Russia (1934-1941) Stalin things Flashcards
1934 Kirov Affair…
- At 17th Party Congress, Stalin announced anti-Leninist opposition had been defeated.
- At Central Committte elections, split occured with some wanting collectivization to continue and some wanting it to stop (including Kirov)
- Kirov and others given title ‘Secretary of Equal Rank’ (Stalin may have done this to spread responsibility of economic crisis)
- (Dec 1934) Kirov murdered by Nikolayev + Yagoda had 6.5k people arrested from this
- However, Nikolayev did not seem to be linked with left opposition upon question + Kirov’s bodyguard and some NKVD men mysteriously killed in car accident before they could give evidence + (1938) Yagoda pleaded guilty for allowing Nikolayev to get to Kirov (this may have been under duress)
Yezhovschinna, purge of ordinary citizens
- (1937-38) Great Purges merged with the Yezhovschinna
- This ‘Great Terror’ were directed at all ‘ordinary citizens
- Persecution peaked in mid-1937 and lasted until (Dec 1938)
- (Jul 1937) Arrest list of 250k people drawn up (artists, writers, scientists etc) as Politburo condemned anti-Soviet elements in Russian society + Quota system est. to find oppositionists
- (1938) Yezhov resigned as NKVD chief and became People’s Commisar for Water Transport + (End of ‘38) Stalin reduced arrests as this may have stumped industry growth.
(Dec 1938) Beria replaces Yezhov as NKVD chief.
Some details of Stalin’s purges…
- (Aug 1936) Show trial involving Kamenev, Zinoviev and 14 others -> In order to gain convictions -> All 16 found guilty of partaking in a Trostky-inspired plot to murder Stalin -> All were executed
- (Sep 1936) Yezhov replaced Yagoda as NKVD chief
- (Jan 1937) 17 prominent communists put on show trial -> Accused of plotting with Trotsky to spy and sabotage industry -> After supposedly confessing, 13 sentenced to death + Yezhov accused Bukharin of knowing the conspiracy -> Bukharin refused to confess and was expelled from the Party and arrested.
(‘Road to Terror’ suggested evidence that Trotsky was in contact with middle-ranked communist officials to perhaps conspire against Stalin).
Details on Stalin’s purging of the Army Command…
-> (May-Jun 1937) 8 senior military commanders including Tukhachevsky -> Tortured and forced to sign false confessions
-> Of 767 of High Command, 512 executed + 29 died in prison + 13 committed suicide and 59 jailed
(Mar 1938) 21 Bolsheviks including Bukharin, Rykov + Yagoda interrogated with 13 being sentenced to be shot -> for conspiring with the ‘Trotsky-Zinoviev terrorist organisation’
Peter Whitewood’s take on Stalin’s purging of the Army Command…
- (Mar 1937) Gamarnik, head of the PUR -> Was persuaded by the military had been infiltrated by spies + He believed drew up a plot to cause discord
- (May 1937) Vorshilov’s May report didn’t just incriminate senior officers but also it removed Tukhachevky from being the Deputy Head of the Red Army to the lower position if the Volga Military District
Signs of improvement in 1930s…
(Leisure things)
- (1930s) 30k cinemas + sports facilities
- ‘kul’turnost’ encoruaged personal hygiene conditions and not spitting on the floor + Workers’ hair properly cut
- State paternalism enforced the idea that the populace were like children + (Mar 1936) Komsomol press launch campaign condemning ‘dirty talk’ + People more kind (perhaps lower denounciation to swerve NKVD)
Stalin’s economy…
(By 1941)
Alongside other similar things
- (1926-1939) No. of town residents rose from 17% to 33%
- (By 1940) USSR overtook Brits in iron and steel production, not far from overtaking Germany
- (1939) 9 aircraft factories made + (1938-1941) Rearmament spending rose from 27.5bn roubles to 70.9bn roubles
- FYPs
- HOWEVER consumer goods more scarcer than they had been under the NEP + despite high growth in heavy industry, perhaps light industry somewhat neglected + (Consumer goods more scarcer than they had been under the NEP)
Stalinist society…
- Massive changes in arts, fashion, culture, music etc
- (1932) All writers had to belong to the ‘Palace of Soviets’
- White Sea Canal built in Ukraine -> 300k people built it -> 30k died
Warfare expenditure and other things …
(Just before Op Barborossa)
- (1937-1940) Defence spending rose from 16.5% to 32.6%
- Lack of military initiative seen with the war with Finland
- Deficiencies in quality and quantity of equipment
- (By 1941) USSR manufacturing 230 tanks, 700 military aircraft + Over 100k rifles monthly + Due to high military expenditure -> Insufficient investment into state farm still not producing enough to feed populace
Warfare expenditure and other things …
(Just before Op Barborossa)
- (1937-1940) Defence spending rose from 16.5% to 32.6%
- Lack of military initiative seen with the war with Finland
- Deficiencies in quality and quantity of equipment
- (By 1941) USSR manufacturing 230 tanks, 700 military aircraft + Over 100k rifles monthly + Due to high military expenditure -> Insufficient investment into state farm still not producing enough to feed populace
What pact was signed between Hitler and Stalin?
(Other details of international situation)
- A non-aggression pact between Russia and Germany
- Both nations had to shift propaganda to ensure a good perception of the other country.
- (1938-1939) Sudetan Crisis, chamberlain compromised with Hitler on Sudetan land
- (Mar 1939) Hitler takes Czechoslovakia
- (Aug 1939) Ribbentrop pact -> Non-aggression treaty between Germany and USSR
(Jul 1941) Stalin’s radio broadcast
Warfare expenditure and other things …
(Just before Op Barborossa)
- (1937-1940) Defence spending rose from 16.5% to 32.6%
- Lack of military initiative seen with the war with Finland
- Deficiencies in quality and quantity of equipment
- (By 1941) USSR manufacturing 230 tanks, 700 military aircraft + Over 100k rifles monthly + Due to high military expenditure -> Insufficient investment into state farm still not producing enough to feed populace
Why Stalin and the USSR were so unprepared?
- Hitler had 5.5m troops + 2.8k tanks + 5k aircraft and 47k artillery
- (Jun 1941) Hitler’s assault begun with 66 Soviet airfields attacked
- Stalin kept ignoring the warnings he received -> Ignored Eden + (Jan 1941) Ignored Welles’ warning + Ignored the German buildup on the Western boardup
- ## Stalin ignored warnings from his own intelligence!
Collectivization Stage 2 (1930-1941)…
- 2.5k MTS’ est.
- ‘Dekulakisation’ killed 10m of the best farmers!
- Grain + livestock killed
- Unrealistic procurement quotas
- (Oct 1931) Drought hit many agricultural areas + (1932-1933) Famine + (Aug 1932) Anyone who even stole a little bit from a collective risked going to jail for 10 yrs.
- Internal passports bought in to stop peasents leaving collectives
- Estimated that Soviet Union’s had 52% of its veg produced like this + 70% meat + 71% milk
Collectivisation Stage 1 (1929-1930)
- Stalin said he wanted to ‘annihilate the kulaks as a class’.
- 15% of peasent households destroyed + 150k richer peasents forced to migrate to north and east to poorer land.
- (Jan 1930) Stalin announced that 1/4 of grain farming areas to be collectivised of that year.
- (Mar 1930) 58% peasent households been collectivised via force + propaganda. + Stalin said collectivisation was ‘dizzy with success’.