Russia 5 Flashcards
who was the only socialist in the provisional govt?
Alexander Kerensky
what ideology was predominant in the provisional govt?
why did socialists tend to stay out of the provisional govt?
believed it was a bourgeois organisation
who was one of the most influential liberals in the provisional govt and leader of the kadets?
why did the provisional govt find it hard to become legitimised?
it was unelected
what other organisation alongside the provisional govt was formed after the Tsar’s abdication?
the Petrograd soviet
what were the aims of the Petrograd soviet?
aimed to represent the wishes of workers and soldiers
what was order number one?
instructed soldiers to obey the orders of the provisional govt but only if they agreed with the soviet, elect representatives to the soviet and guaranteed soldiers’ civil liberties
when was order number one?
1 march, 1917
what was the arrangement of the Petrograd soviet and provisional govt called?
dual power
what were public committees?
in towns and cities, people elected committees to rule locally. made up of socialists and liberals
what were the Red Guards?
some workers made the decision to seize weapons and form militias to defend workers rights. quickly became some of the most radical organisations
what did the revolution mean for communal peasants?
greatly strengthened communes as they see it as an opportunity to reinvigorate the commune. organised seizing land and property of local landowners. land is shared out often fairly equally.
what did the revolution mean for the unemployed?
not easy to organise but by end of 1917, ‘Soviet of he unemployed’ established by Jewish anarchist. unemployed demanded money to support themselves and their families
what did revolution mean for peasant separators?
some forced back into communes others moved back voluntarily
what did the revolution mean for skilled workers?
first to form new trade unions and factory committees calling for an 8 hour day and better working conditions
what did the revolution mean for rank-and-file soldiers?
millions of soldiers raised havoc at the front as they had been fighting in a brutal war for 4 years for reasons they didn’t understand. wanted revenge on officers and others just wanted to go home
what were the Kadets?
main Liberal party by 1917 + key members of provisional govt. accepted need for social reforms better working conditions and more rights for soldiers
who were the Mensheviks?
more moderate than the Bolsheviks and accepted need. for provisional govt.
who were the Bolsheviks?
radical left-wing groups. Led by Lenin who believed that the govt should be controlled by soviets (‘April theses’)
who were the SRs?
deeply divided, its leaders often farm more moderate then rank-and-file members.
what were demonstrations of Kerensky’s public popularity?
he bowed and blew kisses to the audience and sometimes brought himself to weep in front of them. soldiers threw flowers, bowed to him, prayed before him, kissed him, his uniform, his car and the ground that he walked on
what were some of Kerensky’s nicknames?
‘the knight of the revolution’, ‘the lion heart’, ‘the first love of the revolution’ etc
when was Kerensky’s cult of personality at its height?
May 1917
how did Kerensky’s cult come about?
partly due to luck of being at the right place at the right time, engaging with all sides of the revolution. partly his own hard work as was a prominent lawyer before 1917 who was active in helping re-establish SR groups in Petrograd during the war. huge following amongst socialists in capital city. cultured and well-educated man (theatrics and dramatic entrances)
how did Kerensky’s reputation fall during 1917?
“Kerensky offensive”, appointed PM after a break out of rioting but he has already lost the backing of the most radical left socialists, almost brought another military dictator to power (“Kornilov putsch”)
what is the “Kerensky offensive”?
bold and disastrous move by Kerensky, ordering massive military offensive on Eastern front which collapsed completely and caused angry protests in the capital
what was the impact of war and revolution on Jews?
Jews along with many other non-Russian ethnoic groups fled Eastwards across the Russian empire. ordinary Russians viewed them with suspicions and they were violently deported from the front lines
what did the Russian army do in the pale of settlement whilst retreating?
carried out a series of deadly pogroms
why did the collapse of the Tsarist autocracy offer some hope for Jews?
provisional govt abolished all legal restrictions on the basis of ethnicity and religion ambling Russia’s jews to take a full role in society and politics
name some Jewish political parties
the bund
United Jewish Socialist Workers Party
General Zionists
Jewish National Group
what Russian parties did the Bund associate with?
RSDWP and Menshevik-internationalists
what did the Poale-Tsion believe?
combined socialism and Zionism and mainly aligned with left Menshevik-internationalists
what did the United Jewish Socialist Workers Party believe in?
marxist-influenced populist organisation, anti-zionist
what did the General Zionists believe?
what did The Jewish National Group believe?
non socialist allied to the Kadets, anti-zionist
why were Jews still attacked and targeted after the abdication of the Tsar?
socialist politicians attacked bourgeoisie and many people believed that the bourgeoisie were almost identical. Jewish bussinessmen accused of hoarding goods
during violent protests what did speeches call Russians to do?
“smash the Jews and the bourgeoisie”
in which month did Bolshevik leader, Lenin, return?
what did Vladimir Lenin announce upon his return?
workers should replace the provisional govt with a govt of soviets
after Lenin’s announcements upon his return, what did some people wrongly refer to him as?
an anarchist
what and when was the ‘Miliukov note’?
20 April 1917, Liberal foreign minister revealed to have written to Russia’s Allies in the war promising Russia would continue fighting until they had defeated Germany and seized more land for Russia and thousands of workers, socialists and sailors poured onto Petrograd streets in protest
what and when was the ‘Kronstadt Republic’?
May 1917, Kronstadt Republic declared itself the only authority in the town, rejecting the Provisional govt altogether
what did the Petrograd Soviet manage to stop on 10th June 1917?
After workers and soldiers became increasingly frustrated at the lack of change in the prov govt policy, Bolsheviks planned a demonstration against the war and prov govt
what did the Petrograd Soviet organise a week after stopping the planned demonstration of the Bolsheviks?
called its own demonstration in support of ‘defensive’ war and the provisional govt
what actually happened during the Petrograd soviets demonstration in favour of the Prov govt? and what was this named?
thousands of workers and soldiers joined and marched under the slogans ‘Down with the provisional govt!’ and ‘all power to the soviets!’
named the ‘June Days’
what led to the ‘July Days’?
Kernenksy began a military offensive to push the Germany army back and win the war which was a disaster leaving hundreds of thousands dead resulting in massive protests
what occurred during the ‘July Days’?
massive protests involving shooting between protestors and their opponents leaving several hundred dead. Radicals arrested and Lenin fled Russia for Finland. civil war seemed possible.
when and what was the ‘kornilov putsch’?
Kerenksy appointed Kornilov to lead to the Russian army and instead Kornilov ordered troops to march on Petrograd and the Petrograd Soviet and seize power for the army
what slogan was popular thorghout Russia during 1917?
‘All power to the soviets!’
what powerful coalition occurred?
between Bolsheviks, left SRs, Menshevik-internationalists, and anarchists
who won a majority in Sept 1917?
the coalition won majority in the Petrograd soviet which chose Trotsky as its chairman and voted to support Bolshevik policies.
what did the Bolsheviks do on25th Oct 1917?
with the support of the Reg Guards, soldiers and sailors attacked the winter palace. by the end of the day the provisional govt would be overthrown, its ministers arrested and soviets take power.
why did the provisional govt have reduced power from the start?
‘Dual power’
how much did Bolshevik support increase in 1917?
Feb-23,000 members
Oct-200,000 members
what did Lenin eventually convince the central committee of?
‘armed uprising’
what did Alexander Kerensky do in response to the Bolsheviks plans for an armed uprising?
ordered most the radical soldiers to leave Petrograd
how did the Petrograd Soviet respond to Kerensky ordering radical soldiers to leave?
organised a Military revolutionary committee controlled by the Bolsheviks. commanded 200,000 Red Guards, 60,000 sailors and 150,000 soldiers
when and how did the Military Revolutionary committee begin its action?
night of 24-24 October, its men took up key positions around the capital, seizing control of the telephone exchange, post office, state bank, and bridges.
How did the Military Revolutionary Committee actually take control?
Kerensky had fled. it was hardly a storming that ocured as the men just walked in with little violence involved and very few deaths. the members of the provisional govt were arrested.
what was happening at the same time as the Military Revolutionary Committee’s invasion of the provisional govt?
Second Congress of the Soviets in Petrograd.
how did the Bolsheviks gain power during the Second Congress of the Soviets?
Trotsky (speaking for the Bolsheviks) announced that the Soviets had seized power and the provisiona govtv had been overthrown. in protest, the SRs and Mensheviks still supporting the provisional govt walked out but this was a mistake as the majority left in the congress were Bolsheviks
what was the name of the govt set up by the Bolsheviks?
what did the Sovnarkom introduce upon its creation?
war ended ‘without annexations or indemnities’, all private ownership of land ends and landlords’ land given to peasant communes, workers allowed to introduce ‘wokrers control in their factories. Non-Russians given the right to self-determination.
what were the further laws of the Sovnarkom?
seized church land, gave women gender equality and nationalised banks
why did the Bolsheviks still have limited control over Russia?
Limited control outside. of Petrograd and even in capital city, civil servants refused to support Sovnarkom until Lenin threatened to fire them
how did Kerensky attempt to seize back power from the Bolsheviks?
raised an army of Cossacks and officers but his forces were pushed back from the outskirts of Petrograd
how did the Bolsheviks use repression and terror?
non-Bolshevik newspapers shut down and civil service workers purged, political police force- Cheka- established and arrested liberal Kadets, SRs and Mensheviks
what were the results of the constituent assembly elections Nov 1917?
Bolshevik party won only 24% of the vote with the largest political party the SRs with 53% of the vote
how did Lenin respond to the Constituent Assembly election results?
announced that ‘elections prove nothing’ and declared that the constituent assembly could not work alongside a govt of Soviets