S7- membranes Flashcards
functions of cell membranes include:
- functional barrier- compartmentalization of cells
- provide cells with energy (chemical and charge gradients ie: electron transport chain)
- organise and regulate enzymes
- facilitate signal transduction
- supply substances for biosynthesis and for signalling molecules
- protein recruitment platfom
3 main lipids that make up cell membrane are:
- glycerophospholipids (phospholipids)
- Sphingolipids
- sterols
most lipids are…(have hydrophillic/ head and hydrophobic/ tail regions)
fatty acids can be…or…
cis double bonds make…
trans double bonds make…
saturated lipid tails= no double bonds- chain is relatively straight
unsaturated= 1+ double bonds- 2 types
cis= 30 degree kink/ twist
trans= doesnt affect structure/ straight
glycerophospholipids have 3 parts:
fatty acid linkage is called…
- head group (phosphate+ alcohol)
- glycerol backbone (triol= each OH group is numbered 1-3)
- acyl chains/ 2 fatty acid chains
Ester/ acyl (OH from glycerol and fatty acid form H2O- esterification)
sn-1 fatty acid (on first OH of glycerol) is usually…
Sn-2 fatty acid is usually…
saturated or monounsaturated
monounsaturated or polyunsaturated
the basic structure of the membrane glycerophospholipids is called…
the rest of the phospholipids are derived from it, the phosphate group is further…
phosphatidic acid/ phosphatidate
esterified tot he hydroxyl group of one of several acohols (serine S, choline C, glycerol G, ethanolanime E, inositol I)
the anionic phospholipid are…and they have a net…
PS, PI, PG, CL (cardiolipin)—> they have more O- then positive charges (NH3+)
negatie charge
zwitterionic phospholipids have…
zero charges
PS and PE contain reactive…that can participate in…
hydrogen bonding
PI, PC, and CL are relatively…which affects their…
some phospholipids are…specific
Ie: PG and CL are only found in the…
sphingolipids are built on 3 parts:
sphingoid base backbone, N-acyl (fatty acid) chain, head group (phosphate and another molecule attched to backbone)
N-acyl chains of phospholipids tend to be more…and…in sphingolipids than in glycerophospholipids
N-acyl chain is attched via…in sphingolipids and the other amide group has the ability to form…(to allow interaction with cholesterol or polar parts of protein)
amide linkage
H bonds
the most common sphingolipid is…and it has a…head group
glycosphingolipids have different…as head groups and are found exclusively in the…of the membrane and make around…% of that layer
outer lealflet of the membrane
glycosphingolipids are exposed at surface membranes because it has an important role in…and allows membranes to act as….for certain chemicals
Cell-cell adhesion
recognition sites
sterols structure has…
4 fused rings (tetracyclic), hydroxyl group on A ring and a hydrocarbon tail (attached to last ring)
…is the most common sterol in animals
….is found in yeast and fungi
….and…are found in plants
Sitosterol and stigmasterol
the size and shape of cholesterol allows it to…
its presence increases…and decreases…
interact with pockets in membrane proteins
thickness, packing, compressibility
mobility/ flexibility of lipids and proteins
in water, lipids bury their… in the interior and expose their….to water
They create a…or..shape
hydrophobic tails
hydropholic heads
Bilayer or micelles
3 types of membrane curvature are:
- cylindrical lipids= flat membrane (PC, PS)
- conical lipids= negative curvature (PE, acid)
- inverted-conical= positive curvature (PI)
membrane curvature is determined by…
negative curvature leads to…properties which might rpomote processes that involve…
relative sixe of head group and hydrophobic tails of lipids
generation of non-bilayer membrane intermediates such a fusion
lipid asymmetry is…
-phosphatidylserine translocates to the…which cell undergoes apoptosis to act as…to macrophages to…
functionally important
extracellular monolayer
come and digest it
glycolipids are oriented towards the…for cell-cell adhesion
second messengers in signalling pathways are oriented towards…
exterior of cell
the interior of cell
lipids in bilayer move with 3 different movements:
- Rotational: spinning of lipids around its axis (doesnt alter its position but affects interaction with neighbouring cells)
- lateral: neighbouring lipids exchange places= allows to change position within a bilayer leaflet
- Transverse: exchange of molecules between leaflets (move across bilayer) by transverse diffusion or mediated by proteins (unidirectional or bidirectional)
protein-mediated transverse lipid translocation may need…
some proteins are non-specific while other only translocate..
energy input (ATP)
specific lipids
3 types of proteins that translocate membrane lipids:
- P-types flippase: need ATP+ carry out inward movement of lipids+ specific
- ABC flippase: need ATP+ carry out outward movement of lipids+ specific
- scramblase: no ATP+ bidirectional, non-specific+ Ca2+ dependent
the fluid mosaic model emphazises the…
the bilayer is fluid due to…
it is mosaic because…
fluidity of the bulk of lipids allowing random diffusion
lateral mobility of lipids and some proteins
proteins are scattered across it
there is some…organisation in membranes
The concept of membrane….or…which are enriched in…and…
proteins are either exculded or included in the raft regions
domain or rafts
Cholesterol and sphingomyelin
lipid rafts are expected to be different in their…
lipid composition, lifetimes and sizes
3 types of membrane proteins are:
- integral (intrinsic)
- Lipid-linked
- peripheral (extrinsic)
5 functions of integral membrane proteins:
- trasnport (move molecules by changing shape)
- enzymatic activity (electron transport/ metabolism of phospholipids and sterols)
- signal transduction (after ligand/ molecule binding)
- Cell-cell interactions (glycoproteins= short-lived cell interaction)
- attachment to cytoskeleton or the extracellular matrix
integral proteins can be non-covalently bound to… in cell’s cytoskeleton
this can regulate cell…or stabilise…
they can also bind to extracellular matrix which facilitates…
protein position in the membrane
cell-cell adhesion
4 examples of integral proteins:
- Glycophorin A (1st integral protein to be sequenced)
- bacterio-rhodopsin (1st integral protein whose structure was determined)
- glucose transporter (GLUT)
- ion channels
GLUT is found in nealry all cells and is abundant in…
the membrane spanning region is composed of…
glucose binds to…surface site and causes a…
glucose is released at the…side of the membrane into the…
cell lining the small intestine
12 a-helicases
confrontational change (of shape)
internal aqueous solution
Bacterio-rhodopsin has….helices with short loops on…
it has…amino acids in an…
it is made of multiple transmembrane…packed in a bundle
7 transmembrane
either side of the membrane
alpha helix
ion channels do not require…changes unlike…
there is a…variety of channels and they are…
channels can open in response to…(6 things)
large confrontational
ligand binding, electric potential, pH, temperature, pressure, lipids