authority in islam Flashcards
main qualities if angeks
no free will
loyal to allh
live in jahnnah supervise jannanm
- convince people to follow holy books and maintain faith
- record everything humans do
- made of light
qualities of jibril
head angel
deliverers most news to prophets and humans as a guide- angel of revelations
sent the annunciation to mary
revealed the quran to muhammed
He knows the beauty of heaven but it’s difficulty to arrive there
name of the day of judgement angel and jobs
takes souls
blows the trumpet
heaven angel and jobs
mika il
Gives people water and food
Guards places of worship
Rewards the good
Asks Allah for forgiveness for others
Will be present at day of judgement
whats the word for predestination
al quadr
what is predestination and why is it reassuring
thogh humans have the free will do do their own actions allah knows what they will chose to do, if they fail something its comforting to know its in allahs will
sunnah verse for complete free will
humans can change actions
what do matazilites believe
we have complete free will on earth so allah can judge us fairly at judgement with meryc
- we need it so god doesn’t create suffering and evil
- it is a test of our faith
- we need to work out our own morals, god should reward our concious richeousness
sunnah verse for no free will
WHAT DP THE JABARIYAHS/ asharites believe
- alah has absolute control over our actions
- we have freedom of thoight
- we don’t understand ideas of freedom and justice
- therefore sending people to heaven/ hell based on predestination is above human concepts of morality
- god can forgive sins of those in hell
what problems does jabariyah beliefs raise
how can he judge us on the day if he has decided all the sins in the world
how is god benevolent if he makes all suffering
partial free will, prayer changing quaran verse
what do shias and sunnis believe about free will
sunnis believe as there is al quadr and almafooz there cannpot be free will as allah has already written all the happenings
shias believe there is predestimation but allah has the ability to alter it
what is the word for the afterlife
how do muslims view life as and why
they see it as a test
reminds them to keep faith
take responsibility
helps allah make a fair judgement on their morals
what is stewardship in islam
allah told adam to be a steward/ khalifah which is to look after earth and be his sucessor in the world
humans are judged on their ability to take care of the planet
what is the waiting period after death called
jannah quaran verse
how is jannah described
gardens of pleasure
angels and allah are present
several different parts to it incl silver and divine light
motivates muslims
what is matrydom
dying for islam and going straight to jannah
al jannam veerse
how is jannam described
firey sulfur and mental pain
very visual images in order to scare the readers into follwoing
Many believe most souls in jannam can go to heaven eventually
Insha allah
Means it is gods will for something to happen
Shows a belief in al-quadr
Yawn ad din
Day of judgement
- bodies will be taken from graves and judged
How will people be judged on the day of judgement
- they will have their deeds read out from the book of life
- sent to Hannah or jahannam
- deeds handed to them, left hand is to hell, right to heaven
- they cross a bridge, those w bad behaviours are phsyically weighed down and fall to jannam
Angel of death
- azrael
- takes souls from bodies at seath
Events at barzack
- after death azrael takes their soul
- two angels question the soul to see it’s honest morality
- it enters baezackh, a state of waiting until the day of judgement
Why would you go to jannam
If you reject the quaran or don’t hold yourself responsible for your actions
Events in barzack p2
- depending on your life it may be pleasent or painful
- spirit considers its actions
- soul gets a temporary body