Islamic practices Flashcards
what are the five pillars of islam for sunni
followed mainly by sunni they believe they are the five duties all muslims should follow to maintain faith
What are the five pillars
whats shahadah
a consant way of declaring faith by repeating it daily
- first thing said to be a baby and the last thing said (aimed to be) before death
- way of converting to Islam
whats salah
obligatory 5x a day prayer for all who are able
- keeps communication with Allah
- encourages disapline
- keeps a comitment to a good and persoanl life
- sign of unity as all are praying at same time in the same direction
whats zakah
charitable giving, 2.5 of extra money to charity means your purified to allah and means they’re not greedy with their wealth
Encourages generosity and compassion
- used to: help poor, attract others to Islam, help debt and help the enslaved
whats sawm
fasting to show disipline and dedication to allah
- strengthens you spiritually
- gives appreciation
- gives empathy for the poor
- shared with all other Muslims
whats hajj
once a lifetime obligatory pilgrimage to makkah
which of the 5 pillars are in the 10 obligatory acts, which isnt
salah are all in
shahadah is not
what are the other six obligatory acts
what are the 10 obligatory acts for shia
they are what the shias beleive should be followed by a good muslim
whats jihad, lesser and greater
for all muslims sunni and shia its a struggle to keep beleif and faith toards islam
greater jihad is the persoanl struggle to maintain loyalty- incl following pillars of islam, forgiveness and studying the quaran
lesser jihad is the worldwide defense against enemies of islam who are persecuting Muslims- fighting should be minimal and only when necessary according to the quaran
whats khums
a 20% tax on any profit made by shias to be given to imams or muslim charities
whats maroof
encouraging good
whats munkbar
forbding evil
whats tawallah
showing love
whats tabarra
disociating with gods enemies
whats wudu
a washing ridtual to spirtiually clense yoursle,f can be done with sand
whats mihrab
dent in the wall so people know to face makkah when praying
whats niyah
- it means you are consiously intending to pray
- shows effort to set time aside for Allah
how do shia and sunni msulims differ in praying
shias can be more lenient such as blending their afternoon prayers to pray 3x- but sunnis are more strict
shias also incorportae natural elements into their prayers like clay
Sunny pray with hands folded or by sides
what is thr adhan
the call to prayer to alert muslims of the sallah
whats the ummah
the msulim community
whats the rakkah
a series of bodily actions from the quaran said during prayer repeatedly
whats the jummah
every friday its aunited msulim communal prayer, compulsary for men
- develops unity
- imams hold a sermon
Whats sadakah
extra chartiable giving outside of zakah and khums
what is dua
means to call upon allah in a persoanl way to ask for anything from strength to forgiveness, can be any langauge
Done in addition to Salah
what are prayer beads
not guided in the quara, run 99 or 33 beads through your hands to repeat a phrase or list allahs attributes. if ended with praise allah you will have your sins repented
what are the orgins of hajj
ibrahmin, his wife and son ishmil were in the dessert and ibrahmim was ordered to leave them, in a search for water his wife between two hills before stopping to pray- thats when jibril made the zamzam well, ibrahmin built the kabbah as a thanks
it became misused as a place for idols- but muhammed put it back as a place for worship to allah
what is ihram
means purity is when all hajjis put on matching white robes to be equal
what are the events of day one of hajj
after they arrive they do ihram, they then go to the kabbah and do seven circles anti clockwise- tawaf, they run between the two hills like ibrhamins wife and drink from the zamzam well
what are the events of day two of hajj
they sleep under the stars in mina and wake up to have a dawn prayer
they then travel loads to the mount at afrat and pray all day, they then go back and do evening prayer and collect stones
what are the events of day three of hajj
they go back to mina and throw rocks at the three pillars in memory of ibrhamins fighting off of the tempting devil
They sacrifice sheep and goats for Eid ul adha
They repeat actuons of day one like the tawaf and walling between hills
Three muslim holidays
eid ul adha
id ul fitr
what is eid ul adha
happens at the end of hajj globally to remember the mercy of allah and how ibrhamin sacrificed a lamb. people will gather and watch a halal sacrifice of a nearby animal. people dress up, split the meat and discuss allahs forgiveneness ansd what can be learned from ibrhamim
what is id ul fitr
huge celebration and party at the end of the month of ramandan to mark the end of the sawm, theres dressing up, gifts and a special zakah
whats ashura
shia holiday to commemorate the matrydom of alis son in battle
- also remembers how Noah was saved by god as he left the ark
-wear black and remeber his death and their opression
- parades
- plays reinacting the death
What’s shariah law
Law based on the quaran and the sunnah
Ways prayer is done at home
- always keep a quinlah wall facing Mecca
- Muslims pray at all meals and activités as a family
- some have a room set aside
What is Nisab
- to be obliged to give Zakah
- yoh have to make a certain amount of money
- the poor don’t suffer to give zakah
Significance of month of Ramadan
-month Muhammad started getting revelations
- night of power happened
- Muslims stay up all night or go to the mosque to celebrate
Conditions for lesser jihad
- should only be the minimal amount needed for défense
- peace must be sought after
- has to be approved by a religious leader
-can’t be used to convert others or gain land
Three things needed pre prayer
- ritual washing- wudu
- quiblah- facing the direction of Mecca using the mihrab
- having niyah- the concious intention to pray
Ways prayer is done in the mosque
- men and women pray in separate rooms
- all face Mecca w the qibla lh
- all perform sequence of movements and reciting
Eid ul ghadeer
- celebrates ali as muhammed sucessor
- Shia festival
- named after a pond/ ghadeer where muhammed gave his last speech addressing Ali as his successor
- presents, baths, meals and fasting is done
What’s alms
Any charitable givibg