Regulation of Body Fluids Flashcards
What determines CO?
ECFV determines the plasma volume. Plasma volume determines the circulatory filling pressure and therefore the cardiac output.
What determines the ECFV?
the total body Na contentECFV= Amount of ECF Na+/ [Pna]where [Pna]= plasma Na conc.So, at constant plasma Na concentration, ECFV is proportional to total body Na.
Why doesnt plasma Na concentration reflect the ECFV?
because plasma Na is always kept constant by ADH-mediated regulation of water reabsorption in the kidney.
T or F. Plasma Na is altered only when gain or loss of Na exceeds the thirst mechanism and kidney’s ability to correct it.
Therefore, in order to maintain a constant ECFV, we need to maintain a constant total body Na content. How do we do this?
To maintain a constant total body Na content we need to match daily Na intake with daily Na output.
What is the daily Na+ intake?
8-15g/day or150-250 mEq.
What happens if you do not match Na intake with its output from the body?
If you retain 150 mEq of Na in the body, you will retain 1 L of water in the body to maintain isotonicity. This will increase the BW by 1 Kg or 2.2 lbs. Thus, a change in BW over a short period is an indicator of change in Na balance.
The patients with renal failure and under dialysis are required to monitor their BW on a daily basis.
In fact, one can use the values of BW changes to calculate how much dialysis might be required.
So, the daily Na intake needs to be matched with equal amount of Na output from the body. How is this done?
80-90% of daily intake of Na is excreted in the urine. This is tightly regulated by homeostatic mechanism. 0.5-10% is excreted in the feces. This output is higher under conditions of diarrhea or vomiting.0-20% is excreted via skin by sweat and insensible perspiration.
What things can cause Na+ imbalance?
Pathophysiologic conditions such as diarrhea, excessive sweating and drugs such as diuretics
How much Na (mEq/day) is filtered through the glomerulus daily?
180 L/day of GFR times 139 mEq/L of plasma Na concentration is equal to 25,000 mEq of Na/day
How much Na is reabsorbed in the PT? Ascending limb of the LOH? DCT?
64% is reabsorbed which is approximately 16,000 mEq/day.7000 mEq is reabsorbed in the ascending limb of LOH and 2000 mEq in the DCT.
How much Na is reabsorbed in the CD?
About 1750 mEq absorbed from the CD. So, 150-250 mEq/day is excreted in the urine which is equal to 150-250 mEq of daily intake.
How can changes in the ECFV be monitored?
By monitoring vital signs in the clinic. Hypovolemia is associated with hypotension both systolic and diastolic, especially orthostatic hypotension. The pulse is increased and low body temperature. Burn patients also show hypovolemia due to increased endothelial permeability and edema
What things can cause ECFV expansion?
hypervolemia may be caused chronic renal failure, heart failure due to excessive salt and water retention
Edema due to ECFV expansion requires how much volume retention?
What are some other signs of ECFV expansion?
-presence of S3 gallop-Distension of EJV
Can edema occur under conditions of normal or low ECFV? How?
Yes, Hypoalbuminemia caused by liver disease or nephrotic syndrome can cause edema without change in ECFV. Other conditions such as burn injury may increase endothelial permeability and flux of whole plasma into ISF compartment.
What is the site of albumin synthesis?
Liver is the site of albumin synthesis, which is compromised in liver disease.
The body rapidly responds to changes in plasma osmolarity. Explain
Following ingestion of 1 L of water the osmolarity of plasma and urine, urine flow rate and urinary solute excretion were measured. Immediately after water consumption the plasma osmolarity is slightly reduced. The urine flow rate (more so) and solute output are quickly increased resulting drop in urine osmolarity. The normal plasma osmolarity is restored back to normal by about 2 hours after water ingestion. Thereore, water intake leads to diuresis and water balance and plasma osmolarity are restored very quickly
T or F. Unlike the renal water excretory response, renal Na excretory response is relatively slow and takes several days (2-4) to fix total body Na content.
Explain why renal Na excretory response is relatively slow and takes several days to fix total body Na content.
If you consume 1 L of isotonic saline the balance is restored by diuresis and natriuresis, but it takes 2-4 days.Regarding the graph, a subject, maintained in low salt diet was switched to high salt diet and the daily Na output was measured. The graph shows that daily Na output was increased gradually over few days before the output matches the intake. When this subject was switched back to low salt diet the daily Na output decreased gradually over few days. The changes in Na output correlated with the changes in the body weight.