Russia Flashcards
Which MOUNTAIN RANGE separates European Russia from Asiatic Russia?
The URAL Mountains separate European and Asiatic Russia.
Recently Russia has become a more wealthy nation. What resource has been discovered to make this happen?
Russia has discovered vast reserves of OIL and GAS. These are now exported from Russia and has made Russia more wealthy.
Joseph Stalin started a policy that agriculture (farms) were controlled by GROUPS not INDIVIDUALS. What was this called?
COLLECTIVIZATION is the policy implemented by Joseph Stalin that transferred control of agriculture from individuals to groups.
Name the family dynasty that ruled Russia for 300 years.
The ROMANOVS ruled Russia for 300 years.
NORTHERNMOST RUSSIA is a SUBARTIC climate. True or False?
False. Northernmost Russia is a TUNDRA climate region.
Which two CONTINENTS does Russia cover?
Russia covers the continents of EUROPE and ASIA.
In Russia news stories and websites are changed or blocked from the people. What vocabulary word means “to block or suppress”?
The word is CENSOR. The Russian government censors the news and websites that it’s citizens.
How are oil and natural gas MOVED/TRANSPORTED in Russia?
Oil and natural gas are transported by UNDERGROUND PIPELINES.
Name the REFORMER in the Soviet Union who introduced GLASNOST.
The name of the reformer was MIKHAIL GORBACHEV.
True or False? The most populated part of Russia is in the Asian part of the country?
False - The EUROPEAN part of Russia is the most populated.
What is a vocabulary word term that came from the Latin word for emperor?
The word is TSAR. It is derived from the Latin Caesar.
True or False? In a COMMUNIST government everything is OWNED by the PEOPLE.
True - The people as a whole own everything in a Communist government.
Perestroika was introduced in the 1980’s by Mikhail Gorgachev. It was a restructuring of the economy and government that allowed more freedoms of business ownership.
Why did Mr. Putin put the ENERGY industry under government control?
Mr. Putin put the energy industry under government control to help Russia become a SUPERPOWER.
True or False? The constitution in Russia calls for freedom of speech and the press.
True - though this is not the actual practice of the government.
Which area of Russia is the LEAST populated?
The area EAST of the URAL mountains is LEAST POPULATED.
If a nation is extremely powerful and important to the world economy, what is that nation called?
Powerful nations are called SUPER POWERS.
What lies under the tundra in Northern Russia?
A layer of PERMAFROST lies under the tundra in Northern Russia.
What is a CITY-STATE?
A city-state is a city or town that CONTROLS surrounding villages & farmlands.
Name the LAKE in Russia that is more than ONE MILE DEEP.
LAKE BAKAIL in Russia is more than 1 mile deep.
Truck drivers often drive on _________________ in the winter because the roads are so bad.
Truck drivers drive on FROZEN LAKES and RIVERS in the winter.
What is the name of the largest CITY in Russia?
MOSCOW is the largest city in Russia.
_________s are BOUND to live and work on land owned by their Lord.
SERFs must live and work on land owned by their Lord.
This word means OPENNESS or freedom of speech and was introduced to Russia by Mr. Gorbachev.
The word is GLASNOST.
Name the first LEADER of the NEW RUSSIA after the fall of Communism.
BORIS YELTSIN was the 1st leader of the new Russia.
Which class (lower, middle, or upper) has INCREASED in size since Mr. Putin took over as President of Russia?
The MIDDLE class has increased in size since Mr. Putin took office.
In which country is the LIFE EXPECTANCY lower - the US or Russia.
In Russia the life expectancy is nearly 13 years LESS than in the US.
This man of Muscovy go rid of the Golden Horde and called himself “tsar”
IVAN III called himself tsar.
Who pushed for collectivization (agriculture controlled by groups instead of individuals).
JOSEPH STALIN pushed for collectivization.
In Northern Russia, a layer of permafrost lies under the tundra, or ______________________.
Is Russia a SUPER POWER?
Yes, Russia is a SUPER POWER.