Holy Spirit Week 2 Flashcards
Jesus’ teaching on the Holy Spirit - John 14-16 teaches on the person of the HS - teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit
- Jesus was the original Comforter..
- HS takes the place of Jesus.. carrying out those responsibilities
- HS light, Your Word is truth jn 17:17
- Jesus = the Word = the HS of Truth
- Father & Son send the HS
- HS submissive to the Father & Son
Jesus’ teaching on the Holy Spirit - John 14-16 teaches on the person of the HS - teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit
-HS would teach the disciples all things
-HS bears witness to Jesus
-guides them in all of the truth - glorifies Jesus
-john 17 - concerning sin, judgement,
-Spirit will convict/prove people to be in the wrong, to underscore ones guiltiness to convince of error/sinfulness
HS will convince those hostile to God of their wrongness
-John is the gospel of belief -20:31 - purpose of which he has written - that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ - the Son of God.. that you may have life in his name - johns gospel is the gospel of belief - be rescued from our desperate situation
-john 3:18 don’t believe in Jesus already convicted
-don’t believe in Jesus = condemned
Holy Spirit will
convict the world that they are wrong.. show their self-righteousness.. show it its falseness of the worlds judgement so we come under the judgment of God
What do the Jews base their righteousness on?
- Jews base their righteousness on how much they’re in the temple; Jesus cleaned the temple
- Jews based their righteousness on falling the law of Moses
- Jews based their righteousness on keeping the sabbath and their regulations
Jesus the light - Spirit
takes over this role
Holy Spirit will convict world of their
false or worldly judgements john 7:24; 8:16
His judgement is
true; righteous; the worlds is screwed, wrong false, sinful
-the rule of this world is judged; all false judgment is ultimately connected to _____; John 8:44 -
Satan is a murder - nothing to do with the truth - no truth in him; lier- the ___________ - spurs forth destruction all world judgment comes from him; Satan already judged by the cross - so to is his false judgement
- follow him with their false judgment - his story with his legalist pastor - Zeke needed Jesus bc he's a loser and i don't because I'm good w God bc i go to church -
father of lies
other teachings
a. blasphemy against the Holy Spirit =
unusually malicious, willful rejection and slander against the Spirits work of attesting to Christ -
other teachings
john 3-7 regeneration by the Holy Spirit - water and the Spirit -
no water baptism, not physically, not the fluid in the amino sack
ezekiel. 36:25-27 - Jesus is picking up on this imagery - sprinkling to
cleanse us from sins - the giving of a new heart- placing the HS in believers - about giving us a new nature
one of the most important events of the history of the world - catechism event - apocalyptic imagery
Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21, 33)
Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21, 33) it is…
- it is the beginning of the fulfillment of OT prophesies (Joel, Obadiah)
- it is the beginning of the fulfillment of the words of John the Baptist - one coming who s fighter than I
- it is the beginning of the fulfillment Jesus’ own promises - the Spirit is with you but he will b in you - wait in the city till u receive the promise from the Father
- it is the inauguration and birthday of the church - new covenant made - prophecy made, Spirit descends, result is? church of Jesus Christ - throw a party - when church was born
- this event is covered with tangible miraculous signs - sound of a rushing roaring wind - astonished to find out whats going on
two things happened at the first pentecost?
- speaking in tongues - rehearse the mighty works of God in languages they’ve never heard; talking in languages they had never heard before - dramatic event - the crowd/ the disciples are amazed - disciples found themselves to be baptized with the HS - filled w the HS
- disciples were given dynamic power for ministry (boldness to preach the gospel ,courage to face persecution, dedication for holy living, spiritual gifts to serve Christ, love for one another -
every believer since pentecost has
not experience the unique historical moment of pentecost - but has the blessing of the HS - particular place particular time - in God’s outworking of salvation - marks the demise of the old covenant and the coming of the new covenant - never to be repeated again