Define job analysis
Job analysis is the study of an employees job in order to determine the duties performed, the time involved with each of those duties, the skills and responsibilities involved and the equipment required for said duties. A job analysis will typically consist of a job description and a job specification.
What is a job design?
It details the number, kind and variety of tasks that individual employees perform in their jobs. Jobs may be designed so that they include a variety of tasks to keep employees interested, motivated and satisfied with their workload. Job design will take into consideration employees needs and motivations. A Job design is similar to a job analysis however it is used when a new job is created or a current job is altered.
Define recruitment
Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified job applicants from which to select the most appropriate person for a specific job. Types of recruitment include internal recruitment and external recruitment and through agencies even via word of mouth.
What is selection?
In terms of employment, after recruitment of applicant comes selection and it involves choosing the candidate who best matches the organisations requirements. Types of selection can include resumés, tests or interviews.
Define remuneration
Remuneration refers to the financial payment employee receives by the organisation in return for their work for their employer. Payments can be made in form of a wage or a salary.
What are the employee arrangements?
Employment arrangements refer to the types of employment, pay and working conditions offered to employees in agreement with their employer. It may include full-time permanent, part-time permanent, fixed contract or casual and how much they are to be paid.
What is Human Resource Planning?
HR planning is the to development strategies to meet the organisations future human resource needs. It is focused on identifying staff needs and then planning on getting the right people doing the right jobs at the right time.