S12- immunology Flashcards
the role of immune system is to…
complex group of molecules, cells, tissues and organs that provide protection from…microbes, tumour cells, foreign material
Antigens are…
it is only recognised by immune system if….
substance that triggers immune response
it is presented on the surface of an antigen presenting cell (APC)
antigen presenting cell has….complex or….complex (which binds to antigen and display it)
- major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
- human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex
antibody (immunoglubin) is a…
it is produced by…
specific protein made in response to an antigen
B cells
types of cells involved in immne system
- from myeloid progenitor
- from lymphoid progenitor
- Dendritic cell, mast cell, myeloblast (basophil, neutrophilm eosinophil, monocytes/ macrophages)
- natural killer cell, T and B lymphocytes (T helper, cytotoxic , memory cells, plasma)
neutrophils…enter tissue in..numbers (first line of defence)
they are useful in…infections
they form…
rapidly, large
bacterial/ fungal infections
what do neutrophils do..
- release toxic chemicals (ie: MPO)
- release chemicals to attract other immune cells (cytotoxins)
- phagocytose organisms
- create neutrophils extracellular traps (NETs)
NETs are..
made of a network of extracellular strings of DNA that bind pathogenic microbes. Histones and several neutrophil granule proteins associated with the DNA framework damage entrapped microorganisms
basophil (in blood)/ mast cells (in tissue) both release…
this helps the defence against..
they can cause…in allergy
histamine (a vasodilator= for wider vessels so more WBC can go through)
multicellular parasites (helminths)
tissue damage
Eosinophils contain…that contain…and…
they help in defence against…
they can cause…in allergy (ie: asthma)
red granules
toxic proteins and free radicals
multicellular parasites (ie: helminths)
tissue damage
dendritic cells (the one with arms) are located in..
its main role is..(they migrate to..to activate immune system)
tissues that are common points for initial infection (skin/ lungs/ GI tract)
antigen presenting cell
Lymph nodes (where there are many WBC)
monocytes (in blood)/ macrophages (in tissue) are responsible for…
they are also an APC and they migrate to…
they recruite…
phagocytosis (of debris/ dying cells/ microbes)
Lymph nodes to activate immune system
other immune cells (ie: cytokines)
natural killer cells release…
they trigger…in infected host cell (do not attack pathogen directly) and in…cells
perforins and granymes
2 types of tissues involved in immnue system..
- primary lymphoid tissue (where lymphocytes develop and mature)
- secondary lymphoid tissue (where lymphocytes encounter antogens/ pathogens)
2 examples of primary lymphoid tissues
- bone marrow
- thymus gland