Rules Flashcards
Name the 7 where stress fall on the 2nd last vowel sound?
- oma
- itis
- osis
- ic
- ion (un sound)
- rrhea
- esis
What’s -esis are exceptions to the 2nd last vowel sound?
- genesis
- emesis
What rule does -genesis and -emesis follow?
Stress on 3rd to last vowel sound
What rule does -blast follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -cele follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -clast follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -cyte follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -gram follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -graph follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -pexy follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -plasm follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -plasty follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -scope follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -tome follow?
Stresses on the root
What rule does -tripsy follow?
Stresses on root
Spell the combining forms of coccyx, larynx and pharynx?
(Drops the X and add a g/o)
What vowel is stressed in coccygeal, laryngeal, and pharyngeal?
The y on all 3 are stressed
What vowel is stressed in anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism?
3rd last vowel
What is stressed in mediastinum? Why?
2nd to last vowel (i) - um like un (ion)
What is stressed in peritoneum? Why?
2nd last vowel (e) - um like un
What is stressed in inguinal? Why?
3rd last vowel (I at the start) - ui is one vowel sound together
What is the stress on for -blast and -clast?
Stresses on root
What is the stress on for -gram, -graph and -graphy?
- gram and -graph stress on root
- graphy is general rule
What is the stress on for -scope and -scopy?
- scope tresses on root
- scopy is general rule
What is the stress on for -plasm, -plasty and -pathy?
- plasm and -plasty stresses on root
- pathy is general rule
What is the stress on for -tome and -tomy?
- tome stresses on root
- tomy is general rule
What is the difference between -trophy and -plasia?
- trophy = development for cell size
- plasia = development for cell number
What happens when you pair -stomy with one root? 2 roots?
One = opening to outside Two = connection between
What is the difference with syn- and sym-?
Both mean with or together
Sym- pair with roots starting with b, m, p
Syn- pair with any other roots
What are the 2 ways to use pro-?
Before (time)
Forward (motion)
*must use specific one
What are the 2 ways to use para-?
*use specific one
What is the difference between the/o and top/o?
The/o = place as a verb (action) Top/o = place as a noun (location)
What is the different meanings of -gram, -graph and -graphy?
- gram = record
- graph = instrument to record
- graphy = process of recording
What is the different meanings of -scope and -scopy?
- scope = instrument to visual examination
- scopy = process of visual examination
What does hemostasis and ischemia mean?
Hemostasis - normal stoppage of blood flow (clotting)
Ischemia - abnormal loss of blood flow (holding back of blood)
What are the meanings of -malacia and -sclerosis?
- malacia = softening
- sclerosis = hardening
What are the different meanings of -algia, -dynia, and dys-?
-algia and -dynia = pain
Dys- = painful, bad, abnormal, difficult
Difference between -tomy and -ectomy?
- tomy = in/cis/ion - cutting into
- ectomy = re/sect/ion - cutting out or removal
What are the different meanings of -penia, -plasty, -ptosis, and -pexy?
- penia =deficiency
- plasty = surgical repair
- ptosis = drooping, sagging
- pexy = fixing, fastening (fixes ptosis)
What is the difference between my/o and myel/o?
My/o = muscle Myel/o = spinal cord or bone marrow
What is the difference between Ec-, ecto- and ex-?
Ec- and ecto- = out, outside
Ex- = out, away from
What is the difference between dys-, mal-, and eu-?
Dys- = bad, painful, difficult, abnormal Mal- = bad Eu- = good, normal
What is the difference between -lapse and -ptosis?
- lapse = slide, fall, sag
- ptosis = droop, sag, prolapse (forward slide)
Difference between the/o and thel/o?
The/o = to place (verb) Thel/o = nipple
Difference between ante- and anti-?
Ante- = before Anti- = against
Difference between per- and peri-?
Per- = through Peri- = surrounding
Difference between infra-, intra- and inter-?
Infra- = below, beneath Intra- = within, into Inter- = between
Difference between -pnea and -penia?
- pnea = breathing
- penia = deficiency
What is stressed in duodenum, jejunum and ileum?
Duodenum = on e or o (both accepted) Jejunum = first u Ileum = i
What is stressed in -rrhage, -rrhagia, -rrhea, and -rrhapy?
- rrhage = stress of root
- rrhagia = stress on 3rd to last vowel (first a)
- rrhea = stress on 2nd to last (e)
- rrhapy = stress on 3rd to last vowel (combining vowel)
What is stressed in -stenosis, -ectasis, - ectasia, and -tresia?
- stenosis = 2nd to last vowel
- ectasis = 3rd to last vowel (e)
- ectasia = 3rd to last vowel (first a)
- tresia = 3rd to last vowel (e)
What is stressed in -ptosis and -ptysis?
- ptosis = 2nd to last vowel (o)
- ptysis = 3rd to last vowel (combining vowel)
What is stressed in -emesis and emetic?
-emesis = 3rd to last vowel (first e) Emetic = 2nd to last vowel (second e)
What is stressed of -poiesis and -poientin?
- poiesis = 2nd to last vowel (e)
- poientin = 3rd to last vowel (o - ie makes one sound)
What is stressed in -gravida and -arche?
- gravida = 3rd (first a)
- arche = 2nd (a)
What is stressed in hemostasis and metastasis?
Hemostasis = 3rd (o) Metastasis = 3rd (a)
What is stressed in -cyesis, -partum, -ptosis?
- cyesis = 2nd (e)
- partum = 2nd (a)
- ptosis = 2nd (o)
What is stressed in hydrocele?
Stressed on root = y
What is stressed in epididymis?
3rd = middle i
What is stressed in bulbourethral?
2nd = e
What is stressed in ejaculation?
2nd = a (i and o as 1)
What is stressed in ejaculatory?
Stress on root = first a
What is stressed in syncope?
3rd = y
What is stressed in meninges?
2nd - i
What is stressed in myelin?
3rd = y
What is stressed in thalamus?
3rd = first a
What is stressed is systole and diastole?
Systole = 3rd (y) Diastole = 3rd (a)
What is stressed in -meter?
3rd = on combining vowel
What is stressed in mediastinum?
2nd = last i
What is stressed in atelectasis? atelectasia?
atelectasis = 3rd (last e) atelectasia = 3rd (middle a)
What is stressed in edema? Empyema?
Edema = 2nd (last e) Empyema = 2nd (last e)
What is stressed in -penia?
3rd = e
What is stressed in olecranon?
3rd = e
What is stressed in acetabulum?
3rd = 2nd a
What is stressed in malleolus?
2nd or 3rd
What is stressed in foramen?
2nd = a
What is stressed in trochanter?
2nd = a
What is stressed in talipes?
3rd = i
What is stressed in -physis?
Stress on root
Symphysis = first y
Epiphysis = first i
Diaphysis = a
What is stressed in albino? Albinism?
Albino = 2nd (i) Albinism = 3rd (first i)
What is stressed in melanin? Melanocyte?
Melanin = 3rd (e) Melanocyte = stress on root (a)
What is stressed in paronychium?
3rd = y
What is stressed in onycholysis?
3rd = second o
What is stressed in onchomycosis?
2nd = last o
What is stressed in sebaceous?
4th = a
What is stressed in seborrhea?
2nd = last e
What is stressed in alopecia?
3rd = e
What is stressed in integumentary?
3rd = last e
What is stressed in rhytidectomy?
3rd = e
What is stressed in squamous?
3rd = a
What is stressed in -opia, -opsia and -tropia?
- opia = 3rd (o)
- opsia = 3rd (o)
- tropia =3rd (o)
What is stressed in meatus, cerumen and malleus?
Meatus - 2nd = a
Cerumen - 2nd = u
Malleus - 3rd = a