christian relationships Flashcards
why would some christians not marry
its a personal rite of passage, some would rather dedicate their lives to the spread of agape, evangelising and teaching other communities
many important christians devote their life to god instead of marrying like jesus and all monks and nuns
why is family important
- to procreate is the main purpose of a Christian life- god instructs his creation to ‘go forth and multiply’
-it can raise the next generation of christians which means that gods message and the opportunity for salvation are passed down generationally
-means that children can grow and prosper in a home that is welcoming and supportive, breeding adults that emulate that same message - god is father and families should reflect gods parental care of humanity
ways adults can create a good family
-voting for a political group that has views alligning with their chrisitian values
-join and frequently attend church with children to immerse them in the message of god and so it will become a pattern that they should continue when they are an independant adult
-volanteer your family with local projects such as food banks, helping at church and even visiting those too ill to attend
-help other families and even adopt
uphold the vows of eternal love and respect
-baptise children
Anti equality view of husbands and wives
-St paul was for the mutual respect and fair treatment in a marriage, but felt that men and women had different duties and so do not need equality.
- genesis 2:18- eve is adams helper
- women pledge obedience in marriage
- ‘weaker vessel’ Peter
- eve submitted to sin before adam
Equality view of husbands and wives
-the bible is a lot older and we are not at a stage where women should have to submit to their husbands
- Jesus achnowleges women in the bible as equal to men in John 4:9- shows us god sees women and men as equal
modern view of husbands and wives bible quote reasoning
genesis 1;27- all people are made in gods image meaning there is no hierachy
biblical relations between parents and children
children are to respect their parents and treat them well as they are the superior opinion, however in return parents should be just and nurturing to their children- this is proverbs 23;22
honour your parents bible quote
one of the 10 commandments
why bible teaches marriage
-its a comittment which is more serious than naive and unbiblical flings
you can raise children which is helping to conitnue spreading gods image for many generations
-the drive for sex is inately human but can be directed to a good purpose as god intended
-this is a lifelong companionship and friendship which provides strength and humanity
why marriage is better than not
it is a more serious comittment which can break a cycle of meaningless flings
-fidelity, it means you cannot just leave when things get difficult which builds trust
god intended for a nuclear married family who birthed children post marriage
one of the sacrements and the 7th commadent- strengthens relationship w god
roman catholic/ orthodox ideals on marriage
-its a sacrement so its important to achieve gods grace and salvation upon death
- reflects christs love for us, should emulate that
- gods grace will help us remain faithful
CofE beliefs on marriage
- should be reflective of christs love- selfless and lifelong and sacrificial
- offers us the blessing of procreation as god intended
- correct place for sexual relations
- comfort in life by having a partner
main christian wedding events
vows- show committment
rings- materialise the promises from vows, the circular shape represents how love and comittment is eternal
prayers and hyms involve god in the relationship
in church- god is present and blessing them
significance of eve and adam in marriage
god made eve for adam as a wife which shows how humans recreating this by marriying is following the wishe of god
in some ways this is bad as it shows that women were made to serve men but others would claim it more shows the fact humans are not designed to be isolated
christian beliefs on adultry
jesus speaks about it on his sermon and claims that even mental adultry is a sin
in the parable of the lost son and through agape we are taught to above all be forgiving of wrongs so we have to asses if we can forgive
One of the Ten Commandments
reasons for divorce
affairs, changing of people over time, conflictingopinions on children, stress
why are divorce levels rising
the laws surrounding divorce in the last 50 years have become much lighter now there is no time restrcition nor blame needed to have a divorce so the idea of working through a conflict is less needed and people can again just back out
some people say its the way we have a lot more freedom in a changing society and the fact we can divorce more freely means people can leave when they wouldve just been unhappy
what does the bible say about divorce
- in the old testiment god says that he hates it however its said that a man can present his wife with a divorce if he is displeased with her
- jesus really does not like divorce and he has come to uphold and stricten laws from the oldtestiemnt. his views are a bit conflicting as he partially states that divorce is ok after adultry or unhappiness in marriage, but its clear he does not think people should remarry after
this is conflicting as through agape and the parable of the lost son he teaches unconditional forgiveness
why was sex a big thing in the old days
having sex outside of marriage was comdemable and could have you ostracised
if you got pregnant or an std especially outside of marriage you could be in immense trouble
pregnancy was a big deal as they were more risky
religion was a big deal
why is everyone more freaky now low-key
less people follow religion especially strict religion
virginity isnt a big deal
pro sex content is very normalised and commercialised
contraception is cheap
things like abortions and std testing are much more safe and accesible
results of more sex pre marriage
spread of diseases such as aids
mental and emotional harm as there is no connection between the two
more divorces
more non nuclear single parent families
positive christian ideas of sex
gods first blessing to humans was that they shoudlmultiply and fill the earth, so we are commanded to have sex to reproduce
it strengthens the connection between a couple and help them reach a new level of understanding
its a gift from god as we are made in his image so its a blessing to be able to spread his image across the earth
negative christian ideas on sex
-sex outside of marriage is condemmned over 30 times in the new testament
-we are all made in gods image an when sex is used for selfish purposes we are abusing a part of god
-without committment it is useless as there is no deeper bond to strengthen and no purpose of recreation wich is its intended idea
- Paul was celibate as are monks and priests as it is distracting to the service of living god
roman catholic ideas on sex
sex is important as it allows couples to form a deeper bond and understanding between one another helping them stay happy together, it is also important as it is what god commanded adam and eve to do in genesis upon creating them so its humans most primal job
egalitarianism vs complementarianism
egal- god created men and women equal and they deserve the same rights
compliment- they are both loved and respected but they do not have parralel purposes so are not equal
protestant and CofE ideas of contraception
in order to raise a moral chrstiain family that will spread the required christian message its important that the family is ready to have a child so contraception is good
roman catholic teaching on contraception
-unnatural contraception like condoms are sinful as they block the main purpose of sex which is reproducation, sex with no prospect of reproduction is just giving in to ones sex drive
-contreaceptives like the morning after pill and abortion is MURDER because its stopping something that is gods creation from growing
-it lets people prioritise sex over strengthening bonds
- they accept natural forms like sex at infertile times of the month
oposition to roman catholic ideas on contraception
its fairly unrealsitic and they need to be able to plan for their followers who will have sex
there is a bursting population currently that needs to be contained
How is family described by the Catholic Church
Original cell of life- CCC207
Roman Catholic ideas on divorce
- is not real or preferable
- only when the other member dies or an annulment has grounds
- offers marital support to push through hard relationship points
- they can grant a civil divorce but in the eyes of the church you are always married
- mark 10:11 states remarriage after divorce is equal to adultes
Protestant/ cofe ideas on divorce
- not desirable but sometimes necessary in a failed marriage
- couples should work hard to stay together and keep vows
- you can remarry is bishop consents
- Matthew says that you can be given a certificate of divorce
Methodist ideas on divorce
- parable of lost son and agape teach unconditional forgiveness
- you should be able to remarry
- soemtiems minister will disagree
Pro gay ideas in the church
- biblical teachings are of a particular time period and do not reflect modern ideas
- agape
- reformed, Unitarian and non conformist churches often will marry and accept same sex couples
- it’s unfair to refuse love simply because they cannot procreate the same
Anti gay ideas in church
- genesis 2 shows god making woman as the ideal partner for man
- genesis states man and woman should become ‘one flesh’ and conceive, many orthodox groups feel they don’t have the purpose of procreation so cannot be right
- god instructs people to go forth and multiply- goes against natural law
Civil partnership
- allowed for same sex couples since 2005
- same rights as marriage but not religious
- some less conformist Christian areas will carry out blessings for civil partnerships as it provides unity
Anti woman views in a church
- genesis 2 shows eve made as a helper for Adam rather than hee own person/ leader
- Jesuses 12 disciples were all men
- authority of church is a tradition that has always been passed through men
- traditional churches and catholics do not allow females in priest or high positions
Pro woman ideas in church
- bible was written in an outdated male dominated period
- both were created in gods image
- quakers and anglicans allow female ministers
- galatians states we are all one under Jesus
Mothers union
- group of volanteers/ Christian organisation
- campaigns in countries where families are affected by social injustice
- believe that family life is thé center of society (CCC2207) and in helping family you help society
Events of a Catholic wedding
- will become spiritually joined like in genesis 2:24 (one flesh)
- couples have to be baptised
- couples follow liturgical worship and bring bread and wine
- sacrement
Anglican/ cofe wedding ideas
- do not need to be baptised or Christianed
- church wedding is in the house of god
- vows bring blessings and cover all that is good and hoped
Non conformist religious wedding events
- couples write their own vows, gives them a personal connection with god
Churches on same sex marriage
- legalised in England in 2014
- anglicans/ cofe cannot carry out marriages but CAN be gay without backlash of the church
- catholics oppose completely as it does not focus on procreation and undermines gods intention
- epicostal/ non conformist churches teach god loves all regardless of gender and sexuality and so supports
Church ideas in roles of women in modern day
- armish communities have women take on domestic roles
- Catholic Church sees women as equal but value domestic women as highly as other careers
Embedded inequalities
Set up organisations that provide advantages for some by marginalising others
Christian femensist network
- ecumenical organisation providing a space for Christian femensits to support eachother