Cardiac Injury / infarct Flashcards
Left & Right BBB
STE leads criteria) Lead I-III
≥ 1mm
STE leads criteria) Lead aVR, aVL, aVF
≥ 1mm
STE leads criteria) Lead V4-6
≥ 1mm
STE leads criteria) Lead V4R
Lead V8-9
Lead V4R ≥ 1mm
Lead V8-9 ≥ 0.5mm
V8 & V9 STEMI criteria:
0.5mm or greater
Wellen’s wave type A:
Biphasic T waves in V2 or V3, min STE <1mm (V2 usually biggest shower
Highly specific for for a critical blockage of the LAD
Wellen’s wave type B:
DEEP inverted T waves V2 or V3,
De Winter’s T Waves:
V2 V3 most commonly but can happen any lead
ST depression at the J-point & upsloping ST-segments w/ tall, symmetrical T- waves in the precordial leads (LMCA or LAD occlusion)
“Hyper T w/ STD”
Spodicks sign:
sloping down P wave into QRS (evidence of pericarditis)
3 Is of cardiac) Ischemia:
“Infarct” Injury:
= Ischemia: ST depres/, Hyperacute T waves>5chest avf >10 precordial
= “Infarct” Injury: ST elevation 50%,
= Infarction: old MI; >25% Q or QRS >1SB
= Coronary Artery disease: disease affecting coronary vessels
= Cardiovascular disease: affecting heart, peripheral blood vessels, or both
Foramen Ovale:
Pulmonary stenosis:
= hole in the atrial septum that is part of the fetal blood circulation
= pulmonic valve/arteries rigid
Lown Grading system:
benign or malignant for PVCs Grade 0-5 worst-dead
Bundle of James connects posterior internodal pathway to bundle of his (short PRI)
Lown-Ganong) definer:
Pathway name & path:
= has short PRI interval
= Bundle of James connects posterior internodal pathway to bundle of his
1st & 2nd most common heart defect:
ASD Atrial Septum Defect:
VSD Ventricle Septum Defect:
= ASD atrial septum defect then VSD ventricle septum defect
= hole in atriums’ septum; when breaths & closes, CAUSES L-R SHUNT, overloads right side decreases BP
= hole in ventricle’s septum L→R shunt, R-side balloons > hypertrophic
Most common dysrhythmia
= Atrial Fibulation
Oxy freeradicals affect what most:
= Neurons & cardio myocytes the most killing them
= apopcytosis cell suicide
Pacing is for:
“picking up the pace” too slow
R-atrial enlargement:
Upside down P wave cause:
= changes P wave “P Pulmonele” b/c ventricle backing up or vasodialation, L-Pump failure P mitria “P wave double humps”,
= impulse comes from AV or below atrias
Fossa Ovalis:
Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO):
Forman Ovale A&P:
= depression in R-Atrium remnant of Foramen Ovale
= ASD; hole in atriums septum that didnt close after out of uterus in fetus
= b/c fetus fluid in lung/heart & closes w/ 1st breath b/c lungs neg/ pressure
TCP dose & check:
= ~60-80Ma (80BPM 1st) Mechanical beat w/ every electrical beat & increase by 2Mili-Amps
The upward slurring of the isoelectric line after the P wave up into the QRS complex that is associated with Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome (WPW) is known as the:
The accessory pathway associated with Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome (WPW) is known as the:
= Delta wave
= Bundle of Kent
What? secreted by the ventricles of the heart in response to excessive stretching of the ventricle myocytes.
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
Right side balloon out & hypertrophic
Isolated Dextrocardia=
(Hearts on right side) Heart is flipped “Right is Left”, so have to mirror leads, AEDs,
Abdominal situs Inversus=
Spleen & Liver flipped but H normal
Situs Inversus Totali
s= “EVERYTHING WRONG” H right side
Left to right shunt→ overloads right side decreases BP