What was Brezhnev’s regime based on?
Party structures
What had developments after the death of Stalin shown?
For change to occur, the impetus would have to come from the leadership itself
How did Brezhnev approach politics?
Preferred to trust Party officials in their responsibilities
What happened after Stalin died?
Members of the Politburo formed a collective leadership
Who were the main players in the collective leadership after Stalin’s death?
Beria; Malenkov; Khrushchev
Who initially after Stalin’s death seemed to be holding the most power?
How did Beria move quickly after Stalin’s death to build his popular support?
Reduced the use of terror
When did Beria issue an amnesty releasing a million prisoners?
27 March 1953
What became the key principle of government after Stalin’s death?
Socialist legality
When did Khrushchev become First Secretary of the Communist Party?
September 1953
How did Khrushchev originally consolidate his power?
Removed almost 1/2 of those elected to Central Committee in 1952; gave CC more authority over both government and Party structures
When was Khruschchev’s ‘Secret Speech’?
Twentieth Party Congress of 1956
What did Khrushchev accuse Stalin of in his ‘Secret Speech’?
Developing a cult of personality; acting as a tyrant; using unnecessary terror; making economic mistakes
What did Khrushchev gloss over in his ‘Secret Speech’?
Politburo contained Party members, including himself, who had risen through the ranks by implementing Stalin’s policies
How did Khrushchev believe that the Soviet system would be rejuvenated?
By a return to the legality of Leninism
What was Khrushchev careful to focus attention on during de-Stalinisation?
Stalin and not the Soviet system itself
What were the key features of de-Stalinisation?
Regular meetings of presidium and CC resumed; decentralisation of decision-making; party and government officials no longer faced prison for failing to meet targets; secret police brought firmly under Party’s control; secret police lost control over labour camps; 2 million political prisoners released 1953-60
Why was it significant that the secret police lost control over the labour camps?
Their economic resources had bolstered power of organisation
How many of those who appealed for release from the labour camps on political grounds were returned to civilian life by 1955?
What did heavy punishments remain for under Khrushchev?
Corruption; criticism outside boundaries laid down by Party leadership
What could criticism of Party leadership result in under Khrushchev?
Internal exile; removal to a psychiatric hospital
Why did the population still fear the secret police under Khrushchev?
Aware that the secret police had ever more sophisticated methods of surveillance
What was the most contentious aspect of de-Stalinisation?
Decentralisation of decision-making
When was the ‘Anti-Party Group’ coup?