Sa Flashcards
Intro: Johnson and Bytheway 1993
Defined ages idm as the offensive exercise of power through reference to age. This can be done through organisational and legal practices or based on stereotypical prejudice or even through assumptions.
Para 1: point: functionalism
Parsons 1977
Argued that through interconnected roles, the importance of institutions in society is to maintain social stability. Certain groups have norms and values that could threaten the social stability. E.g. rebellious youth or dependent elderly. Parsons focuses on society’s role in managing these issues as well as the cause of inequality.
Para 1: evidence: moral panic
Due to the stereotype created upon the youth subculture of rebellion, this can lead to an overall moral panic. Which negatively focused on the activities and cultural habits of young people. Evidence has cited that this is a form of ageism.
Unemployment for 16-24 year olds has risen since 2004
Para 1: explain
The norms and values of the youth subculture has had an impact on the employment rates for those between the years of 16-24, and those of this age group who receive a job are stuck under the cheap labour system where their status and opportunities are low.
Para 1: evaluation
There is a strong possibility that social order might be undermined by youth unemployment, low pay, an expensive housing market or education and high education costs.
Para 2: point Marxism
Political economic theory: Philipson 1982
Explains the inequality faced by the elderly in a negative posturing as a burden on the economy.
Para 2: extended point:
Neo Marxist gramsci 1971
Discussed the importance of how the bourgeoisies maintain authority through the false consciousness where people didn’t realise they’re getting exploited. Child benefit and pensions create a form of dependency and legitimates the need of power of the authority.
Para 2: evidence
It is estimated that 3.5 million children are living in poverty in the uk. Age Uk claims that 900,000 pensioners live in severe poverty, meaning they’re unable to afford the basic essentials such as food, heating and an independent life. Fuel poverty is common for the elderly because fuel bills are high in the uk.
Para 2: explain
Evidence shows that this false consciousness may maintain its system since the Young and elderly are in clear need for the extra support from child benefit and pensions.
Para 2: evaluation:
Accused of economic determinism: only focuses and seeks to explain inequality in terms of social class which neglects other factors such as gender, ethnicity, disability and nationality. Many elderly people tend to face more racism than ageism itself.
Para 3: point feminism: Arber and Ginn
Observe that older women face inequalities created by patriarchy that older men don’t face.
Para 3: point: itzin
Claims that older women are often doubly devalued by society because their stays devised after the menopause and after retirement. Women also face a great patriarchal pressure on their physical signs of ageing and invest in “cosmeticisation”
Para 3: evidence
Sher a 70 year old successful celebrity women has invested in cosmeticatipm to look younger with the pressure of fame and judgment without the procedures.
Para 3: explain
It is clear that women do tend to face pressure in terms of their physical changes
Para 3: evaluation:
Social action: Women choose to cosmeticise, rather than being forced to do so solely by the stigma of getting old.
Para 4: point Lackzo and phillipson 1991
Found that the inequality faced by the elderly was due to wealth not ageing.
Para 4 powell and Biggs 2000
Individuals are able to recreate themselves through wealth e.g. cosmetic surgery.
Para 4 evidence
Milne found 2 different groups of pensioners, those who saved up and recievepensions from their occupational job and those who didn’t save up and cannot recieve any pensions from their occupational job due to lack of finance