans
Leading cause of aquired heart dx
kawasaki’s dx
primary cause (2) of varicose v’s
valvular incompetence
fam fx
cc___: red streak to lymph nodes, throbbing pn
acute lymphangitis
cc_____ is sometimes seen after a mastectomy
***#1 killer in the USA
***atherosclerosis is fibrofatty plaque in the ___
tunica intima
aorta, carotid, iliac, and coronary art.
***(2) risk factors of atherosclerosis
incr serum LDL
***cc: ____: affects medium and small arteries and is characterized by ring like calcifications within the tunica media
Monckeberg’s medial calcific sclerosis
***______: weakening of the arch of the aorta with tertiary syphyillis
syphylitic aneurysm
***____: localized dilation of an artery located at the bifurcations of cerebral vessels (circle of willis)
berry aneurysm
*** (2) clinical findings of berry aneurysm
severe occipital HA
Subarachnoid bleeding
***MC predisposing factor for dissecting aneurysm
_____ arteriolsclerosis: hyaline that deposits and theickens in the vessel wall and narrows the lumen
Location: ___
location: renal art
_____ arteriolsclerosis: caused by severe hypertension
Location: tunica intima of the kidenys, intestines, and adrenals
cc____- this condition DOESN’T have narrowing and infl of the art.
Moncheberg’s Medial Ca+ sclerosis
cc____: Masses of Uncapsulated capillaries in organs,
skin, mm of lips and oral cavities
(bright red & blue)
capillary hemangioma (B)
cc___: large cavernous blood spaces , Red/blue, spongy tumor , elevated
cavernous hemangioma (B)
***Lindau-Von Hippel dx is ass. with ____ (B)
cavernous hemangioma
most common area for a cavernous hemangioma to occur
name/ define 2 vascular ectasis
- spider telangiectasias: dilation of central art and surrounded by radiating cap – pregos/ liver cirrhosis
- Nuvus Flammus : birth mark that fades
cc___ (M): arises from endothelium
small red nodules → anaplastic large gray white soft spots
angiosarcoma (M)
***vascular (M) tumor that is ass with AIDs
Kaposi’s sarcoma
*** MCC of death with ppl who have a dissecting aneurysm
cardiac tamonade