Sample Calls Flashcards
Two miles south of Fairfax Point, the Seafoam is a 27 foot Bayliner, white with an orange stripe. It hit a log and is taking on water. 4 people are on board, no dinghy but all wearing pfd’s. Simulate the distress call.
Mayday Mayday Mayday
This is Seafoam, Seafoam, Seafoam.
Mayday Seafoam
Position, 2 miles south of Fairfax Point
Have struck a log and taking on water rapidly.
Two Seven foot Bayliner, white with orange stripe.
4 people on board, no injuries
Preparing to abandon ship with PFD”s, No Dinghy
Seadog wishes to ensure the Queen of Nanaimo sees him/her.
Queen of Nanaimo, This is Seadog, Channel 11, Over
Queen of Nanaimo, Seadog
I am a blue kayak travelling alone
Just confirming that you have me in sight just east of Canoe Rock and I am not in your path, Over
I will stay in position until you pass, Over
Queen of Nanaimo, This is Seadog, Out
VHF channel for weather and navigational safety messages.
VHF channel for Distress, Urgency and Calling.
VHF channel for Marinas.
VHF channel for Communications with Canadian Coast Guard.
VHF channel for Communications with USA Coast Guard.
VHF channel for intership general communications, esp. USA.
VHF channel used as an alternate calling channel.
VHF channel and Mode, plus WX alternative for continuous weather.
21B U, WX8
VHF channel for Victoria Vessel Traffic services.
VHF channel for Vancouver harbour.
The vessel MorningStar has struck a reef at the southwest side of Bowen Island. It is taking on water and sinking. Three people are on board. Vessel is a 26 foot Bayliner white with brown trim. The vessel has no dinghy although it carries PFD’s for all persons on board.
This is
MAY day
Position southwest of Bowen Island
Have struck a reef, taking on water, sinking
Vessel is a 26 foot Bayliner white with brown trim
Three persons on board preparing to abandon ship
No dinghy persons aboard are wearing lifejackets
A couple of common working channels include:
26 and 68
To make a DSC distress call:
Lift protective cover and press red distress button for five seconds
Make a voice distress call on channel 16 (Mayday)
To make a DSC urgency call:
Select urgency (All Ships) button Select channel 16 as default channel Press enter key Wait briefly for other vessels to switch to channel 16 Continue with the Pan Pan message
Making a routine DSC call:
Select the MMSI or select a station from the directory
Select the desired working channel
Press enter key
How to make a safety call using DSC:
Select select safety (All Ships) button
Select channel 06 as default channel
Press enter key
Wait briefly for other vessels to switch to channel 06
On channel 06 transmit the Securite message
Acknowledging a distress call on DSC:
Mute the alarm. And note the MMSI, position, time, and nature of distress
What do you do if a coast station does not acknowledge the distress call?
Within two minutes attempt to contact the vessel in distress on channel 16
What do you do if the coast station has not acknowledged?
Attempt to contact the coast station on channel 16.
Responding to an All ships DSC call:
Mute the alarms and respond to receipt of an all ships alert by switching to the channel specified by the station which initiated the all ships call
Answering a routine DSC call:
Mute the alarm and an acknowledgment will be sent digitally to the station initiating the call, and if the radio does not automatically change to the requested working channel do so manually and proceed with the call