S2W8 - Neuroplasticity Flashcards
Ontogenetic Period
brain growth from birth to 6 yrs; characterised by synapse formation and pruning with glial call development
Extensive Flexibility
the significant plasticity in early brain development; e.g. the ability to have language function switch hemispheres
tumor; encapsulated and (usually) benign tumor that grows between meninges layers
tumor; cancerous cells carried to the brain via the bloodstream; will diffuse and are dangerous, likely terminal
stroke; blood vessel/s rupture and blood leaks into the brain tissue (bad)
can cause stroke; defective elasticity of blood vessel/s are at risk of rupture
stroke; blockage in blood vessel/s disrupting supply
can cause stroke; blood clot
stroke; thrombus moving from larger to smaller vessel, causing a blockage
can cause stroke; artery wall thickens and channels narrow
TBI; bruised brain
Subdural Hematoma
TBI; blood collection b/w dura matter and arachnoid membrane
Mild TBI
concussion, but we gave it a new name cause people thought it was a one time thing to have a mini ~traumatic brain injury~
infection; brain inflammation
Bacterial Encephalitis
infection; cerebral abscess puts pressure on the brain resulting in damage; can cure abscess but not damage done by the abscess
Bacterial Meningitis
infection; meninges inflammed; 30% fatal