Russia (1953-1964) Power struggle, Khruschev's policies and his downfall, Space Race etc Flashcards
hdh approach
5th FYP aims and results…
Resources diverted to rearmamment for Korean War…
- Continue developing heavy industry + Transport
- (Post 1953) More investment into consumer goods
- Most growth targets met
- National income rose by 71%
Reception from de-Stalinisation…
- Most of the Presdium welcomed this
- Khrushchev persuaded to speak out in a ‘closed session’ + 1.4k delegates present, and they were not allowed to ask questions + Khruschev used Central Committee materials into abuses under Stalin
- In Khruschev’s speech, Khruschev attacked Stalin on purges, gulags, mass arrests, torture etc + Accused Stalin of betraying Leninist principles
Political and Party change under Khruschev…
- More decision-making and debate chances
- Police competed with Party for influence + Police under Party’s authority
- (1957) Khruchev returned to Leninist policy of smaller institutions being directly responsible to their change.
- Khchev also helped restore Party’s position
Actions/measures which perhaps contradicted Party’s ascendancy/governance…
- More democracy
- Decentralisation
- (1962) Party would split into urban and rural sections + New rules to limit serving time of Party officials
- (1956-1964) Membership rose from 7m to 11m, 3.6% to 4.8% of populace + Role of the local soviets expanded + Comrade courts being able to handle minor offences revived
- Non-party members encouraged to take supervisory roles + Some invited to Party congresses
- Khruschev visited villages and towns
- Economic decentralisation
5th FYP aims/results…
- Continual of heavy industry development + 4th FYP
- (From 1953) Khrushchev wanted to develop ‘virgin lands’ + build ‘agrocities’
- Most growth targets met
- National income rose by 71%
- (1955) Malenkov loses leadership due to his changes
- Agriculture production still behind industry and not 1940 level + (1929-1950) No. of cattle reduced from 67m to 65m
Industrial development under Khruschev (1953-1964)…
(With issues from Stalinist system)…
Decentralisation and industrial planning:
- (By 1953) Growth slowing down
- Diffeent Moscow ministers sert different industrial targets for each enterpise + No. of enterprises rose + Planning more complex, things starting to break down
- Too few administrators
- Output targets assessed by weight, so heavy goods more emphasies over light goods
- (1957) To aid decentralisation, 60 Moscow minstries abolished + USSR divided into 105 different economic regions -> Each had its own economic council to plan and supervise economic affairs.
- A new Supreme Economic Council -> (1959) A new seven year plan est.
Industrial change from seven year plan…
(‘Catchup and overtake the USA by 1970’) - Space race things
- Better living standards + 40% wage rise promised with 40-hour week
- Housing factories to produce prefabricated sections for new flats
- Risen production for consumer goods
- Air transport expanded + Aeroflot corp. subsidised for cheap long-distance travel + Said that a peasent could pay for travel 200mi to Moscow to sell produce and still make a profit!)
- (1957) USSR launched world’s first artificial satelitte -> Sputnik + Sputnik II sent Laika the dog to space + (1959) Red flag placed on the moon and pics of ‘dark side’ of moon taken + World’s first civil nuclear-powered Ship made -> ‘Lenin’
- (Apr 1961) Yuri Gagarin became the first ‘human in space’ -> (1963) Valentina Tereshkova worl’s first female cosmonaut
(1958) Brussels World Fair had the world amazed by Soviet tech
Results from industrial change…
(Industrial output)
- (1955-1965) Electricity output rose from 170bn kWh to 507bn kWh + Tractors rose from 314k to 804k
- Heavy spending on armamments and space race distorted economy + Despite economic gap narrowed to U.S, still nowhere near them
- (From 1958) Soviet industrial growth began to slow down significantly + (1950s-1964) Economic growth fell from over 10% annaully to 7.5%. -> Mainly due to consumer industries, fell to 2% in 1964.
- U.S had better instrumentation and sophistication in space race + Soviet rocketry good but excessive risk-taking
- USSR’s ‘supermarkets’ initially had abacuses rather than cash registers.
Agriculture under Stalin…
- (1945) Harvest produced under 60% of pre-war harvests
- (1946) Worst drought since 1891
- 2/3 of agricultural labour force gone + Many animals destroyed + Little agricultural machinery + few horses left
- (1929-1950) No. horses fell from 34.6m to 15.3m
Space race things…
(1957) USSR launched world’s first artificial satelitte -> Sputnik + Sputnik II sent Laika the dog to space + (1959) Red flag placed on the moon and pics of ‘dark side’ of moon taken + World’s first civil nuclear-powered Ship made -> ‘Lenin’
- (Apr 1961) Yuri Gagarin became the first ‘human in space’ -> (1963) Valentina Tereshkova worl’s first female cosmonaut
Agriculture under Khruschev (1953-1964)…
- (1953) Khruschev told the Central Committee limitations of agricultural production under Stalin had been hidden by unreliable stats + Grain output and no. of livestock being reared than last yrs of tsarist Russia. + Stalin’s encouragement of particular farming methods criticised as counter-productive + Eventhough Khruchev favoured sceptical farming methofs
- For industry, Khruchev placed reform implementations for local Party organisations
- Ministry of Agriculture’s powers thus reduced
Changes introduced to peasents to produce more under Khruschev…
(1953-1964 - agriculture)
- Price paid for state procurements of grain + Other agricultural goods
- State procurement quotas fell + Taxes fell
- Quotas on peasents’ private plots fell
- Peasents who didn’t have animals not required to deliver meat to State
- Collectives permitted to set own production targets + Able to choose how to use land
Changes introduced to boost production…
- Rise in no. of farms which were connected to electricity grid
- (1962) Campaign for increased use of chemical fertiliser
- Rises in use of farm machinery + Collectives able to buy from MTS
- Encouragement to merge collectives for larger farms + (1959-60) No. of collectives halved and no. of state farms rose -> Used to develop ‘virgin lands’
(1958 - MTS’ disbanded to suit peasents who had to pay for equipment loan in goods -> Turned into repair stations)
The Virgin Lands Scheme…
(From 1953)
- Khruschev thought to boost production -> Land in western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan that had not been prev. ploughed.
- Initially, cultivated land extended + Komosomol members encouraged spending time on new farms and help building new settlements + further develop farming areas e.g. building roads
- (By 1956) 35.9m hectares of ‘virgin land’ been ploughed for wheat -> Same as Canada’s cultivated land
- Perhaps agricultural prices 2x
(1963) Poor harvest, USSR had to import gran from North America
Khruschev’s idea of agrocities…
- An attempt to replicate urban conditions of work -> Perhaps to modernise
- This involved creating huge collective farms/towns -> By destroying old villages
- However, this was unsuccessful
- (1953-64) Milk production rose from 42m tonnes to 63m tonnes + Meat production rose from 6.3m tonnes to 9.1m tonnes -> Despite this, complex issues existed