Safety Flashcards
Safety is a what?
Learned Behavior
This is created when the whole company sees the value of a safe work enviroment.
Safety Culture
Companies with a strong safety culture usually have what 5 things? FLLLH
Fewer at-risk behaviors Lower Accident Rates Less Turnover Lower Absenteeism Higher Productivity
Accident costs are often classified as what 2 things?
Direct and Indirect.
Studies have shown that the hidden costs of accidents can and usually do….
exceed the direct costs of accidents from 2 to 7 times.
These hidden expenses include the costs associated with what 6 things?
Training Replacement Workers Accident Investigation and Corrective Measures Scheduling Delays Lost Productivity Repairing Damaged Equipment and Property Absenteeism
Insured Costs 3 things
Medical Bills
Indirect/Uninsured 6
Property Damage Equipment Damage Production Delays Supervisory Time Retraining Image/Morale
White Background
Red Panel
White/ Gray Letters
Do Not Operate/ Do Not Start
White Background
Black Square with Red Oval
White Letters
Do Not Use
Yellow Background
Black Square
Yellow Letters
White Background
Black Square
White Letters
Out of Order
Do Not Use
Yellow Background
Red/Magenta/ Purple panel
Black Letters
Radiation Symbol
Radiation Hazard
White Background
Flourescent Orange Square
Black Letters
Biohazard Symbol
Biological Hazard
Physical state that is different from the acceptable, normal or correct condition found on the job site.
Unsafe Condition
Important Unsafe Condition Examples 4 things
Excessive Noise
Inadequate Supports of Guards
Poor Housekeeping
Poor Lighting
In construction, housekeeping means:
keeping your work area clean and free of scraps and spills.
housekeeping also means
being orderly and organized
How must you store your materials in housekeeping?
Storing your materials and supplies safely and label them properly.
Finally, you must also do what for housekeeping?
Arrange your tools and equipment to permit safe, efficient work practices and easy cleaning.
The major goal of housekeeping is what?
Prevent Accidents
What is the mission of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America’s workers.
If a standard does not specifically address a hazard, the what must be invoked.
general duty
If you have been discriminated against for asserting your OSHA rights, you have the right to what?
File a complaint with the OSHA area office within 30 days of the incident.
Your employer is required by OSHA 29 CFR 1926.33 and OSHA 29 CFR1910.1020 to what
maintain your medical records for 30 years after you leave employement.
This is performed after an accident that requires hospitalization of 3 or more workers.
Catastrophe Inspections
Employers are required to report what
fatalitites and catastrophes to OSHA within 8 hours.
To help employers provide a safe workplace, OSHA requires a what to ensure the safety of the employees.
Competent Person
Competent person means one who is
capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
Anything that could have caused an injury or damage but, was caught in time and nothing bad happened is an
incident or near miss
You must report all
on-the- job injuries, accidents or incidents no matter how minor.
Pie Chart of hazards
Falls 36% Struck By 18% Caught In 18% Electrical 10% Other 18%
Is a measure of the probability, consequences, and exposure related to an event.
In an area more than what above the ground or on a solid work surface that is not protected by a guardrail or safety net.
6 feet
The D-ring or support point on a safety harness should be placed to the rear, between
you shoulder blades
If you are going to step off a ladder onto a platform or roof, the top of the ladder should extend at least ____ above the point where the ladder touches the platform, roof, side rails, etc.
3 ft
You should never stand ——– on a ladder.
above the highest safe standing level
The highest safe standing level
is the 4th rung from the top.
The most common causes of accidents involving highway workers on foot are hazards such as:
Being Run Over By Equipment
Backing Equipment
Most common cause of death for equipment operators is?
Equipment Rollover
When you operate vehicles on the job site an important thing to do is?
Look to the rear and sound the horn before backing dat ass up.
If your rear vision is blocked
get a signaler to direct you.
When performing overhead work, be sure that tools, materials and equipment are
secured in order to prevent them from falling on people below.
To prevent tools from falling, use protective measures such as
debris nets
catch platforms
The most common and deadly hazard in excavation work.
Cave-ins occur when
soil or rock falls or slades into an excavation.
Cave-ins can what
entrap, bury or otherwise injure or immobilize a person.
How deep to cave ins happen and with what
5-15 feet deep: little or no warning
Average of cave-ins occur
1,000 trenches collapses each year in the us
Almost all tools and machines used in construction are equipped with
guards that protect workers from rotating parts