Sample Collection Flashcards
How much Shield should I add to my _____ sample?
For whole blood samples, I would recommend adding a 3:1 ratio of 1X DNA/RNA Shield to whole blood.
What is the difference between 1X and 2X DNA/RNA Shield?
Is DNA/RNA Shield a lysis buffer?
DNA/RNA Shield is lytic
Is DNA/RNA Shield compatible with ____ kit?
DNA/RNA Shield is compatible with most guanidine based kits. DNA/RNA Shield is not compatible with the Qiagen “Power” kits.
What is the difference between the -E and non -E catalog numbers?
Any catalog number that ends with -E is CE-IVD marked for diagnostic use (mainly required in Europe). If you do not need CE-IVD markings or are research use only, the non -E version is sufficient.
Do I need to remove Shield before extraction?
No, Shield does not need to be removed before extraction. Since Shield is lytic, the nucleic acid will be free in the solution, so removing Shield can lead to reduced yields
How should I dispose of Shield? Do I need to use gloves? Does it need to be used in a hood? …
DNA/RNA Shield can be disposed of similar to any guanidine based reagents. Please see the SDS available on the website and consult your institution’s environmental health and safety office for waste disposal information.
How long is DNA/RNA stable at room temperature?
DNA is stable for at least 2 years at RT and RNA is stable for 1 month. At lower temperature (
What is the expiration date for Shield?
I noticed some white precipitate in my Shield bottle. Is this normal?
Some components of the reagent (or sample) may have precipitated out of solution during the freeze-thaw process. Once the sample is thawed to ambient temperature, vortex the sample to bring precipitate back into solution. Furthermore, try heating samples in hand or 37°C for 5 minutes and vortex
Can I FACS sort directly in Shield?
Yes, sort directly into DNA/RNA Shield (e.g. Collect 100 ul of FACS sorted cells into minimally 400 ul of DNA/RNA Shield).
Can Shield be used on already extracted nucleic acid?
Yes, extracted nucleic acids are stabilized in DNA/RNA Shield. Prior to downstream applications, clean-up the sample via the appropriate Zymo Research clean-up kit (Genomic DNA Clean and Concentrator (gDCC), DNA Clean and Concentrator (DCC), and RNA Clean and Concentrator (RCC)).
Can I store urine in DNA/RNA Shield?
Yes, but we would recommend our Urine Conditioning Buffer instead to minimize high sample volumes
Do I need to homogenize my tissue when storing in Shield?
No, tissues do not need homogenization
What is the difference between SafeCollect tubes and regular collection tubes?
Can I order a large volume of DNA/RNA Shield reagent?
Yes, we can provide custom fills for DNA/RNA Shield
Are your collection tubes sterile?
No, our collection tubes are not certified sterile, but they are manufactured under clean conditions and should be free of any contaminants
Which lysis tubes should I use for _____ sample type?
For tissue and insects - ZR Bashing Bead Lysis Tubes (2mm)
For microbial lysis - ZR Bashing Bead Lysis Tubes (0.1 & 0.5mm)
For pathogen from tissues and insects - ZR Bashing Bead Lysis Tubes (0.1 & 2mm)
How do I use Proteinase K with a sample in Shield?
In general, our protocol calls for 2-3% Proteinase K (20 mg/mL) in a DNA/RNA Shield sample. For temperature, I would recommend not going over 55C.
If your tissue is homogenized in Shield, you can incubate it for about 30 minutes. If your tissue is whole, you would need to incubate it for a couple hours, up to overnight at room temperature.