salvation Flashcards
where in the bible and what did the fall do
in genesis three it shows humans free will causing sin against god
how are humans responsible for original sin
they are all related to adam and eve so all the the tendancy to disobey god
whats atonement
jesus sacrificing himself as a perfect being in order to give humans the chance for salvation
what is salvation
being reuinted with god in heaven
how can you achieve salvation
being charitable
follwoing gods laws
being faithful
why is the new testiment more reliable
jesus as a god updated the requirements in the new testiment and got rid of some old ideas like eye for an eye in place of agape
Jesus is the undisputed word of god
however it still holds god sent messages jesus upheld like the 10 commandments
ways to follow gods law for salvation non biblically
praying is answered by the guide the holy spirit
the pope was sent by god
conscience can be seen as god speaking
differnt denomination shave differnt godly answers to modern senarios
what book details the apocalyse and why is it questionable
the book of revealtion
has a lot of extreme and graphic images that seem very unlikely and moreso metaphors- the arthor was very angry about the persecution of roman christians at the time and many have been taking out that anger on the viewers by promising demise
what is parousia
jesus returning and judging everyone
bible quote for jesus telling angels of parousia
in 1:11 (anegl numbers) jesus tells them as hes ascending that hell be back
where does jesus tell the apostles of parousia in the bible
in john 14:1-3 he tells them he will come back to earth
why was parousia and the apocalypse such a big deal to the roman era
jesus told his followers at a sermon some would still be alive for the apocalypse so the need to better yourself was extreme
what parable explains salvation/ judgement
the goats and sheep, the sheep follow gods law and are kind and so earn salvation whilst the goats do not
what is persoanl judgement
judging as soon as death
whats the day of judgment
everyone whos ever lived is judged by god
how does st paul see ressurection
we sees it as corrolating with the belief of jesuses ressuection which is the most accepted christian agreement of faith
how does jesus describe heaven
his fathers house, god is constnalty present
how is hell desribed by christians, parabel
jesus sees it as worse than losing a limb
the parabel of lazerus said that materials ae not important in the afterlife as a poor man went to heaven and his rich bully stayed in hell
why do people disagree with the idea of hell
many christians think it contradicts benevolence and that you can atone your sins and join heavengod haas grace and forgivenmess like in the last son parable so why would he keep them out
many feel it may have been an ancient scare tactiic to keep beliefs
why is jesus the lamb of god
as god placed all of humanities sins from the fall on the cross with jesus so as the perfect person he was able to atone for the sins of humanity, he is a sacrificail lamb
whats grace
gods unconditional love- like agape
many chrsitains feel that deeds do not achieve us salvation but more faith will give us gods grace. its gods grace that gave us the opportunity through the atonement of jesus
contradicion of following gods laws and getting salvation through gods grace
st paul claims we both need to follow gods laws in the old and new testiment in order to get salvaton and also just have upmost faith in god as it is faith that gives us his benevolence, however it can be argued that we need to have faith and hence live a good life which we cannot do without the laws
importance of the holy spirit in salvation
he is the morality in our concience and is present in our prayer
hes the communication to the bibles authors for gods laws
spiritual vs phsyucial resurrection
some believe worthy souls will be resurrected whilst some see it as our whole body
what is purgatory
a state between eahven and hell where you can atone for your sins on earth by suffering for a short period and then being purified to heaven if youre not bad enough for eternal suffering
What are the books of law
- books in the Old Testament with instructions on how to live a just life
- this includes exodus genesis and numbers
Different views on biblical law
- evangelical Christian’s see it very literally
- many cofe members and less liturgical areas feel it should be adjusted to the modern world