History Flashcards
\Why did the great war start?
After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His murder catapulted into a war across Europe that lasted until 1918.
What do the letters in the word MANIA stand for?
Millitarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Assasination
Why did Britain join the War?
When Germany invaded Belgium, Britain signed the Treaty of London to protect Belgium
List 4 reasons why young men joined the armed forces?
To protect their Country
It gave the men great career benefits and good pay
What were Pals Battalions?
The Pals battalions were units recruited in Britain during the early months of the First World War.
Why did Indians join up in WW1?
During World war One, India was under British rule and part of the British empire. This meant that when Britains were fighting Germany, India had to help
Where was the western front?
440 miles from the Swiss Border
Why was the stalemate for 4 years in WW1?
the generals adopted a war of attrition method
Which weapons were mostly used in WW1?
Artillary Pieces such as machine guns and grenades
List five Places in the British Empire which sent troops?
Europe, North America, Australasia, Asia and Africa.
List 3 battles of WW1?
Battle of the Somme
Battle of Verdun
Battle of Jutland
What were zeppelins?
A type of Rigid Airship
Why was there rationing?
avoid public anger with shortages
How did people get food supplies?
People would get food supplies by attacking the enemy teams ships carrying food supplies
List 3 features of democracies
Political Freedom
Collective decision making
Each member would be included (Inclusion)
List 3 features of dictatorships
One party
One leader
One program
What was communism?
A theory about how to run a country. This is that people are all equal and there is no classes and rich and poor people are equal
Who was Karl Marx?
The person who created the idea of communism and a big supporter of the cause.
Who was Il Duce (Mussolini)
He created fascism. Fascism was theory that people should work together instead of work for themselves or their class
What was Hitler’s Book?
Mein Kampf. This was a book about his life.
Why did many Germans support Hitler?
Because Hitler promised them with work and bread.
List 3 Laws Against Jews
Jewish children banned from German schools
Jews evicted from their homes for no reason
jews not allowed to vote
Who were the Gestapo
Hitler’s secret police force. They had the power to arrest and torture people who were against Hitler
How was life like for young boys and girls?
They were forced to belong to a nazi youth orginization , boys were forced to learn skills for the army and girls were forced to learn cooking skills
Why did Hitler invade Austria and Poland?
Hitler invaded Austria because it was his birthplace and to break the Treaty Of Versailles
Hitler invaded Poland to make Russia feel threatened if he was moving his troops to their land
What was Blitzberg?
When Germany invaded Poland with a new tactic where the enemies could be attacked by tanks supported by soldiers and dive bomber attacks. Poland was defeated.
What was The Battle of Britain and The Blitz?
Hitler wanted to attack Britain by committing Air Raids. Britain fought back by sending Spitfire planes to defeat German airships. Hitler lost and instead sent several air raids to British cities to make Britain surrender.
Why did Japan enter the War?
To get control of the rich lands in the East
What was D Day?
British and American troops landed on Normandy to push Germany back. Germany was being beaten so they surrended.
What were the cities that were affected by the Nagasaki Bombings?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What does Kamikaze mean?
When suicide Bombers flew planes packed with explosives into american ships
Why did the Nagasaki Bombings happen?
The American president let these bombs off to end the war
What happened to children at Evacuation
Be evacuated to the countryside by a foster home
What were the Ghettos?
Labour camps where Jews would be forced to live
What was the final solution?
This was the Nazi’s final plan to kill every Jew in Europe. Either worked to death or killed in the Gas showers
Name 2 Civil rights activists and describe what they did for the Movement
Martin Luther King took a peaceful approach to the movement and is famous for his “I have a dream” speech. He was head of the Civil Rights Movement.
Elizbeth Eckford was one of the only black people at a white only school and was heavaly bullied, She showed people that it is normal to have black skin. She was also part of a civil rights group called Little Rock Nine.
MATHS: Circles and Sectors
Area = ?/360 x Pie x radius squared
Circumference: 2 x Pie x radius
Perimiter: 2 x Pie x Radius + Radius + Radius
Arc: ?/360 x Pie and Radius
What is provided by the Wealthfare State
Free school meals for children
Free medical checks
Unenployment Benifit
What is meant by the Wealthfare State?
The system by which the government aims to help those in need.
How was poverty attacked?
Poverty hits the Headlines/Public
Children did not have good living conditions
The gap between rich and poor
WHo were Booth and Rowntree?
Booth was the man who wrote the article on \Poverty and collected information about London
Rowntree was also exposing Poverty but in New York, he found out that wage earners did not make enough to eat healthily
Describe and Explain the Classes in the Titanic?
The classes were the scale between the rich and the poor. First class was rich, Second class was medium, Third class is poor Most people died in the poorest class. In every class, the men death rate was higher than the womens
Who were Harland and Woolf?
These were the people who built the Titanic and some believers who were to blame for the sinking. When the ship hit the iceberg, the material was cheap and ripped apart.
Who was the Suffragettes leader?
Emiline Pankhurst
Why did the Suffragettes go on hunger strike?
To get publicity from the public and be noticed
Name some of the stunts that the Suffragettes used?
They disrupted Political meetings, tied themselves to railings in downing streets, pelted politicians with eggs and flour, and smashed parliaments windows with stones
How did women help in WWI?
Since men left their jobs to be a soldier, women would fill those places and work in the factories
When and where was MLK’s march
Washington, 1963