4) Atrial Rhythms Flashcards
1Lateral Wall high view:
2Left Lateral low view:
3Inferior wall view:
4Septal wall view:
5L-Anterior view:
1= Lead I & aVL= LA
2= Lead 1, aVL, V5 & V6: views LCX & LAD
3= 2,3,aVF: LL most common block(RCA) Lots of blockages/infarcs
4= V1 & V2: Along sternal borders blockages from LAD commonly
5= V3 & V4: left anterior wall : LAD & LMCA blocks
Which ECG component represents atrial depolarization?
Which ECG component represents ventricular depolarization?
Which ECG component represents ventricular repolarization?
= P wave
= QRS Complex
= T Wave
Vaughan-Williams Classification scale, Calcium channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification scale, Sodium channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification scale, Potassium channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification scale, a Beta-Blocker is a:
= Class IV Antiarrhythmic
= Class I Antiarrhythmic
= Class III Antiarrhythmic
= Class II Antiarrhythmic
In any limb lead, a normal P wave shape & maximum amplitude is:
In any chest lead, a normal P wave has maximum amplitude of:
= nice & round w/ maximum amplitude of: 0.25 mV
= maximum amplitude of: 0.15 mV
1st step when deciphering an ECG rhythm is:
2nd step when deciphering an ECG rhythm is:
3rd step when deciphering an ECG rhythm is:
4th step when deciphering an ECG rhythm is:
5th step when deciphering an ECG rhythm is:
= To calculate the heart rate
= Determine if the rhythm has a normal or abnormal cadence
= Evaluate the P Waves
= Measure the PR Interval
= Evaluate the QRS complexes
Normal T Wave in any limb lead should have a max amplitude of:
Normal T Wave in any chest lead should have a max amplitude of:
= 5 mm
= 10 mm
A normal PRI should be between
A normal QRS duration should be between:
= 0.12-0.20 seconds
= 0.04-0.12 seconds.
Class IV Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class I Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class III Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class II Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
= Calcium channel blocker
= Sodium channel blocker
= Potassium channel blocker
= Beta-Blocker
(ECG Paper) (Horizontal Boxes) small box duration:
5 small boxes makes:
Each large box duration:
(Vertical Boxes) Each small box volt & measurement:
5 small boxes makes:
Each large box voltage:
2 large boxes equivalent:
= 0.04 sec
= 1 large box
= 0.20 sec
= 0.1 mV & 1 mm
= 1 large box
= 0.5 mV
= 1 mV & 10mm
ST segment:
QT segment:
U wave:
P-T segment:
RR segment:
= Ventricle contraction
= Any action in ventricles
= “late bloomer”
= 1 cardiac cycle
= provides Rate & Rhythm
(P wave) morphology:
Limb Lead amplitude
Precordial “chest” Leads amplitude:
= + deflection in leads 1,2,&3 >Biphasic in V1
= Atrial depolarization
= <2.5
= <1.5
(Refractory periods) Absolute:
= end of P to apex of T wave- cells absolute Beginning of repolarization
= “some really could happen” lot of cells repolar but not all so can throw out of rhythm Commodo cordis
(QRS complex) morphology Q,R,S waves:
Interval duration:
= 1st neg deflection, 1st + deflection, neg deflection following R
= 0.04 - 0.12 secs (1-3 SB)
= Ventricles depolarization
(T wave) morphology:
Limb lead amplitude:
Precordial “chest” lead amplitude:
= + deflection, asymmetric w/ deeper downslope
= Ventricle repolarization
= QT variable calculation ()
= <5mm
= <10mm
Triplicate method:
6 sec method:
R to R small box method:
R to R big box method:
= for HR> Big box RR descends 300,150,100,75,50,50,43,38
= Count # of complexes in a 6-sec strip X 10
= Count small boxes between R waves then /1500 EX: 1500 / 22 = 68
= (only regular rhythm) Count big boxes between R waves then divide 300 by this number EX 300 / 4 = 75
(Arrhythmias) Mechanism of Impulse Formation Ectopic foci:
= Enhanced automaticity; automatically depolarize, producing ectopic (abnormal) beats.
Hypothermia affect on heart:
= Osborn waves (J waves), <90 core usually, So irritable will/can throw to AFIB
Normal QRS duration:
Normal PRI duration:
= 0.04 - 0.12 seconds
= 0.12 - 0.20 secs
1st negative deflection following the R wave is the:
What wave on ECG represents repolarization of the ventricles:
The first negative deflection following the P wave is the:
What wave on ECG represents depolarization of ventricles:
1st positive deflection following the P wave is:
What wave on an ECG represents depolarization of the atriums:
= S wave
= T wave
= Q wave
= QRS wave
= R wave
= P wave
What is considered the normal max amplitude of a P wave in lead II?
What is considered the normal max amplitude of a P wave in lead V1?
= 2.5mm
= 1.5mm
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V2?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V5?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V6?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V3?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V1?
When obtaining a 12 lead ECG, where do you place V4?
When obtaining a 15 lead ECG, where do you place V4R?
= 4th ICS just left of Sternum
= Left 5th ICS anterior of auxiliary
= 5th ICS midaxillary
= ½ in between V2 & V4
= Right of Sternum 4th ICS
= 5th ICS left Midclavicular
= Right ICS midclavicular
What is considered the normal max amplitude of a T wave in lead I?
What is considered the normal max amplitude of a T wave in lead V1?
= 5mm
= 10mm
QT interval:
RR interval:
= any action in ventricles
= measuring HR
PRI measured by:
PRI “PR/PRI” interval rep/s:
A normal PRI interval range:
prolonged PRI indicates:
= distance from beginning of P wave to beginning of QRS complex.
= time impulse takes from atria-ventricles “Gatekeeper Gandolf”
= 0.12-0.20 sec / 3-5 SB
= a delay in the AV node & possible HB
QRS interval measured:
QRS interval represents
QRS interval range:
QRS interval Q,R,&S:
= distance from 1st deflection of complex to last deflection
= time needed for ventricle depolarization (bundle of his > ventricles)
= 0.04-0.12secs / 1-3SB
= 1st -deflection not >1SB, 1st +deflection, -deflection after R