Chapter 1 Section 3: The United States Today Study Guide Flashcards
What kind of economy does the US have?
The US has a market economy
What areas are American companies leaders in?
What is the US most most important export?
Farm Products
Name three items that the US generally imports?
clothing, cars, oil.
List countries we usually import goods from?
China, India and Japan
List countries we usually import oil from:
Middle East, Mexico and Canada
Who makes most of the buying and selling decisions in the US economy?
People and businesses.
List and describe 3 economic regions of the United States.
Great Lakes- Automobile
Midwest- Agriculture
Pacific Northwest- Forestry
Define Market Economy:
Where individuals and businesses make the majority of the buying and selling decisions.
Define Export:
A good that is shipped to different areas of the world.
Define Import:
Goods brought to the United States.
Define Economic Region:
Places where people to particular kinds of work.
Define Diplomacy:
The process of making decisions through discussion.
What two countries are America’s largest trading partners?
Canada and Mexico
What is NAFTA?
North American Free Trade Agreement
What allows the US to pursue its interests globally?
The size of Economy and military
What is the process of making decisions through discussion?
When is the US most likely to use military force?
When we are under attack
What effect did the terrorist attacks have on US foreign policy?
It made our security tighter
Describe what happened on September 11, 2001. How did the US answer?
The Taliban (terrorists) hijacked planes and committed terrorist acts.
The US answered by invading Iraq and Afghanistan.
What types of aid does the US provide to other countries?
food, military aid, money, survival skills
Which country contributes the most in foreign aid?
The United States
Which country contributes the smallest percentage of its national income?
The United States
Why does the US discourage conflict in other parts of the world?
Because the war could come here. Affects trade and economy.
How do trade agreements like NAFTA increase trade?
Because it neighbors the US with countries in an agreement to increase trade for less cost.
How does immigration affect the US economy and culture?
- Diverse cultures
- Immigrants ad to the workforce and economy
- Diverse Foods, religion
What are some recent examples of the US influencing world events through its foreign policy?
Pursued Afghanistan and declared war in response to the 9/11 attacks. Removed Saddam Hussein from power.