Rules of the Road Flashcards
Ensure there are no oncoming vehicles & remember to check your mirrors and be cautious. Keep a good distance behind so you can clearly see up the road. Only overtake when safe to do so.
Overtaking in a two lane one way street
You can overtake on the left and the right. Always check your mirrors.
National speed limit
Single carriageway - (cars 60mph, caravan or towed goods 50mph)
Dual carriageway - (cars 70mph, caravan or towed goods 60mph)
Going straight ahead at a roundabout
DO NOT signal on approach. Signal left just after you pass the exit before yours.
Central reservation
If the central reservation is not wide enough for your vehicle, you MUST always ensure that both carriageways are clear before emerging.
Right hand lane closure
Ensure you are in the correct lane in good time
Temporary speed limits
Reduces the risk of injury to road workers and helps to prevent collisions and congestion
Slip road turns into a 3rd lane
Middle and right lanes are for overtaking.
The left lane is for normal driving
The speed limit on a road with street lights
Travelling in a bus lane
Only travel in a bus lane outside of it’s hour of operation
Doing so at any other time is illegal and could lead to a fine
Parked cars
Could potentially hide hazards…
Children running into the road
Doors opening
Cars pulling out
Being in the wrong lane at crossroads
Continue in the lane & find a suitable place to turn around
DO NOT try to cross lanes
Always pass oncoming traffic on your right and turn behind it, offside to offside
If you are ever unsure when reversing, you can always get out to check or ask someone to guide you
Never reverse for longer than is necessary
When reversing around a corner, it should always be into a SIDE ROAD, never do it into a main road
Remember that when you start to turn the front end of your car will swing out into the other side of the road which is hazardous for passing cars
Only take your seatbelt off if absolutely necessary. It is an important safety feature.
Signals are important as they warn other road users of what you intend to do next
Unmarked crossroads
Nobody has priority
Be prepared to give way and proceed slowly and carefully
Passing a van
Give way to oncoming traffic until you can safely pass the vehicle
Signal when you pull out to pass the vehicle
Zebra crossings
You should STOP, WAIT and let pedestrians CROSS if they are waiting to cross
Pelican crossings
Give way if the amber light is flashing
Toucan crossings
Both pedestrians and cyclists can cross
Box junctions
Only enter if your exit is clear
Only wait in them if oncoming traffic prevents you from turning right
Stop sign
Always come to a complete stop
You need to stop
Traffic officer, Police officer, Red traffic light, School crossing patrol and if you have been involved in an incident involving damage or injury
It’s illegal to drive on and obstruct footpaths, unless you are crossing over them to gain access to, or exit, a property
DO NOT park on the pavement
Wheelchair users and prams also use footpaths so they need to be able to pass freely
You must NOT park at or near a bus stop, near a school entrance, near the brow of a hill or within 10 metres of a junction
If a cycle lane has a broken white line, DO NOT park in it
If a cycle lane has a solid white line you are allowed to park, only outside of it’s periods of operations
You are only allowed to park in a disabled parking space if you’re a blue badge holder
Means NO parking or stopping
Urban clearway
You may only stop to set down and pick up passengers
Parking on the right hand side of the road
It’s OK to do this on a one way street, but on an ordinary road it is extremely dangerous to oncoming traffic especially at night
Parking at night
The safest place to park, at night, is off road or a well-lit area
If parking on the road, at night, you should always park on the left hand side of the road, and turn on your side/parking lights if the road speed limit is over 30mph
No waiting zone
Blue sign with red border and red line going through it
You’ll normally find these in busy areas
You are not allowed to stop or pull over even to drop off or collect passengers
Minimum speed limit
Minimum speed limits are in place to keep traffic moving or for safety reasons blue sign with white font
A red diagonal line passing through the sign indicates the end of the minimum speed limit
Meter zone
You have to pay if you want to park in the zone
One way street
If you need to turn around from a parked position, emerge from your parking space and then find somewhere quiet to turn around DO NOT turn around in a one way street
Using your lights at night
Using your dipped headlights will help you be seen more easily
Only use your full beam when you are sure you wouldn’t dazzle other drivers
Passing places
Can be found on narrow roads where there isn’t enough space for two vehicles
If there is an oncoming vehicle, you should pull into a passing place if it is on your left
If the passing place is on your right, stop & wait for the other vehicle to pull in and then pass