Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration I Flashcards
What are some of the basic roles of the kidney?
-ridding the body of metabolic by-products, such as urea, creatinine, uric acid.-excreting toxins and foreign substances -salt/pH balance -gluconeogenesis-conversion of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 into calcitriol and synthesis of EPO
What happens if the kidney fails to function?
there will be edema due to lack of fluid and salt balance. Increased fluid retention in the body means increased work load to heart. Eventually this leads to heart failure and pulmonary edema.
Describe the orientation of nephrons
There are nearly 1 million nephrons in each kidney.The majority of them are located in the cortex with a part of their tubule extending into outer medulla (aka superficial nephrons), while about 15% of nephrons are in medulla with their glomerulus located in inner part of cortex (aka juxtamedullary nephrons).
Distal tubules of 6-8 nephrons join to form ____, which start in the cortex and extend into the medulla.In the inner medulla, collecting ducts join together to form ____, which open into minor calyx
collecting ductsducts of bellini
Describe the tubule system of a nephron
-glomerulus-proximal convoluted tubule from Bowman’s space-proximal straight tubule (end of proximal tubule)-thin descending, thin ascending, and thick ascending limbs (LOH)-distal convoluted tubule-cortical and medullary collecting ducts-duct of bellini
How much of the CO do the kidneys receive?
Describe the initial branching of the renal arteries from the hilum.
Upon entry into the hilus, renal artery divides into several segmental arteries which then divide into several interlobar arteries that radiate from hilus toward the cortex.Near the boundary between medulla and cortex, the interlobar artery divides into arcuate arteries that run parallel to the arc of the corticomedullary junction
Describe the branching from the arcuate arteries.
Arcuate arteries give off radial arteries.Afferent arterioles branch off from radial arteries, one for every nephron.
How do afferent arterioles progress?
Afferent arterioles continues as glomerular capillary beds, that reside inside the Bowman’s space of glomerulus.Unlike capilary beds in other organs, glomerular capillary beds do not empty into a venule, but into another resistance vessel, the efferent arteriole. The efferent arteriole continues as the second capillary bed, the peritubular capillary bed that surrounds the tubule of nephron
Describe the orientation of the peritubular capillary bed.
In the cortex, the peritubular capillaries from the efferent arteriole leaving the glomerulus form a dense plexus surrounding the cortical tubular components (both proximal and distal). These capillary beds then descend down the ascending limb of the LOH and interact with the tubule system before ascending adjacent to the descending limb as a branch of the renal vein. This part of the capillary bed is called the vasa rectae.
T or F. Unlike capillary beds in other organs, in renal vasculature the arteriovenous pressure drop occurs in 2 steps.
T, thus maintaining high hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillary to drive filtration*
Describe the hydrostatic pressure changes along the renal artery
The pressure in renal artery is about 100 mm Hg. Along the afferent arteriole the pressure drops slowly but only about 60 mm Hg. This pressure is maintained in the glomerular capillary with only a little change.
When does pressure drop again?
A second drop in pressure occurs in the efferent arteriole to about 25 mm Hg, which is gradually reduced to about 5 mm Hg in the peritubular capillary where it remains as it returns to the renal vein
Why does pressure drop in the afferent, efferent, and the peritubular capillaries?
These 3 segments of vasculature have high resistance to blood flow. Due to high transmural pressure in these blood vessels they have much thicker smooth muscle rings. The contraction of these muscle cells produce high resistance.
Describe the oncotic pressure in the renal system
The oncotic pressure in renal artery and afferent arteriole is about 20 mm Hg. Along the glomerular capillary the oncotic pressure increases to about 35 mmHg. This is due to glomerular filtration. While the plasma is filtered through glomerular barrier the proteins stay back resulting in gradual increase in protein concentration along the capillary, thus increasing the oncotic pressure. The high oncotic pressure is maintained in the efferent arteriole, but it is gradually reduced in the peritubular capillary due to reabsorption of glomerular filtrate from the proximal tubule.The high hydrostatic pressure and low oncotic pressure in glomerular capillary help in glomerular filtration.
Excretion rate of a solute in the urine is equivalent to what?
GFR - reabsorption + secretion
Different substances exhibit different properties in the nephron. Some substances are freely filtered in glomerulus, but neither reabsorbed by the proximal tubule nor secreted into the tubule; for example _____
inulin (or mannitol)
Describe the FAS of sodium and chloride.
freely filtered, partly reabsorbed, but not secreted
Describe the FAS of AAs and glucose.
freely filtered and completely reabsorbed in PT
Describe the FAS of creatinine.
Freely filtered, not reabsorbed, but secreted by the tubular epithelium in the PT
Reabsorption processes require an enormous amount of energy. So, what is the wisdom of filtering a large amounts of body fluids and solutes and reabsorbing most of them back to body?
High GFR allows the kidney to rapidly remove waste products from the body that depend primarily on kidney for their excretion. Most waste products are poorly reabsorbed, therefore, rapid filtration leads to rapid excretion of waste products, otherwise they would be toxic to cells.Second, high GFR allows body fluids to be filtered and processed several times a day. Total PV is about 3 L and GFR is 180 L/day, so the entire plasma processed 60 times a day. This allows the kidney to precisely and rapidly control the change in body fluid volume and composition.
Glomerular filtration is referred to as what?
ultrafiltration, because it allows filtration of all small molecules, but does allow filtration of blood cells and large molecules like proteins. Therefore, the composition of glomerular filtrate is similar to plasma, except the absence of proteins (and other slight changes).
Can monomeric hemoglobin be part of ultra filtrate?
Yes, but this only occurs with hemolysis
Describe the composition of other parts of GF.
The levels of some ionic molecules such as Ca2+, phosphates, and fatty acids that bind to proteins are low.Anion are 4-5% higher then cations in GF. This is due to Gibbs Donnan effect
What is a normal GFR?
What is filtration fraction?
Filtration fraction is the GFR divided by renal plasma flow (RPF), so it represents the fraction of renal plasma processed by kidney in a given time.Normal: GFR is 130 ml/min and RPF is 670 ml/min, so 130/670, the FF is 19.4%
Factors that reduce GFR reduces FF, for example under conditions of ______.
uretral obstruction.On the other hand, reduction in RPF increases FF, for example under conditions of renal artery stenosis
What is the first barrier the plasma has to penetrate through during the process of glomerular filtration?
The first barrier is the capillary endothelium, consists of a monolayer of flat endothelial cells. Space between cells is sealed to some extent by junctional complex called tight junction.
T or F. The endothelial junctions are leakier than epithelial junctions.
T. Endothelium in kidney is further leakier than endothelium in other organs. Endothelium of capillaries in other organs does not allow diffusion of plasma proteins. But, the glomerular capillary endothelium allows diffusion of some smaller proteins.
What is the second barrier the plasma has to penetrate through during the process of glomerular filtration?
The epithelium (aka podocytes). The slit pores allow diffusion of small molecules, but does not allow plasma proteins, therefore is the major permeability barrier.
What lies between the endothelium and epithelium?
A layer of gel-like substance called the basement membrane.
What is the composition of the BM? Function?
This is composed of collagen and proteoglycan fibers. It is believed to provide some degree of barrier function, but the nature of its barrier function is unclear. It is highly negatively charged, so it can repel negatively charged molecules, such as proteins.
What are the filtration criteria?
- Size selectivity Glomerular pores: ~8 nm or 80 angstroms Albumin: ~6 nm or 60 angstroms (charge in BM rejects it)2. Charge selectivity
What is the difference between nephritic and nephrotic syndrome?
Both cause proteinuria but: There could be a visible barrier breakdown and form larger pores which will result in filtration of proteins and cells. An Example is nephritic syndrome.There could be invisible barrier breakdown due to increased opening of slit pores or loss of charge selectivity. This causes filtration of proteins, but not cells. An example is nephrotic syndrome.
What else can cause proteinuria?
Abnormal circulating proteins. For example, breakdown of tissues releasing proteolytically fragmented proteins into the circulation, or there could be production of abnormal proteins, for example proteins produced by tumor cells.common in diabetics due to decreased BM negative charge
What is the eqn for GFR?
GFR is equal to Kf times net filtration pressure.
What is Kf?
Kf is the filtration coefficient, which is hydraulic conductivity times the surface area of glomerular capillary.
What is hydraulic conductivity? What is it determined by?
Hydraulic conductivity is the ease with the fluid flows through. This is determined by the size and shape of the pores. Normally Kf is 125 ml/min/mm Hg, which is 400 times greater than that in other capillaries. Any factor that reduces Kf either by reducing hydraulic conductivity or surface area would reduce GFR.
How is Kf affected in diabetes mellitus?
In diabetes mellitus GFR is reduced as the Kf is reduced due to increase in basement membrane thickness, so reduced hydraulic conductivity and damaged capillaries, so reduced surface area.
What determines net filtration pressure?
The difference between the forces that favor filtration and forces that oppose filtration.
What pressures favor filtration?
The glomerular hydrostatic pressure is the major force that favor filtration. The oncotic pressure in the Bowman’s space is another force that favor filtration. However, there is no such protein present in the fluid in the Bownman’s space, and therefore the Bowman’s space oncotic pressure is almost zero.
What is the major force that opposes filtration?
On the other hand the oncotic pressure in the capillary is high due to plasma proteins, This is the major force that oppose filtration. The other opposing force is the Bowman’s space is hydrostaic pressure caused by fluid accumulation.
So, what is the eqn for net filtration pressure?
[Glomerular hydrostatic pressure + Bowmans space oncotic pressure] - [glomerular oncotic pressure and bowman space hydrostatic pressure]
The glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure is about 60 mm Hg of positive filtration pressure. The capillary oncotic pressure is about 31 mm Hg that is a negative filtration pressure, and the Bowman’s space hydrostatic pressure about 20 mm Hg, which is also a negative filtration pressure.
So, 60 (+0) minus 31 minus 20 is 9 mm HG, which is the net filtration pressure. So, GFR may be altered by factors that change any of these forces.
Net filtration pressure and therefore GFR can be regulated by changing the glomerular hydrostatic pressure. How can this be accomplished?
This can be changed by changing the resistance of afferent and efferent arterioles.
When the resistance in afferent and efferent arterioles are equal the glomerular hydrostatic pressure is about 60 mm Hg. What happens if the resistance of afferent arteriole is increased or resistance of efferent is decreased?
the blood flow into glomerular capillary is reduced and flow out of capillary is increased resulting in reduced glomerular hydrostatic pressure, and therefore reduced GFR. On the other hand, if the resistance of afferent is reduced or resistance in efferent is increased the glomerular pressure is increased and therefore increased GFR. So, any neural or hormonal factors that alter the resistance of afferent or efferent arterioles can alter net filtration pressure and therefore GFR.