S10) Obstruction Flashcards
How can haematuria be detected in a patient?
- Visible haematuria
- Microscopic (3, 5 or 10 RBC’s)
- Dipstick +ve
Provide a differential diagnosis for haematuria
- Cancer: renal cell carcinoma, bladder cancer, advanced prostate carcinoma
- Stones
- Infection
- Inflammation
- BPH (large)
What are the causes of haematuria?
- Vascular
- Inflammatory
- Trauma
- Autoimmune
- Medications
- Infection
- Neoplasia
- Congenital
Describe the history one must take for a patient presenting with haematuria
Full urological history:
- Presenting complaint
- Past medical history
- Drug history (OTC, prescription, illicit)
- Social and family history
What examinations are undertaken for a patient presenting with haematuria?
- Cystoscopy (look into bladder)
- Urological examination (abdomen, genitalia, PR exam, neurology)
- CT urography
What investigations are requested for a patient presenting with haematuria?
- Urine microscopy, culture & sensitivity
- Urine cytology
How can one manage a patient presenting with haematuria other than treating the underlying cause?
- ABCDE + stabillise
- Bloods
- 3 way catheter and irrigation
- CT angiogram (if significant bleed)
What are the different types of urinary retention?
- Acute urinary retention (painful)
- Chronic urinary retention (not painful)
How can one differentiate between acute and chronic urinary retention?
History, examination, clinical picture:
- Acute – painful, impaired eGFR (urological emergency)
- Chronic – non-painful, oliguria, urine in residual scan
Identify 4 circumstances when one should catheterise a patient?
- Painful acute urinary retention
- Acute on chronic urinary retention (unable to pass urine)
- High pressure chronic urinary retention (Pves > 30cmH2O)
- To monitor fluid balance, sepsis, trauma
Outline the clinical approach for a patient with urinary retention
- History
- Examination
- Bloods
- Bladder scan
- Neurological documentation
What is the mechanism for urinary retention?
⇒ Bladder outlet obstruction
⇒ Low bladder contractile power
⇒ Interrupted sensory or motor innervation of bladder (± sphincter)
What are the causes of urinary retention in men and women respectively?
- Men: BPH, prostate cancer, urethral stricture, prostatic infection
- Women: prolapses, masses, Fowlers syndrome
What are the causes of urinary retention in both men and women?
- Clots
- Drugs (anticholinergics, sympathomimetics)
- Pain
- Spinal cord compression/injury
Describe how one treats patients presenting with urinary retention
Urethral catheterisation:
⇒ Clean the area
⇒ Use gloves and instillagel
⇒ Gently insert into urethral meatus (women) / into straight penis (men)
⇒ Inflate catheter balloon (& replace foreskin if retracted)
What difficulties patients can pose towards catheterisation?
- Men: phimosis, meatal stenosis, stricture, prostate, bladder neck
- Women: masses, prolapses, pelvic cancer
What is a suprapubic catheter?
A suprapubic catheter is a catheter that is left in place and involves the insertion of the catheter into the bladder through a hole in the abdomen

When are suprapubic catheters used?

- Long term conditions e.g. multiple sclerosis
- Urethra is damaged/blocked
- Patients have difficulties using an intermittent catheter
Identify 5 locations where stones can form in the urinary tract
- Kidney
- Ureter
- Bladder
- Prostate
- Urethra (men – rare)
What is ureteric colic?
Ureteric colic is severe and acute pain in the loin area due to the obstruction of the ureter by calculi
How does ureteric colic present?
- Pain
- Haematuria
- Infection
- Impaired renal function (obstruction)
Outline the clinical approach for a patient presenting with ureteric colic
- History
- Examination
- Urinalysis
- CT KUB (kidneys, ureter, bladder)
- Abdominal X-ray (if visible stone)
Symptoms and stone size guides treatment for uteric colic.
Regardless, outline the basic management
- Place a stent
- Uteroscopy
- Lasertripsy
- Stone ablation
What is pyonephrosis?
- Pyonephrosis is the infection of the kidney which leads to pus in the upper collecting system which can progress to obstruction
- It has a very high mortality if untreated
What happens when a patient presents with acute sepsis?
Patients with infected obstructed upper tract need urgent stabilisation and decompression
What are some emergency procedures used on patients with acute sepsis in the upper urinary tract?
- Nephrostomy
- Stenting