Russia- Russian Civil War Flashcards
When was the treaty of Brest Litovsk signed?
3rd March 1918
When was the Cheka formed?
20th December 1917
What were some of Lenin’s first decrees?
Land taken from nobles and church to be given to the peasants.
All non-Bolshevik newspapers banned.
Factories put under control of workers.
What were the policies of Brest Litovsk?
Russia had to give up 30% of its population.
It had to give up 90% of its coal mines.
Why did Trotsky “spin out” the peace negotiations?
Trotsky was a Marxist and believed that the lower classes would rise up in Germany like in Russia.
When was the capitol switched from Petrograd to Moscow?
March 1919.
Approximately how many people were murdered by the Cheka?
What were the 8 causes of the civil war?
Prompt: For cacti
Food Shortages
Opposition forces
Red Army
Attacks on Bolsheviks
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
International Opposition
What were the Reds’ beliefs?
Prompt: LCWW
Lenin is good.
Church property should be taken by the government.
Women’s rights.
Workers work shorter hours.
What were the Whites’ beliefs?
Prompt: CAP
Aristocrats keep titles.
Political parties. (Multiple)
Who were the greens?
Agricultural peasant who would fight for whoever controlled their area.
When was the Nationalization Decree and what was it?
June 1918
Factories became controlled by the state.
(Part of War Communism.)
When was the Grain Monopoly and what was it?
May 1918
Peasants had to hand over surplus grain.
(Part of War Communism.)
What were possible motivations for Lenin’s War Communism?
Class War (eliminate “enemy” social classes.)
Creating a socialist economy.
Who were the bag-men?
People who stole food and gave it too the peasants.
Who were the Extraordinary Assemblies of Factory and Plant Workers?
Wanted to return to a more democratic Russia (like the Provisional Government.)
What were Food Brigades?
Bands of desperate people like criminals and the unemployed who would murder, rape and torture peasants while stealing their produce or leaving grain to rot in barns.
Approximately how many troops were in the food brigades?
When was the huge famine in peasant Russia around the time of War Communism?
Why were the peasants so unprepared for the famine?
Since they were not allowed to stock pile food- they had nothing to eat unlike in the past when they stored grain.
How many people did the famine (mainly in the Volga region) kill?
~6 million.
Who were Obschina?
Village elders.
Who replaced the Obschina?
The village soviet.
When were the Poor Peasants Comities abolished?
December 1918.
What did Poor Peasants Comities do?
Exploited villages and ran them in a manner close to gangsterism.
Names of three main generals leading the Whites?
Yudenich, Kolchak, Denikin.
When was the Krondstadt uprising?
1 March 1921 – 18 March 1921
What policies did the NEP introduce?
Private ownership of small factories.
Gave peasants more rights.
Kept state run farms.
Capitalism and free market reintroduced.
Peasants were allowed to make a little prophet improving their incentives and the economy improved.
When did Lenin die?
21 January 1924