Rules of the Air Flashcards
Who do the Rules of the Air apply to?
To ACFT bearing the nationality and registration marks of a contracting state, wherever they may be, to the extent that they do not conflict with the rules published by the state having jurisdiction over the territory overflown.
All pilots SHALL comply with general rules as well as either VFR or IFR in flight.
What is the responsibility of the Pilot in Command ?
SHALL, whether manipulating the controls or not, be responsible for the operation of the ACFT in accordance with the rules of the air.
The PIC may depart from these rules if it is absolutely necessary in the interests of safety.
Preflight, PIC SHALL become familiar with:
- Weather reports (current and forecast)
- Fuel requirements
- Alternate course of action if the flight cannot be completed as planned
What are the conditions for formation flights?
- Pre arrangement amongst PICs with one of them designated the flight leader.
- Operates as a single ACFT with regard to navigation and position reporting.
- Separation is responsibility of the pilots.
- No more than 0.5NM laterally and longitudinally and 100ft vertically separation from flight leader SHALL be maintained by each ACFT.
- Must be within controlled airspace.
1.) For flying machines, airships, gliders and balloons, who shall give way to what?
- ) If 2 ACFT are approaching head on, what should they do?
- ) What are the right of way rules concerning overtaking ACFT?
- ) What are the right of way rules concerning converging ACFT?
- ) What shall an ACFT with right of way do?
- ) What shall ACFT giving way avoid doing?
- ) Flying machines shall give way to airships, gliders and balloons; Airships shall give way to gliders and balloons; and gliders shall give way to balloons.
- ) Both turn right
- ) ACFT overtaking:
- ACFT being overtaken has right of way.
- ACFT overtaking always overtakes on the right (sailplanes left or right).
- NB. This is opposite from on the movement area. - ) Converging ACFT at the same level: one with the other on its right gives way by turning to the right unless that conflicts with the first point
- ) ACFT with right of way SHALL maintain speed and heading until the other ACFT is clear.
- ) ACFT giving way SHALL avoid passing over, under or in front of the other unless it can pass well clear and takes into account their wake turbulence
What rights of way rules apply when landing?
Aircraft landing or on final approach have right of way over other aircraft in flight or on the ground.
Lower aircraft on final approach have right of way, other aircraft shall not cut in front unless ATC say so or in emergency.
What separate right of way rules apply to sailplanes/gliders?
When under tow, considered to be one machine with, and under command of, towing ACFT.
Mechanically driven ACFT must give way to a towing ACFT.
Sailplanes may overtake on either side.
What are the basic rules for surface movements of ACFT, persons and vehicles?
- Same right of way rules apply to ACFT as in the air.
- ACFT shall stop at all RWY holding positions unless explicit clearance to enter/cross RWY issued.
- TWR to control movements of persons/vehicles as necessary to avoid hazard to them and ACFT landing/taxiing/taking off.
- Emergency vehicles proceeding to assist an ACFT have priority over all surface movement traffic.
- Normal vehicles to give way to everything.
What are the conditions which allow an ACFT to be flown under simulated instrument flight conditions?
Fully functioning dual controls must installed and an additional qualified pilot will occupy the control seat as a safety pilot.
What types of lights can an ACFT have?
Navigation, beacon/anti-collision, strobe, taxi lights, RWY turnoff lights, landing lights, wing inspection, ice detection probe, logo, search and formation lights.
Which lights must be used at night both in flight and on the movement area?
In flight - Anti-collision and navigation (except balloons)
Movement area - Navigation, lights to indicate extremities, Anti-collision lights.
Which lights must be used during the day both in flight and on the movement area?
Anti-collision lights
Lights to indicate that engines are running (Movement area only)
During operation on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome, an ACFT shall…
- Observe other traffic in order to avoid collision
- Conform with or avoid traffic pattern (circuit) formed by other ACFT in operation.
Except for balloons:
- Make all turns to the left when approaching to land and after TKOF unless otherwise indicated or instructed by ATC.
- Land and TKOF into wind unless a different direction is preferable due to safety, RWY config or other air traffic considerations.
When is and ACFT in the vicinity of an aerodrome?
When it is in, entering or leaving an aerodrome traffic circuit.
What does a distress signal mean?
That grave and imminent danger threatens the ACFT and immediate assistance is required.
What types of distress signal are there?
- A signal consisting of SOS by RT or any other signalling method.
- RT or datalink message consisting of MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY.
- Rockets or shells throwing red lights fired 1 at a time at short intervals.
- Red parachute flare.
- Squawking 7700.
What does an urgency signal mean?
That an ACFT wishes to transmit a very urgent message concerning the safety of a ship, ACFT or other vehicle or persons on board or in sight.
What types of urgency signals are there?
- A signal consisting of XXX by RT or any other signalling method.
- RT or datalink message consisting of PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN.
- Switch landing light on and off repeatedly.
- Switch navigation lights on and off repeatedly in such a way as to be distinct from flashing navigation lights.
What do the following mean in terms of aerodrome traffic signals using lights and pyrotechnics?
1) Steady green light
2) Steady red light
3) Flashing green light
4) Flashing red light
5) Flashing white light
6) Red pyrotechnic
1) In flight: Clear to land, On GND: Cleared to TKOF
2) In flight: Give way to other ACFT and continue circling, On GND: Stop
3) In flight: Return for landing, On GND: Cleared to taxi
4) In flight: Aerodrome not safe, do not land, On GND: Taxi clear of landing area in use
5) In flight: Land at this aerodrome and proceed to APN, On GND: Return to starting point on aerodrome
6) Not withstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being
* Clearances to land and taxi will be issued in due course
In general, what does a flight plan contain?
Specified information provided to ATSUs regarding an intended flight or portion thereof.
For IFR flights, what types of changes to a flight plan shall be reported?
All changes
For VFR flights, what types of changes to a flight plan shall be reported.
Significant changes only such as fuel endurance and total number of POB (if incorrect at the time of departure)
- ) What is an ATC Clearance?
- ) What can a clearance contain?
- ) What must be done with all clearances?
1.) An authorisation for an ACFT to proceed under conditions specified by an ATC unit.
- ) Contents of an ATC clearance shall indicate:
- ACFT identification as shown on the flight plan
- Clearance limit
- Route of flight
- Level/Change of level (if required)
- Any other necessary information.
3.) Pilots shall read back all safety related parts of an ATC clearance/instruction and ATC shall listen to the read back and immediately correct any discrepancy.
What is a controlled flight?
Any flight subject to ATC clearance
What actions shall be taken by the pilot if inadvertent changes are made to the flight plan?
- Deviation from track - Adjust heading to regain track as soon as possible.
- Variation in TAS: Variation of +/- 5% of TAS to be reported to ATSU.
- Change in time estimate - Time error shall be reported to ATSU if in excess of 2 minutes.
What are the 4 options for course of action to be taken by a pilot if the weather deteriorates below VMC?
- Request clearance to continue in VMC to destination or leave the airspace within which clearance is required.
- Continue in VMC and either leave the airspace or land at nearest suitable aerodrome.
- Request Special VFR (If in a CTR).
- Request clearance to operate as IFR.
Define flight visibility
The visibility forward from the cockpit of an ACFT in flight
Define ground visibility
The visibility at an aerodrome as reported by an accredited observer or automatic equipment
Define ceiling
The height above the ground or water of the base of the lower layer of cloud below 20000ft covering more than half the sky
What is VMC minima below which a VFR flight is unable to take off or land at controlled aerodromes or enter an ATZ or circuit?
Ceiling: Less than 1500ft
Ground visibility: Less than 5km
Unless SVFR clearance has been obtained
Under what conditions are VFR flights permitted to operate at night?
File a flight plan if leaving AD vicinity.
Establish and maintain 2 way RT.
Adhere to VMC and minimum level criteria as listed except that:
- Ceiling not less than 1500ft
- Reduced visibility provisions shall not apply
- In airspace classes B-G at and below 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL - pilot shall keep ground in sight
- Higher VMC may be prescribed in mountainous areas
What are the 2 conditions which allow VFR flights to be operated above FL195?
An airspace reservation has been established specifically for VFR flights
Air space up to and including FL285 has been authorised for VFR flights and published in the AIP.
What are the minimum clearance heights for VFR flights?
For flights over congested areas or open air assemblies:
Not less than a height of 1000ft above the highest obstacle/open air assembly in a 600m radius.
Elsewhere, not less than 500ft above GND or water or the highest obstacle in a 150m radius.
- ) What is SVFR?
2. ) What are the conditions that permit it?
1.) Special VFR:
A VFR flight cleared by ATC to operate within a control zone during the day in meteorological conditions less than VMC.
- )
- ATC shall not authorise SVFR for TKOF and landing at AD within CTR or enter ATZ/circuit if ground visibility is less than 1500m (helicopters 800m) or ceiling is less than 600ft.
- Pilots must also be clear of cloud with surface in sight with a flight visibility not less than 1500m (helicopters 800m) and at a speed of no more than 140kt IAS.
- ) What is IFR?
2. ) What shall ACFT be equipped with in order to comply with IFR?
- ) Instrument Flight Rules:
- ) ACFT used for IFR flight shall be equipped with suitable instruments and with navigation equipment appropriate to the route being flown.
What are the minimum clearance heights for IFR flights if no minimum flight altitude for the route to be flown has been established?
- Over high terrain/mountainous areas, at a level at least 2000ft above the highest obstacle in an 8km radius of the ACFT.
- Elsewhere at least 1000ft above highest obstacle in an 8km radius.
- ) What shall ACFT electing to change from VFR to IFR do?
2. ) What shall ACFT electing to change from IFR to VFR do?
1.) If flight plan was submitted, communicate necessary changes. If no flight plan submitted, submit one and obtain clearance prior to proceeding as IFR within controlled airspace.
- )
- Notify ATSU that IFR is cancelled, specifically stating “cancelling my IFR flight”.
- Communicate the changes to be made to the current flight plan.
What shall IFR comply with within controlled airspace in terms of service provision and cruising level?
- Provisions of an air traffic control service.
- The SCCL system unless otherwise indicated by ATC or AIP.
What shall IFR flights comply with outside of controlled airspace in terms of cruising level, communications and position reports?
- SCCL system except when otherwise specified for flights at/below 3000ft.
- Within areas/routes designated for provision of flight information, alerting and SAR services, maintain a listening watch on the radio and establish 2 way RT when necessary.
- ACFT shall give position reports as required.