S3_L2: Pelvis & Hip Flashcards
TRUE OR FALSE: The normal femoral angle of inclination in adults is 125°.
TRUE OR FALSE: The psoas muscle is inserted at the greater trochanter.
The psoas muscle inserts at the lesser trochanter.
TRUE OR FALSE: 30° of hip flexion is needed during midswing to initial contact of the gait cycle.
TRUE OR FALSE: The central portion of the acetabulum is a non-articulating surface.
TRUE OR FALSE: The largest and the most important hip capsule ligament is the iliofemoral ligament.
TRUE OR FALSE: Obturator nerve comes from the nerve roots L2, L3, and L4.
TRUE OR FALSE: The semitendinosus is most commonly injured in hamstring strain.
The short head of the biceps femoris is most commonly
injured in hamstring strain.
TRUE OR FALSE: There is 0° hip adduction during initial contact.
There is 10° hip adduction during initial contact.
TRUE OR FALSE: The femoral triangle is formed by the inguinal ligament proximally, sartorius laterally, and adductor magnus medially.
The adductor longus forms the medial component of the femoral triangle.
TRUE OR FALSE: On the side of hip drop, there is hip abduction.
Each innominate bone of the pelvis is formed by the
union of the (1)____, (2)_____, and (3)____ bones and
therefore is a structural unit.
- ilium
- ischium
- pubic
What is the angle of torsion of the femur?
8° to 25°, with an average angle of 12°
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed.
This pelvic motion results in hip flexion and increased
lumbar spine extension.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed.
The following may cause a unilateral short leg, EXCEPT:
A. Flat foot
B. Anteriorly rotated innominate bone
C. Coxa vara
D. Genu varum
D. Genu varum
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed.
In hip OA, where is the pain usually referred?
L3; medial side of the knee
What gait is expected to be seen in a patient who is diagnosed with degenerative joint disease?
Antalgic Gait
What is the recommended parameters for US in a patient with hip OA? Answer in proper documentation format.
Cont. US using big head x 1 MHz x 1 W/cm^2 x 5 mins
each on ant., post., & lat. aspects of (L) hip to ↓ pain
CASE: S.F. 64 y/o (+) Htn, (-)DM ® handed ♀ who was referred to you for PT eval and mx 2 to S/P (R) THR 8 days ago. Pt also c/o an intermittent dull pain on the ® hip area gr. 4/10 on a subjective pain scale (0=no pain 10=worst possible pain). Aggravated by prolonged WB activities like standing and walking (6/10); relieved by rest. Condition started 9 days ago when pt accidentally slipped inside the bathroom with the ® buttocks and felt a sharp pain on the hip area. Pt was immediately rushed to the ER of Asian Medical Center; x-ray showed femoral neck fx which prompted surgery the following day. Pt had cemented THR, c posterolateral approach 5 days ago. Pt was referred to in-pt rehab for 6 days (bid). PMHx: (+) osteoporosis diagnosed 2 yrs ago. Pt. is a retired teacher who does walking exercises for 30-45 minutes guided by Youtube exercise videos 2x/wk. Pt currently lives c her daughter, sleeps in a bedroom on the first floor; bathroom ~20 steps away, kitchen~20 steps away and living room ~15 steps away. Pt wants to be able to move around s difficulty and return to her own house.
Based on the case, what must be the modality used on the 5th PT session when bluish skin discoloration around surgical site are observable?
CASE: S.F. 64 y/o (+) Htn, (-)DM ® handed ♀ who was referred to you for PT eval and mx 2 to S/P (R) THR 8 days ago. Pt also c/o an intermittent dull pain on the ® hip area gr. 4/10 on a subjective pain scale (0=no pain 10=worst possible pain). Aggravated by prolonged WB activities like standing and walking (6/10); relieved by rest. Condition started 9 days ago when pt accidentally slipped inside the bathroom with the ® buttocks and felt a sharp pain on the hip area. Pt was immediately rushed to the ER of Asian Medical Center; x-ray showed femoral neck fx which prompted surgery the following day. Pt had cemented THR, c posterolateral approach 5 days ago. Pt was referred to in-pt rehab for 6 days (bid). PMHx: (+) osteoporosis diagnosed 2 yrs ago. Pt. is a retired teacher who does walking exercises for 30-45 minutes guided by Youtube exercise videos 2x/wk. Pt currently lives c her daughter, sleeps in a bedroom on the first floor; bathroom ~20 steps away, kitchen~20 steps away and living room ~15 steps away. Pt wants to be able to move around s difficulty and return to her own house.
Based on the case, the following PT Education must be taught, EXCEPT:
A. Sit in a high chair
B. Avoid lying on the affected side
C. Always place a pillow between both legs
D. When getting up from bed, use the operated leg first.
E. Feet should be pointed upward when lying down and forward when standing
D. When getting up from bed, use the operated leg first.
In which specific part of the hip do fractures most commonly occur
fractures in the intertrochanteric region
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed., page 740
In cases where hip fracture or dislocation occurs and nonoperative management is the only treatment option, what modality should a PT use for the pt?
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed., page 741
How many degrees of hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation are necessary to carry out activities of daily living (ADLs) in what is considered a “normal” manner?
Flexion - 120
Abduction - 20
ER - 20
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed., page 714
What is the orientation of the acetabulum?
anterior, lateral, and inferior
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed., page 715
The neck and head of the femur projects in which directions?
anteriorly, medially, and superiorly
Source: Kisner and Colby, 7th ed., page 715