Chapter 5 - South America Flashcards
Venezuela has a lot of this natural resource near Lake Maracaibo. What is the natural resource?
Oil is the natural resource that is plentiful in Venezuela.
True or False? Most of the people of Colombia live in the eastern part of the country?
False. Most of the people in Colombia live in the Andes Mountain area.
In Guyana and Suriname, where did people from the MOST DOMINANT ETHNIC GROUP migrate from?
Most of the immigrants to Guyana and Suriname are workers who migrated from INDIA.
The government of Venezuela changed the ownership of the OIL INDUSTRY in 1976. Who was put in charge of the OIL INDUSTRY?
The Oil Industry of Venezuela was NATIONALIZED in 1976. This means that the government took control of it.
What is the name for the group of people who liberated, or brought freedom to, the area now known as Columbia and Venezuela?
The caudillos (military or political leader) brought freedom to Columbia and Venezuela.
In Caribbean South America - which of the following countries (2) are MOST INFLUENCED by SPANISH CULTURE?
** Suriname **** Venezuela **** Colombia ** French Guiana ** Guyana **
The countries of COLOMBIA and VENEZUELA are most influenced by Spanish Culture.
True or False? The main language spoken in Guyana is ENGLISH?
True. The main language spoken in Guyana is English.
After LIBERATION from SPAIN, which “people group” was the primary leader of the NEW COUNTRIES of South America?
The BRITISH were the primary leaders of the new countries of South America after it’s liberation from Spain.
True or False? The main language spoken in Suriname is English?
Did the peninsulares liberate the area now known as Colombia and Venezuela?
No. The caudillos liberated what is now Colombia and Venezuela.
What is a LLANOS?
A llanos is a GRASSY area with FEW TREES.
There are 3 parallel ranges of the Andes Mountains. Are they known as:
** lowland plains ** Guiana Highlands ** Tundra ** Cordilleras *** (pick 1)
The 3 parallel ranges of the Andes Mountains are known as the The Cordilleras
Would you find LOWLAND PLAINS in Caribbean South America?
Yes. You will find LOWLAND PLAINS in Caribbean South America.
What did Spanish conquistadors change human geography in Caribbean South America?
The conquistadors imported slaves from Africa to bring change.
True or False? Spanish conquistadors took WATER from their settlements in Caribbean South America.
False. Spanish conquistadors took GOLD from their settlements in Caribbean South America.
Why is Venezuela so rich/wealthy?
Venezuela is rich/wealthy because of its OIL and NATURAL GAS reserves.
Which type of pollution is happening in Venezuela because of the OIL production?
WATER POLLUTION is plaguing Venezuela because the oil is seeping into the sand and polluting the water.
Which counties have the most ethnic tensions? French Guiana or Suriname?
Suriname has many ethnic tensions.
Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, seems to be moving his country towards __________. (Democracy or Socialism)
Hugo Chavez is moving his country towards Socialism.
Who has the Colombian government been fighting a CIVIL WAR with for decades?
The Colombian government has been fighting a civil war with the INSURGENTS for decades.
What is an ECOSYSTEM?
An ecosystem is plants and animals that depend on each other and their environment for survival.
Terraced farming is used to sculpt the hillside into different flat levels for farming.
What is the name for the LEGENDARY KING in Caribbean South America?
The gold-rich king is named EL DORADO.
What is the name for ARMED FORCES that are UNAUTHORIZED by the government called?
Armed forces that are unauthorized by the government are called PARAMILITARIES.
This is the word for the type of democracy where PEOPLE ELECT REPRESENTATIVES to make the nation’s laws?
In a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACIES people elect theire law makers.