RS Flashcards
A form of christianity
Apostles Creed
A scripture that was made as a way of summing up Christian history
the ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.
A ceremony for confession of sin
The christian ceremony of sprinkling water on a person’s forehead and this symbolises purification
Christian charity that helps people living in poverty
Christian Aid
helps starving children around the world
system of belief
When a baptized person gets awarded as a full member in church
When Jesus was put on the cross and left to die and is known as crucifixion
A branch of the Christian church
representing a number of different christian churches
A christian ceremoney to celebrate the last supper
an act of preaching the gospel to show the teachings of jesus christ
the teachings of christ
the favour of god
Holy Communion
the rite of christian worship
God preserving the universe
Liturgical Worship
worshiping in public
Lord’s Prayer
A christian prayer that Jesus taught how to pray (hallow be thy name)
A ceremony that comemorates the death of Christ
Another word for Jesus
The calling of a chrsitian orginization to spread its faith
Nicene Creed
A statement of chrsitian belief
Meaning that god is all powerful and almighty
Orthodox Church
A branch of the christian church that celebrates one of the main christian groups
A form of christianity who is not a catholic or anglican
The rising of christ from the dead
religous ceremony
A charity that tackles poverty by partnering poor countries
Name the 10 commandments
You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.
What did Jesus say was the Greatest Commandment?
Jesus said to love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul.
What are the two sections of the Bible called?
The old testament and the new testament.
What is meant by free will?
free will is the ability given to humans from god to be able to choose to follow god on their own accord. This corresponds to everything as we have free will to follow rules or not, but punishments do not go away if you choose to do something ‘sinful’ (bad or illegal)
Explain differences between natural evil and moral evil.
Moral is humans being knowingly evil or having malicous intent. (murderers, racists)
Natural are disastars that happen but not from a humans intent ( droughts, floods)
Explain the Creation story ( the different days )
On the first day god created light and seperated light from darkness
On the second day god created the sky to seperate the waters
On the third day god created land
On the fourth day god created the sun, stars and the moon
On the fitth day god created creatures such as fish and birds
On the sixth day god created animals and the first humans
On the seventh day God had finished earth and rested
What is the name of the first book in the bible?
Why do christians want to get baptised?
For forgivness of sins
After Jesus’s resurection, he told people that they should be baptised too
Symbolises a new life in christ
Why is Easter important to christians?
Because Easter is when Jesus is resurected and for christians, this changed something fundemental about the world