Digestion and Absorption Flashcards
Remember that the stem cells of the GI tract are located in the intestinal crypts and they migrate up the villi to differentiate into enterocytes, goblet cells, or endocrine cells. Also cells can migrate down the villi to differentiate into pana cells, defense cellsRemember that cells in the crypts are mostly secretory and the cells in the villus are more absorptive
T or F. There is a very high proliferation rate in the intestine
T. Very 3-5 days all cells will replace themselves as a protective mechanism against damage/mutation
Trypsin breaks carboxyl terminal bonds of basic peptides like arginine and lysinechymotrypsin breaks N-terminus bonds ofaromatic AA bonds (elastase is similar but broader)
Note that there are two main categories/locations of digestion in the Gi tract, lumenal digestion which is mediated by secreted enzymes mainly from the pancreas, and membrane-digestion which is mainly mediated by brush-border dissaccharidases such as maltase, sucrase, lactase, etc.
What are the main layers/barriers that a molecule must pass to be absorbed from the GI tract?
- The undisturbed mucosal layer2. The glycocalyx layer3. The epithelium, cytoplasm, and then basolateral membrane
What are the main mechanisms of GI absorption?
1) Pinocytosis- simple invagination of the epithelium of the villi (very little). Note that proteins mostly arent absorbed by the small intestine, but those that are, are mediated by pinocytosis2) Passive diffusion via paracellular (leakly in small intestine) routes for only some molecules (semi-permeable)3) Facilitated diffusion4) Active transport (Na, sugars, AAs)
How does the GI respond to starvation or resection?
During starvation the villi shorten and some digestive enzymes do not proliferate, but during resection you will initially see undernutrition but the remaining tissue will expand and adaptMalnutrition doesnt really occur until 70% of the small intestine is removed/damaged
Digestion of carbs
Luminal digestion of carbs is mediated by salivary a-amylase in the mouth (break a1,4-glycosidic bonds to form maltose,maltotriose, and limit dextrin) and pancreatic a-amylase in the small intestineMembrane digestion is mediated by glucoamylase, sucrase, isomaltase, lactase, and trehalaseNote that the body has a very high carb digestive capacity so that pretty much everything we eat is digested
What are the main products of GI digestion to be absorbed?
glucosegalactose, fructose
The vast majority of glucose absorption is aerobic and via active transport
How is glucose absorbed from the GI lumen?
1) SGLT 1, which is a Na/Glucose co-transporter that depends on a gradient of sodium which is maintained by active sodium transporters on the BL membrane2) GLUT 2-BL (glucose, galactose, and fructose)and 5-apical (glucose and fructose). These are Na independent (more facilitated than active)These have a VERY high absorptive capacity (and is not very regulated- dont overdo it)
How much protein are adults exposed to on a normal day?
About 100g dietary and another 40g from secretions, cellular degeneration, etc. Note that all of this is acted upon by proteases in the GIlumen
How is trypsinogen secreted from the pancreas activated?
Once it reaches the duodenum, enterokinase from duodenal cellscleaves a 6 AA residue from the C-terminal end to produce active trypsin. Trypsin then activates the other pancreatic enzymes, as well as more trypsin
What predominantly causes acute pancreatitis? Chronic?
Acute: Biliary obstruction and alcoholChronic: alcohol
What is the mechanism of pancreatitis?
there is premature activation of trypsin in the pancreas caused by interaction of trypsinogen with pancreatic lysosomes (which contain enterokinase) or genetically due to a R117H mutation (prevents inactivation/stabilizes)that causes pancreatic destruction
There are many types of free AA transporters including Na dependent transporters, PAF proteins (driven by NHE)and facilitated diffusion as well, specific for basic, acidic, neutral AAsLarge peptides are broken down further by brush border peptidases
Note that the absorptive capacity of di- and tripeptides is greater than that of free AAs suggesting seperate carrier systems for them, predominantly in the proximal intestine (whereas free AA transporters are more clustered in the distal small intestine). These are coupled to NHE
Note that if you present arginine as a dipeptide it will be absorbed better b/c its absorbed using a different transporter