Endocrine Overview Flashcards
Describe polar ligands
Polar ligands are made in advance and stored in membrane-bound vesicleswhich are exocytosed into the bloodstream as soluble particles with short half-liveswhere they interact with membrane-bound receptors that perform signal transduction from the cell surface (i.e. these dont enter the cell)
Describe non-polar ligands
Ligands that are made in the cell as needed and are relased via non-vesicledependent passive diffusion into the bloodstream as carrier-bound non-soluble particles with long half-lives that enter their respective target cells
What is the difference between the general mechanism of action of polar and non-polar ligands?
What types of hormones are polar?
peptides and amines
What are steroid hormones all derived from?
What types of hormones are non-polar?
What are the amine hormones?
melatonin and serotonincatecholaminesthyroid hormones
What are melatonin and serotonin derived from?
What are catecholamines and thyroid hormonesderived from?
Note about thyroid hormones
These are synthesized like peptide hormones, but behave like steroid hormones once released in the sense that they are made in advance in vesicles because their pre-cursors are polar but they are modified to non-polar forms for release and, thus, are relased via simple diffision, and bound to carrier proteins, have long-half-lives, and induce new protein synthesis (aka non-polar behavior)Note that cateholamines act 100% like polar molecules
What hormones are secreted from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland? Where are they made?
oxytocin and ADH (synthesized from the hypothalamus)
What hormones are secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland?
ACTHTSHGHProlactinFSH and LHThese hormones are made here!
What are the hormones secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary regulated by?
hormones from the hypothalamus
Where does melatonin come from?
pineal gland
What hormones are secreted from the thyroid gland?
thyroxine and tri-idothyroninecalcitonin