Salivary Secretions Flashcards
How do salivary secretions protect the body?
they include buffers to neutralize acidic materialswash out any unwanted materialshave ABX capability via lysosome and lactoferrin
How do salivary secretions aid in digestion?
it includes a-amylase which contributes to 70% ofhydrolysis of starch to produce maltose via breaking a1,4-glucosdase bondsand contains lingual lipase (which starts lipid digestion)
What are the three main salivary glands?
parotid (serous cells)submandibular andsublingual (serous and mucus cells)
What is the difference beween serous and mucus cells?
serous fluid only contains electrolytes and protein while mucus fluid contains mucus
Acinar cells secrete the electrolytes, water, and proteins (initial saliva- similar to plasma)which are propelled via the myoepithelial cells into the intercalated ducts. The cuboidal cells of the intercalated cells also propell the initial saliva into the striated ducts.Striated ducts are lined by columnar cells, the composition of the saliva changes
What is the vasculature to the salivary glands?
Very high blood flow from branches from the external carotid a., which flows opposite to salivary flow and capillaries, surround acini and non-acinar regions
What is the innervation to salivary glands?
parasym via the facial glosspharyngeal nn. and autonomic ganglia and sympathetics via the superior cervical ganglion both contribute to gland secretions
Note that the osmolarity, composition, and pH vary with flow rate
WIth lower flow rates, there is more time for NaCl to be absorbed into the striated ducts as it passed through the acinar system and it becomes more hypotonic. With higher flow rates, the composition of the saliva is similar to whats produced in the acinus
Describe electrolyte exchange from the acinus to the striated duct openings
Initially, I-, Na+, Cl- and HCO3- are secreted into the acinus (so that its composition is similar to plasma) and as it enter the striated ducts K+(active)and more HCO3- is added and Na+ (active), Cl-, and H2O are lost (absorbed)
Why does the osmolarity of fluid decrease along the length of the striated ducts?
the water re-asborption is very slow and cannot match the Na and Cl reabsorption
What other products are secreted in the acinus into saliva?
amylase, lipasemucuslysozyme and lactoferrinKallikreinEGFblood group substances
What part of saliva secretions is active?
Cl- into the acinus lumen because it is coupled to a K/Na ATPase on the basolateral membrane. So blocking this ATPase will cause Cl- to not be secreted and reduce saliva.
How does Cl- enter the acinus epithelium to produce the gradient that drives movement into the lumen passively?
a Na/K/2Cl transporter on the basolateral membrane ANDa basolateral Cl/HCO3- exchangerBOTH of these require a Na gradient so Cl- is linked to Na/KTPase
How does Na+ enter the acinus lumen to enter intiial saliva?
paracellular mechanisms via tight-junctions andCldn2
How does water enter the acinus lumen to enter intiial saliva?
Aquaporin 5