Salah 1 - Prayer Times Flashcards
Fajr al Kathib
Vertical light that comes out, then it will go away. The horizontal light will come then the sun will begin to rise.
Fajr is ended when
The start of the sunrise
you have to finish your Fajr before sunrise starts. T or F
What can you delay your prayer safely?
At least have a chance to make wudu and pray again.
When does Zuhr start?
A moment after the sun passes its zenith. When your shadow is at your lowest point that is zenith.
When does Zuhr end?
When the length of your shadow doubles
When does asr begin
Single shadow only
When the imam has one opinion, and there is two strong students below the imam?
you can follow either one
What is sahabain
Two students beneath Abu Hanifa
California, for Asr time
1ft because I’m not at equator and double my original height. addition
What time is best time to pray zuhr?
As soon as it comes in, in Summer - it is okay to delay until it’s gets cool.
Should not pray 20 minutes after Zenith. True or False
30 minutes before Sunset, it is Makruh to pray. True or False.
Haram to pray when Sun is setting. True? False?
True, but exception. Only pray that days Asr salaam
You started your pray in dhuhr time, but asr time began. Is your prayer valid?
Which prayer is not allowed to be pushed into the next salah?
end of Fajr
Sunnah of traveling for Zuhr/Asr
Pray zuhr near end of time, then pray asr as soon as time starts in 1 stop
Other madhabs, can combine salah only during Zuhr
False, you can pray zuhr and asr at asr time
Okay you can take zuhr and asr together for Shafi opinion, but is your prayer valid by Shafi madhab
Be careful, because now you have to make sure your salah is valid in Shafi madhab
Disliked to delay magrib, without an excuse. True or False
When Isha starts.
redness is gone in the sky,
Okay to delay magrib when it is cloudy. True or False
18 degrees represenents astronomically, when the light could appear on the horizon. with your naked eyes you won’t see it
Finish Fasting by 18, but then start Fajr by 15 degrees.
Following the time on prayer sheet is totally fine as well, the time is not too easy to put down to a second
When does isha become makruh?
Mid point of the night. Magrib entered to Fajr starting