Ruminant Forelimb Flashcards
Fetlock Joint
- metacarpo-phalangeal joint
Pastern Joint
- proximal interphalangeal joint
Coffin Joint
- distal interphalangeal joint
Bones involved in the shoulder joint
- scapulo-humeral joint
- glenoid cavity and head of the humerus
What type of joint is the shoulder joint?
- spheroid (ball and socket)
- > flexion and extension
Ligaments of the shoulder joint?
- NO true collateral ligaments
- > infraspinatus muscle and subscapularis muscle acts as contralateral ligaments
- the shoulder joint can be accessed at the cranial border of the infraspinatus muscle
Intertubercular/Bicipital Bursa
- a bursa located between the bicipital groove and the bicipital tendon
Bones involved in the carpal joint
- antebrachio-carpal-metacarpal joint)
- radius and ulna
- carpal bones
- metacarpal bones
What type of joint is the carpal joint?
- compound synovial joint
1. Antebrachiocarpal joint
2. Middle carpal joint
3. Carpometacarpal joint
Intertubercular/bicipital bursa does not communicate with the shoulder joint in which species?
- Horse and Ox
Intertubercular/bicipital bursa’s role is assumed as a pouch of the shoulder joint in which species?
- small ruminants
Antebrachiocarpal Joint
- between the distal radius and ulna and the proximal row of carpal bones
- > greatest movement occurs at this proximal articulation, as a result it is most prone to injury and inflammation
Middle carpal joint
- between the two rows of carpal bones
- this joint communicates with the carpometacarpal joint and has considerable movement
Carpometacarpal Joint
- between the distal row of carpal bones and the metacarpal bones
- this joint communicates with the middle carpal joint and has very little or virtually no movement