Salvation Week 1 Flashcards
soteriology; from σωτηρια (sōteria) = salvation
what is this that we study in ST3?
- the application of salvation..
- what Christ did on the cross now becomes activated in our life.. it is a subjective work…
Systematic Theology II covers the
accomplishment of salvation; under the doctrine of Christology, we treat the work of Christ in providing atonement for our sins (what Christ did on the cross to accomplish our salvation, this being his objective work)
Systematic Theology III covers the
application of salvation; under the doctrine of salvation, we treat the appropriation of the work of Christ on our behalf (what Christ did on the cross to accomplish our salvation now becomes activated in our life in a subjective work)
God has grace to both unbelievers and believers - grace he bestows on all people;
-not mundane, but not saving grace
Common Grace
What is the definition of common grace?
the grace of God by which he gives people in-numerous blessings that are not part of the application of salvation
comparison of common grace and saving grace
CG - not for salvation; doesn’t result in saving race
SG - for salvation; does result in salvation
comparison of common grace and saving grace
CG - for believers and unbelievers
SG - for believers only
where else do we see common grace ?
- creation in the image of God
- physical realm
- intellectual realm
- moral realm
- creative realm
- societal realm
- spiritual realm
areas of CG
1. creation in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-31; mandate fulfillment in Gen. 4)
*the fact that all people are created in the image of God
let “us” make man in “our” own image
1. procreation: v 28 - multiply the earth (procreation - majority of human beings will be married and have children)
it’s who we are
2. vocation: working - to build the society/civilization genesis 4.. being a part of society, getting married.. all apart of God’s plan and building civilizations.. according to the design of God
areas of CG
2. physical realm
- Matthew 5:44-45; Acts 14:16-17 (cf. Psalm 145:9, 15-16)
- God is the providential provider - blessing to believers and unbelievers
- Sun rises and falls on all people
- Sometimes unbelievers are blessed physically because of believers.. Pottier (the Egyptian officer) was blessed on account of Joseph - the goodness and count in the created order.. fruit of common grace
areas of CG
3. intellectual realm
despite depravity, people can still use their minds to construct things… science and technology.. given incredible intellectual realm
areas of CG
4. moral realm
- restrains people from being as evil as they could possibly be
- gives people a moral consensus - basic moral principles written on all people’s hearts.. this is wrong don’t do it, this is right do do it…
- this sense of uncleanliness
- the more we sin, the more we become callous of the sin
- the conscious applauds when we do right - true for believers and unbelievers
areas of CG
5. Creative realm
artistic areas - sculpting, painting, music, athletes
God’s common grace on creative genius and beauty - fruit of CG
areas of CG
- Societal realm
- Spiritual realm
- Societal realm
- structures/organizations that flow from God’s plan- marriages/family
- government - all been est. by God
reciprocal relationship of common grace and saving grace
Common grace influences and enriches the church - which is the recipient of saving grace
- materials for your church building, musical equipment, medical technology.. fruit of God’s common grace
- saving grace brings blessing to unbelievers who live near the church
- Billy Graham - church use to be known by integ
4 reasons for common grace
- part of the process leading up to salvation
Ephesians 2:4 - Paul describes God’s goodness to unbelievers - it may overwhelm them, designed to prompt you to obedience; they become so overwhelmed by God’s goodness leads them to say i must know this Lord
Roman 2:4 - displays God’s goodness and kindness
Luke 6:35 - demonstrates God’s justice - just in condemning people because they have experienced God’s common grace
Romans 2:5 - God is glorified - image bearers give gory to God when they exercise dominion of creation, build civilization, use their intellectual abilities, use their artistic abilities.. they do not know they are doing this, but they are… he is glorified when image bearers who are created in His image when they do what God created them to do
What should our response to common grace be?
- do not reject, but appreciate the good things that unbelievers do
- Billy - gay guy he talks to in the pool - be thankful for common grace in unbelievers lives…
appreciate it
-be thankful for your iphone.. build probably by an unbeliever
-be thankful for your government
-be thankful for buildings and bridges built by unbelievers
What is the definition of election?
“an act of God before creation in which he chooses some people to be saved, not on account of any foreseen merit in them, but only because of his Sovereign good pleasure”
definition of election encompasses..
- from eternity past
- in his grace, not because of any merit - it is unconditional
- not even bases on God’s foreknowledge
- because of GOd’s sovereign good pleasrue
What is foreordination?
- all of God’s will, what he decrees, what he plans/purposes*
- creation of the universe, salvation of people, irruption of mount st. helena, and hurricane kartina
What is predestination?
- some people fore eternal life and some people for eternal death - specifically related to salvation - election & reprobation*
What is election?
God’s choice of some people for eternal life - specifically related to salvation, but only one aspect
Scriptural teaching on election
Ephesians 1:3-14
list of the mighty acts of God he has done in our lives
- election - he chose us
- predestines us for adoption - predestined for adoption and sons and daughters
- redemption - forgiveness of sins; purchasing us out of slavery through the blood of Christ
- makes known to us the mystery of His will - experience the blessing of God - we know that God wins
- inheritance - we are sons and daughters - heirs as family members
- sealed us with the Holy Spirit
Scriptural teaching on election
Ephesians 1:3-14
Who is the mediator?
IN CHRIST - all of these blessings come to us through Christ
Scriptural teaching on election
Ephesians 1:3-14
How should we live because of these verse?
- people of praise
2. people of holy, loving, blameless lives
Scriptural teaching on election
Ephesians 1:3-14
- On what basis does God act to us in these ways?
- What is the proper human response to these blessings of God?
- he is a gracious God
- this is God’s purpose - he wants to
v 13 - TRUST - believe the gospel
Salvation: Election
scripture 1-5
- 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 - Paul says that he knows that God chose the people of Thessaclanicha because of their positive result to the good news/ because they believed; you know that you are elected by God/ chosen by God because of our belief in the gospel - in would not occur if we were not
- 1 Peter 1:1-2 - Paul affirms that believers are chosen by God; God’s election and foreknowledge/will go hand and hand
- Romans 11:5-7 - Paul says that there was only a remnant formerly.. in our days there is still a remnant of Israel - chosen by grace, not according to works
- Romans 8:28-33 - Paul rehearses God’s goodness in our life. Those whom God foreknew he chose. He was good to us in the past and in the present. Present time he is good to us in calling us. Future time he is good to us in he will bless us, come confirmed to the image of Jesus christ.
- Acts 13:48 - Paul turns to the gentiles.. they began rejoicing in the gospel.. those who had been chosen
Salvation: Election
scripture 6-10
- 2 Thessalonians 2:13 - Paul rejoices that they were chosen by God. in eternity past (through the Holy Spirit’s work - becomes actualized when the HS works in our lives)
- Revelation 13:7-8, 17:8 - John talks about earth dwellers.. their names are not written in the lambs book of life - if in the lambs book of life - names will no be blotted out
*John 17:2 -God the Father grants people to Jesus Christ
Father gives people to His Son. The Son achieves salvation for them.
*Acts 18:9-10 - God has elected/chosen his people in Corinth.. Paul stays there because God will protect him.
*Romans 9:23 - Vessels of mercy prepared beforehand, before creation for glory
“when” election took place?
- before the foundation of the world - eh 1:4
2. from all eternity 2 tim 1:9 - God saved us and called us to a holy calling
Arminian perspective
=conditional election - God’s election is based on something
major tenets of this position - Arminian perspective
- 2 Peter 3:9;1 Timothy 2:3-4 - God desires all people to be saved
- all people must be able to meet the conditions of salvation - conditions of being able to repent of their sins and trust Christ
- Prevenient Grace - given to all people - restores to ALL people to meet the conditions of salvation - all people have the opportunity to respond to the gospel
- Divine Foreknowledge of faith in Christ - election is based on God’s foreknowledge of those people who hear the good news will have faith in the gospel and will continue in it their entire life.. on that basis God chooses them
- Conditional Election - it is conditioned on God’s foreknowledge of what they will do when they hear the gospel and continue to do in their life
Reformed/Calvinist perspective
= Unconditional Election
Reformed/Calvinist perspective
major tenets of this position
- Divine Counsel - (Ephesians 1: 11) the purpose or plan of God for everything to work together - God has purposed eternally, including the election of some people for eternal life
- Election in Christ is according to the good pleasure and sovereign will of God
God was please to love you and give you His grace - Election is purposeful
live holy and blameless and live for the praise of His glorious grace - Special saving grace is given to the elect.
2 Tim 1:9
Saved because of God’s calling - So prevenient grace - given to all people the ability to meet the condition of salvation - not in scripture.
- Election as a divine decree from all eternity is actualized in space and time.
contrast the Arminian and Calvinist positions
what both believe?
- God creates all human beings equally in the image of God.
- God permits all people have fell in Adam.
Guilt before God - all equally sinfulness before God - God elects all whom he chooses to elect in Christ.
all IN CHRIST - no distinction between the mediator
only one Mediator - God elects all fallen image bearers whom he choses to elect in Christ.
explain conditional grace.. what is the distinguishing factor?
CONDITIONAL GRACE = God gives prevenient grace to all human beings created as image bearers and fallen into sin..
Ephesians 1:5, 11; 2 Timothy 1:9; Romans 11:5-6
No distinction in who gets prevenient grace - all get equal amount
What is the distinguishing factor between the believer and unbeliever?
-individual choice: it all rests on the choice of the human; ones choice is what their salvation depends on… one cooperates, one does not
-God knows who will and who will not
explain unconditional grace.. what is the distinguishing factor?
UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION = God out of his good will he chose who will save
What is the distinguishing factor between the believer and unbeliever?
God’s choice
arguments for unconditional election
- Election is based on God’s sovereign will and good pleasure - eph 1:5,11 - according to the purpose of God’s will - according to the riches of His grace, His purpose
- The depravity of human beings and inability of human beings that there is nothing good in them that good merit God’s favor.
every element of us in corrupted by sin - Prevenient grace is not taught in Scripture.
Psalm 59:10 - why do they teach this then? on latin translation is where this came from -latin vulgate & other scripture
God’s desire is for all to be saved verses - he doesn’t want anyone to not believe
God does all his good and holy will. No external conditions what God does. - Scripture does not demonstrates, nor election is based on anything human beings do/
not based on our will. jn 1:11-13, rom 9:15-16,
not based on peoples works eph 2:8-9 - grace, not works
not based on peoples choice jn 15:16 - we did not choose Christ, he chose us; jh 6:44 - only those who are drawn by god can come to Christ - not depend on our choice
election is
it seems that the idea of divine sovereignty demands unconditional election
Scripture demonstrates that neither
salvation in general, nor election in particular, is based on any condition in humanity; therefore, election must be unconditional
objections to the doctrine of election…..
- the doctrine denies that human beings have significant freedom, can make choice, can act in some way other than as robots, etc.; thus, the issue becomes that of divine sovereignty vs. human responsibility
2 deals here
- compatibilism
2. soft determinism