RUSSIA Social Developments PART 2 Flashcards
When did a new marriage law give equal status to registered and unregistered marriages?
By when was Russia’s divorce rate the highest in Europe?
When was the Family Code revised to make divorce even easier, leading to so-called ‘postcard divorces’?
By 1926, how many marriages in Moscow ended in divorce?
How did abortions outnumber live births in Moscow?
When did the government become so concerned about the detrimental effects of family breakdowns, that measures were introduced to raise the status of marriage?
When was Stalin’s ‘Great Retreat’?
Great Retreat
Stalin issued a series of more conservative laws
How was divorce made more expensive as a result of the Great Retreat?
Increased from 4 roubles to 50
What was declared illegal as part of the Great Retreat?
Male homosexuality
What was outlawed as part of the Great Retreat?
How was the status of pregnant women increased during the Great Retreat?
Pregnant women were guaranteed job security and the right to be given lighter work; maternity leave was extended to 16 weeks
Which marriages lost their legal status as part of the Great Retreat?
Free marriages
As part of the Great Retreat, what reappeared in shops after being branded as ‘bourgeois’?
Gold wedding rings
How did the number of nursery places change between 1928-30?
Doubled and continued to grow during the 2FYP
When did further strengthening of the family take place?
July 1944
During the Great Retreat, what was was the concept of family suggested to be?
Necessary unit of socialist society
How was the family unit strengthened in July 1944?
‘Mother-heroine’ awards; tax on single people; divorce made more complicated
What was much of the social stability of the Khrushchev years underpinned by?
Government’s promotion of the family as a social unit
How much of the workforce did women make up by 1960?
Which family members sometimes took up domestic duties as a result of wives being in full-time employment?
When was abortion legalised again?
When did the government reinforce traditional values with the a new Family Code?
In the 1970s, what put extra pressure on economically productive family members?
Declining rate of population growth- by 1982, growth had fallen to just 0.8%