Rule, Form, Def/s Flashcards
Systematic approach
- rate, 2. rhythm, 3. P waves, 4. PRI, 5. QRS
P wave:
Wandering atrial pacemaker:
Double hump morphology:
Sharp P morph/:
= Atrial depolarization
= dif/ pacemaker spots in atrium
= atrium ballooning or>1 firing
= pulmonale from R-atrium lungs
QRS complex:
T wave:
U wave:
QT segment:
= ventricular depolarization
= ventricular depolarization
= “late bloomer
= all ventricle’s action
= Rapid ventricular response
= Slow ventricular response
ST segment:
P-T is:
= AV holding impulse for sync
= ventricular contraction
= 1 full cardiac cycle
= gives rate & rhythm
Rs 6sec strip method:
big box method:
Small box method:
Triplicate method:
= # of Rs x 10
= 1R to R BB#s then 300/BB#
= 1R-R SB#s then 1500/ SB#
= descend W/ SB 300, 150, 100, 75, 50, 43, 38
= Premature Atrial Contraction
= Premature Junction Contraction (AV)
= Premature Ventricular Contraction
Re-entry loops
= stuck in nascar loop in a chambers pathway causing SVT / no P waves
Preexcitation Syndromes Arrhythmias Resulting from Most Common:
= Extra/s conduction pathways impulses used in assessory
= (WPW) bundle of Kent
= 2nd Lown-GanongLevine
= 3rd Mahaim Fiber
WPW definer:
Name of assessory pathway:
= has delta wave “wave leaning into R wave”
= Bundle of Kent
Lown-Ganong) definer:
Pathway name & path:
= has short PRI interval
= Bundle of James connects posterior internodal pathway to bundle of his
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT);
= SVT rules w/ stop or start; no P waves in SVT can be any rhythm before/after SVT
SA Pacemaker P wave shapes
Upright P waves & QRS WNL
Heart blocks are
blocks in AV node partial or complete
“Putting a rock or pebble on a cable”
- (Cardiac Pharmacology)
- NA Channel Blockers:
- Beta-Blockers:
- Potassium Channel Blockers:
- Calcium Channel Blockers:
- Miscellaneous:
1= (Vaugh-Will) Classes: 1]Na, 2]Beta, 3]K, 4]Ca, Misc] Adenosine
2= (Procainamide & Lidocaine) both Widened QRS & Prolongs QT
3= (Propranolol) Prolonged PRI & Bradycardias
4= (Amiodarone) Prolonged QT
5= (Diltiazem & Verapamil) Prolonged QT & Bradycardias
6= (Adenosine & Digoxin) Prolonged QT & Bradycardias
Propranolol, Labetalol, Metoprolol) class
= class 2 Beta Blockers
= 2nd line med for SVT after Adenosine, A-fib/flutter w/RVR, Reduce myocardical ischemia in AMI PT’s w/elevated HR, Antihypertensive
= Hypertension, 2nd line med for A-Fib/A-Flutter w/ RVR, & SVT
(Procainamide & Lidocaine) class
= class 1A&B Na Channel Blockers
= Alterative to Amiodarone in cardiac arrest V-Fib/pVT, Stable monomorphic Ventricular TachyC w/ presserved LVF
= V-Tach with a pulse, pre-excitation rhythms (WPW) >50% QRS width
Amiodarone class & indication
Class 3 K channel blocker> VF/Pulseless VT unresponsive to shock, CPR & Epi, BradyCs to include AV blocks, Recurrent, hemodynamically unstable VT w/ pulse
Adenosine & Digoxin class & indication
class misc> Adenosine 1st line med for stable narrow complex SVT,
Regular & monomorphic wide-complex tachyC thought to be from a reentry SVT (SVT w/ BBB) Does not convert A-fib/flutter
Before shocking someone:
since unstable, contraindicated meds:
since unstable, Indicated meds:
= Sedate em! sedate to keep pain away
= Sodium Thiopental, Propofol (Diprivan), Diazepam (Valium), Midazolam (Versed)
= Etomidate (Amidate (0.2-0.4 mg/kg), Ketamine (Ketalar(1-2mg/kg)
(Diltiazem & Verapamil) class
= class 4 Ca channel blocker
= 1st line med for A-Fib/Flutter w/ RVR >150 bpm, 2nd line med for SVT
refractory to adenosine
= 2nd line med for A-Fib/Flutter w/ RVR. May use as alterative after adenosine, narrow QRS complex tachycardia w/ preserved LV fn.
Cardiac Output:
Cardiac Output Formula:
Blood Pressure formula:
= amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min (70mL)
= SV x HR
= (SV x HR) x SVR
(Refractory periods) Absolute:
= end of P to apex of T wave- cells absolute Beginning of repolarization
= “some really could happen” lot of cells repolar but not all so can throw out of rhythm Commodo cordis
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V2?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V5?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V6?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V3?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V1?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V4?
When obtaining a 15 lead ECG, where do you place V4R?
= 4th ICS just left of Sternum
= Left 5th ICS anterior of auxiliary
= 5th ICS midaxillary
= ½ in between V2 & V4
= Right of Sternum 4th ICS
= 5th ICS left Midclavicular
= Right ICS midclavicular
Natural pacemaker of the heart is:
If SA Node failed to initiate a impulse, what is 1st back-up firing site?
If both SA & AV fails what is last firing site:
= SA node
= AV node
= Purjunkie
Leads V3 & V4 view
Leads V1 & V2 view
Leads 2,3, & aVF view
Leads 1, aVL, V5, V6 view
= Anterior
= Septal
= Inferior
= Lateral
DIgoxin for
heart failure usually fools refractory Na K pumps
Leads V1 and V2 look at what part of the heart?
Septal (blockages from LAD commonly)
Leads 1, aVL, V5, V6 look at what part of heart:
L-Lateral (low view : views LCX & LAD)
Leads V3 and V4 look at what part of the heart?
L-Anteriorwall (LAD & LMCA blocks)
Leads II, III and aVF look at what part of the heart?
Inferior wall (most common blockacke(RCA)
Orthodromic Re-entry loop:
Antidromic Re-entry loop
= Clockwise rentry conduction loop >narrow QRS
= counterclockwise reentry conduction loop > wide QRS
Digoxin) Typically for:
works bc
= allows more Ca for better contraction
= confuses K/Na pumps
w/ (PJC) Premature Junctional Contraction) 1Rules:
3Compensatory pause
4Non-compensatory pause
1= rate by rhythm, usually slightly irregular, P waves are either inverted before, +after, or hidden w/in QRS
2=have upright P wave (up P= PAC)
3= keeps cadence
4= doesn’t keep cadence
- (Junctional rhythms) aka know by:
- Definer:
1= junctional escape: “pick up workload b/c something failed”
2= AV P waves & AV node rate 40-60BPM, Regular rhythm
(Heart Blocks Raps) If the R is far from the P, then you have a:
Longer, longer, longer, drop, then you have a:
If some Ps don’t get through, then you have a:
If Ps and Qs don’t agree, then you have a:
(Heart Blocks Raps) If the R is far from the P, then you have a:
(Heart Blocks Raps) Longer, longer, longer, drop, then you have a
(Heart Blocks Raps) If some Ps don’t get through, then you have a:
(Heart Blocks Raps) If Ps and Qs don’t agree, then you have a:
Re-entry loops
= stuck in nascar loop in a chambers pathway causing SVT / no P waves
WPW) Orthodromic loop;
Antidromic loop:
= Clockwise reentry w/ narrow complex
= Counterclockwise reentry w/ wide QRS
= procainamide 1a Na blocker, (if no procain) sedate & cardiovert) cardioversion
2nd-Degree Type I AV block) names
Mobitz 1 or Wenckebach
Wenckebach) Sir name
2nd-Degree Type I AV block
2nd-Degree Type 2 AV block) names:
Mobitz 2 or intranodal AKA “2:1 block” rhythm
Intranodal/Mobitz 2) Sir name
2nd-Degree Type 2 AV block
- (1st Degree AV Block) know:
- Definer:
1= “add to any rhythm” “gandolf slowly opening door(PRI)”
2= PRI: >than 0.20 seconds for every PRI & P-P cadence