Chapter 2 Test - Canada Flashcards
What is the MIXING ZONE?
The mixing is where warm and cold waters combine in the Grand Banks. This is really good for the fishing industry.
Canada had 2 colonies for many years. One of them was British Canada. What was the name of the other COLONY?
NEW FRANCE existed alongside British Canada for many years.
Canada became a dominion in 1867. What is a DOMINION?
The DOMINION governed itself - but its foreign affairs were controlled by Great Britain.
A CULTURAL MOSAIC is a diverse society where many of the people keep their own cultural identities like language, traditions, food, and religion.
What is it called when the soil remains FROZEN even when the summer sun melts the snow and ice on the surface?
It is called a PERMA FROST when the soil remains frozen but the snow on top melts.
How were many of the lakes in the Canadian shield region created?
The lakes in the Canadian Shield were created by glaciers.
Canada’s Parliament has two houses in its government. What are they called?
The 2 houses in Canada’s Parliament are called the HOUSE OF COMMONS and the SENATE.
What does it mean to be a BILINGUAL government?
The country has two official languages - ENGLISH AND FRANCE.
MULTI - many CULTURAL - tradition.
People who live their maintain their family traditions while also sharing the fact that they are CANADIAN.
Name one of Canada’s main natural resources
Timber (wood) is one of Canada’s biggest natural resources.
What type of government does Canada have? (Hint: it is the same as Great Britain)
Describe a TUNDRA.
A tundra has very little vegetation and freezing temperatures most of the year.
What did the ACT OF UNION do for Canada?
The ACT OF UNION reunited Upper and Lower Canada into one province.
Do the Great Banks of Canada provide coal, farmland, or fish to Canada’s economy?
The Great Banks provide fish to Canada’s economy.
What did Britain guarantee in the the QUEBEC ACT OF 1775?
Britain guaranteed the RIGHTS OF FRENCH CANADIANS in the Quebec act of 1775.
Who is Canada’s most important trading partner?
The UNITED STATES is Canada’s most important trading partner.
Most Canadians live and work in the heartland of Canada. Where is this heartland?
Most Canadians live and work in the area AROUND THE GREAT LAKES AND THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER.
What type of CLIMATE is along Canada’s border with the United states?
CONTINENTAL WARM SUMMER is the name of the climate.
Which country in the world has the highest percentage of college and university GRADUATES?
Canada has the highest percentage of College and University graduates.
Who were the first people to live in southern Canada and make use of its resources?
The FIRST NATIONS were the first people.
What act guaranteed religious freedom and the right to FRENCH laws to Canadians?
The QUEBEC ACT guaranteed religious freedom and French Laws.
Who has the most executive power in the Canadian government?
The PRIME MINISTER has the most executive power in the Canadian government.