religion peace + conflict Flashcards
What is reconcilliation
- sacrement in the catholic church
- restoring friendly relations post conflict
- something catholics believe will bring you closer to god
two types of protest
peaceful and violent
example of a peaceful and violent protest
- peaceful would be the martin luther king protests to end segregation which eded in changing the us laws and bringing about the civil rights for all
- violent is the london 2011 riots
main reasons for war
- greed
- retaliation
- defense
what is a just war + conditions
- st thomas aquinas proposed it and is accepted by all religions
- has to be in defense in order to defeat a greater wrong
- must be in self defense
- must be fought usig no excessive weapons and no innocent civilians can be harmed
- intermational conventions must be followed and has to be approved first
what is a holy war
- fighting in the name of god
- must be authorised by a religious leader
- many believe it will give them spiritual rewards and they will go to heaven if they die in battle
- most chrisitans today think its much better to seek peaceful alternitives
christian organisations that help aid victims of war
- caritas
- christian aid
jesus teaching towards violece
- agape
- turn the other cheek in the face of violence
- got very angry at the traders in the temple making it a ‘den of thieves’ shows violence is sometimes needed to protect areas, holy war?
who are pacifists
people who disagree with all forms of war
- ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ beatitudes
what are concious objectors and example
people who cannot due to their moral conscience participate in fighting as they disagree with violence
- the quakers are pacifist objectors
- Desmond doss was a us corporal who served as a medic in ww2 and saved up to 75 men but refused to carry a weapon due to his christian beliefs
different christian beliefs towards war
- CofE and catholics accept a just war as they value justice and freedom above opression however they preach agape and reconcilliation
- quakers believe in pascisifism and no form of violence as moral
christian beliefs towards WoMD
- roman catholics/ Methodists see them as immoral but as a necessary detternt to prevent a greater violence- eye for an eye
- quakers think it is unacceptable under any circumstance
- ONLY GOD SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO END LIVES, this is called the sancitity of life, MURDER IS ONE OF The ten commandments so it should never be done
- it does not meet the conditions for a just war to excessively kill innocent people
how can religious organisations help victims of war + teachings
- work as peace makers to help rebuild the lives of those impacted
- provide them with shelter, medical aid and food
- jesus teaches to ‘love thy neighbour’ and in the parable of the good samitan preaches gaape regardless of race and background
key concepts of peace
- absecnce of conflict
- resetment post war can make peace even harder
- feeling of harmony, hapiness and tranquility that can come through prayer
Downsides to forgiveness
- luke 17:3 says we should only forgive those who repent their sins
- priest julia nicholson stepped down as she was unable to forgive london bombers who killed her daughter
- she felt they did not repent and so she could not fogive